2014年10月24日 星期五

Sea Garbage Shows Ocean Boundaries 海洋垃圾透露海洋邊界

Sea Garbage Shows Ocean Boundaries 海洋垃圾透露海洋邊界

Floating refuse reveals ocean currents that in turn show where the world’s oceans mix and where they stay relatively discrete.

At some point, we all had to memorize the names of Earth’s oceans. But in reality all this water is connected. So how do we know where one body begins and another ends? Just follow the trash—because the location of seafaring garbage can be used to define the oceans’ borders.

Historically speaking, the planet’s waters have been partitioned into discrete oceans for reasons that are geographical, historical, even cultural. To approach the problem from a more anatomical perspective, researchers came up with a model of how surface waters move. Which is where the rubbish comes in. Flotillas of flotsam are formed by currents that gather the garbage in large floating patches. But the currents also create barriers that minimize mixing between different ocean regions.

By modeling these currents, researchers have redefined the borders of the ocean basins based on how readily their waters mix. They find, for example, that a sliver of the Indian Ocean is really part of the south Pacific.

The work should help track ocean debris or even the spread of spilled oil. And it could change the way we see our seas.

l   float:動詞,漂浮。例句:Wood floats on water.(木頭漂浮在水面上。)
l   refuse:名詞,廢料,廢物。例如:a pile of refuse(一堆廢料)。

l   come up with:片語,想出解決問題的方法。例句:We finally came up with a solution.(我們最後終於想出一個解決的方法。)

Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate 科學家估算,伊波拉恐於10月底前抵達法國與英國

Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate

Scientists have used Ebola disease spread patterns and airline traffic data to predict a 75 percent chance the virus could be imported to France by October 24, and a 50 percent chance it could hit Britain by that date.

Those numbers are based on air traffic remaining at full capacity. Assuming an 80 percent reduction in travel to reflect that many airlines are halting flights to affected regions, France’s risk is still 25 percent, and Britain’s is 15 percent.

"It’s really a lottery," said Derek Gatherer of Britain’s Lancaster University, an expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic - the worst Ebola outbreak in history.

The deadly epidemic has killed more than 3,400 people since it began in West Africa in March and has now started to spread faster, infecting almost 7,200 people so far.

France is among countries most likely to be hit next because the worst affected countries - Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia - include French speakers and have busy travel routes back, while Britain’s Heathrow airport is one of the world’s biggest travel hubs.

"If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it’s only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe," said Gatherer.Reuters

l   lottery:名詞,彩券、摸彩、碰運氣的事。例句:Finding a job there is a lottery.(要在那兒找到工作全得碰運氣。)
l   at (full) capacity:片語,以最大(最高)程度。例句:This factory is running at capacity on bicycles.(這家工廠正全力生產腳踏車。)

l   end up:片語,結束、告終。例句:She ended up head of the firm.(她最後成了這家公司的首長。)

2014年10月17日 星期五







