Lying about its lion, Chinese zoo closed for
going to the dogs
以狗謊稱獅子 中國動物園關門大吉
A zoo in the central
China city of Luohe attempted to pass off a Tibetan mastiff as a lion, state
media reported. The large, aggressive breed has a trademark bushy mane that
gives it a lion-like appearance, but its vocalizations are more woof than roar.
The Beijing Youth
Daily said the zoo also had a dog in the wolf cage, foxes in the leopard
enclosure and nutrias in the snake den.
Though the zoo said it
wasn’t trying to fool anyone, it issued an apology to the public and closed for
"rectification," reported another newspaper, the Beijing News.
The Beijing Youth
Daily quoted zoo manager Liu Suya as denying any attempt at deception, saying
the lion had been lent out for breeding and would be back soon. The dog
belonged to a friend of a zoo keeper who was on a business trip and needed a
place to keep his pet while away, Liu said.
l go to the dogs:慣用語,衰敗,毀滅,每況愈下。例句:He was a prized actor, but his drug problem caused
his career to go to the dogs.(他曾是獲得獎項肯定的演員,但吸毒問題讓他的演藝事業一落千丈。)
l pass off something as
something:慣用語,冒充,混充,偽裝。例句:A lot of fans are
always trying to pass themselves off as journalists to get admitted to the
singer’s press conference.(許多歌迷總是企圖冒充記者以便混入該名歌手的記者會。)
l woof:名詞,指狗的低吠聲。例句:The dog gave a loud woof.(那條狗發出一聲響亮的吠叫。)