2014年6月1日 星期日

Children of overweight women die younger:study 研究:過胖女性生下的小孩會早死

Children of overweight women die youngerstudy

Children born from obese women were 35 percent more likely to die prematurely in adulthood, according to a study Wednesday that warned of a growing epidemic.

Researchers in Scotland traced 37,709 children of 28,540 women who gave birth between 1950 and 1976.

The children were aged from 34 to 61 at the time of the study published in the online journal bmj.com. Researchers included the data of 6,551 children that had already died prior to the start of the study.

Of the mothers, 21 percent were overweight -- meaning a body mass index BMI or height-to-weight ratio of 25 to 29.9 -- and four percent obese, with a BMI of 30 or more, when they gave birth.

"The offspring of obese mothers were 35 percent and those of overweight women 11 percent more likely to die before the age of 55 years than those of normal-weight mothers," study co-author Rebecca Reynolds, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Edinburgh, told AFP.

The team also found that the children of obese mothers were 42 percent more at risk of being admitted to hospital for heart disease as adults.

"Our results suggest that the intrauterine womb environment has a crucial and long-lasting effect on risk of premature mortality in offspring," the study said.AFP


l   obese:形容詞,過胖的。例句:Nearly 300 million women are obese in 2013, according to the date.(根據數據,2013年有近3億女性是過胖的。)
l   epidemic:形容詞,傳染的、流行性的。名詞,流行病。例句:He was probably a victim of the worldwide influenza epidemic.(他可能是全球性流行性感冒的受害者。)
l   intrauterine:形容詞,子宮內的。例句:Intrauterine insemination may be performed.(可能執行子宮內授精。)研究:過胖女性生下的小孩會早死

