Google says ’forgetting’ isn’t easy, as requests mount
Google on Thursday told European officials that forgetting isn’t easy, especially when details are few and guidelines are murky regarding when personal privacy trumps public interest.
The world’s leading Internet search engine said that as of July 18 it had received more than 91,000 requests to delete a combined total of 328,000 links under Europe’s "right to be forgotten" ruling.
The most requests came from France and Germany, with approximately 17,500 and 16,500 respectively, according to a copy of a letter Google global privacy counsel Peter Fleischer sent to an EU data protection committee.
Google said that 53 percent of the links targeted were removed.
"Some requests turn out to be made with false and inaccurate information," Fleischer said in the letter.
"Even if requesters provide us with accurate information, they understandably may avoid presenting facts that are not in their favor."
For example, a person requesting the removal of links to information about a crime committed as a teenager may omit that he or she was convicted of similar crimes as an adult, or that he or she is a politician running for office.
The court said individuals have the right to have links to information about them deleted from searches in certain circumstances, such as if the data is outdated or inaccurate.
right to be forgotten:名詞,被遺忘權。歐盟在今年5月通過新裁定,個人得基於隱私要求搜尋引擎刪除與自己有關的資訊。
murky:形容詞,朦朧、陰暗。例如:A girl with a murky past.(一個有著陰暗過去的女孩。)
omit:動詞,省略、遺漏。例句:Don’t omit any details.(別遺漏任何細節。)