2013年4月27日 星期六

貢丸6顆10元、泡麵2元 高雄美濃「無名關東煮」超有料


2013年4月19日 星期五



作者: /撰文/許瓊文 | 今周刊 – 2013年4月13日 上午10:12

先學陪伴 贏取孩子信任
五十七歲的李四端,育有一子一女,二十七歲的兒子從美國大學畢業,現正準備就業;二十一歲的女兒還在美國讀藝術學院, 「坦白說,孩子青春期之前的成長,我是錯過的。」回顧過去,李四端就像多數四年級的父親般,把全部心力放在工作上,對於孩子,則以為只要讓他們衣食不缺、無後顧之憂、能出國讀書,便是盡到做父親的責任了。

傾聽想法 信任子女的選擇

廉價人工沸石 可吸收土壤中九成銫

廉價人工沸石 可吸收土壤中九成銫

自由時報 – 2013年4月19日 上午6:10

2013年4月18日 星期四

Microbes flourish in deepest spot in world’s oceans: study 研究︰微生物在世界海洋最深處生機蓬勃

Microbes flourish in deepest spot in world’s oceans: study 

Microbes are thriving in surprising numbers at the deepest spot in the oceans, the 11,000-metre Mariana Trench in the Pacific, despite crushing pressures in sunless waters, scientists said.

Dead plants and fish were falling as food for microscopic bugs even to the little-known hadal depths, parts of the seabed deeper than 6,000 meters and named after Hades, the god of the underworld in Greek mythology, they said.

The presence of life in the trench also shows how the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide can eventually get buried in the depths in a natural process that slows climate change.

A Danish-led team of scientists, using a robot to take samples, found double the amount of bacteria and other microbes munching away on debris at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific than at a nearby site 6,000 meters deep.

"It’s surprising there was so much bacterial activity," said Ronnie Glud, of the University of Southern Denmark. "Normally life gets scarcer the deeper you go. But when you go very deep, more things start happening again," he said.

The finding backed up a theory that dead plants and fish falling onto the steep sides of the Mariana Trench often slide to the bottom to form a "hot spot" for microbes. (Reuters)


microscopic︰形容詞,只能從顯微鏡裡看到的、微觀的、微小的。例如,a microscopic parasite(只有在顯微鏡下才看到的寄生物。)


(away/at/on )︰動詞,津津有味地嚼。例句︰He munched on peanuts as he walked.(他邊走邊津津有味的嚼花生。)

back up︰動詞片語,支持、證實。例句︰Figures backed this up.(數據證明了這一點。)

發展呂宋中部 菲擬建子彈列車

發展呂宋中部 菲擬建子彈列車










2013年4月17日 星期三

中一中語資生 通5國語言

中一中語資生 通5國語言













2013年4月16日 星期二

〈夫妻之道〉彼此尊重 婚姻好自在

〈夫妻之道〉彼此尊重 婚姻好自在


























〈夫妻之道〉道不同 愛不久

〈夫妻之道〉道不同 愛不久











Obesity bad for brain by hastening cognitive decline過胖加速認知退化 對大腦不好

Obesity bad for brain by hastening cognitive decline過胖加速認知退化 對大腦不好



Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance.


Experts are not sure why this might be, but say metabolic changes such as high blood sugar and raised cholesterol are likely to be involved.


The work, published in Neurology, tracked the health of more than 6,000 British people. The participants, who were aged between 35 and 55, took tests on memory and other cognitive skills three times over a 10-year period.


People who were both obese and who had unhealthy metabolic changes showed a much faster decline on their cognitive test scores compared to others in the study.



hasten:動詞,加快。例句:There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.(醫療不佳無疑加速她的死亡。)

declining:形容詞,衰退的,來自動詞decline,衰退、下跌。例句:The party’s popularity has declined in the opinion polls.(這個政黨的人氣在民調中下滑。)

raised:形容詞,升高的,來自動詞raise,增加、調高。例句:The government is planning to raise taxes.(政府計畫增稅。)

Wash. state considers gender-neutral language bill 華盛頓州擬立法用中性詞

Wash. state considers gender-neutral language bill 

In Washington state, dairymen, freshmen and even penmanship could soon be things of the past.

Over the past six years, state officials have engaged in the onerous task of changing the language used in the state’s copious laws, including thousands of words and phrases, many written more than a century ago when the idea of women working on police forces or on fishing boats wasn’t a consideration.

That process is slated to draw to a close this year. So while the state has already welcomed "firefighters," "clergy" and "police officers" into its lexicon, "ombuds" (in place of ombudsman) and "security guards" (previously "watchmen,") appear to be next, along with "dairy farmers," "first-year students" and "handwriting."
這個進程預定在今年結束。目前,該州法律中已經修改了「消防員」(firefighters)、「神職人員」(clergy)、「警察」(police officers)等詞,下一步將是修改「監察官」(用ombuds取代ombudsman)和「警衛」(用security guards取代watchmen)等詞,隨後則是「酪農場工人」(用dairy farmers取代dairymen),「大一新生」(用first-year students取代freshmen)與「書法」(handwriting取代penmanship)。

"Some people would say ’oh, it’s not a big thing, do you really have to go through the process of changing the language,’" said Seattle Councilmember Sally Clark who was one of the catalysts for the change. "But language matters. It’s how we signal a level of respect for each other."


onerous:形容詞,繁重的;麻煩的。例句:This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken (這是我承擔過的最艱鉅的任務。 )

copious:形容詞,大量的;多產的。例句:She was a copious writer.(她是一位多產的作家。)

slate:動詞,預定;選定。例句:The delegation is slated to arrive next week. (代表團預定下週到達。)

Subway given sandwich course in measuring feet and inches 賽百味被上了一堂三明治尺寸測量課

Subway given sandwich course in measuring feet and inches 

The U.S. fast-food chain Subway got caught up in an online furor after an Australian teenager measured his "footlong" Subway sandwich and found that it was an inch (2.54 cm) short.

Matt Corby’s photo of the sandwich next to a tape measure attracted hundreds of thousands of likes and hundreds more comments when he posted it on Subway’s Facebook fanpage.

In response, Subway Australia said the "Subway Footlong" was a registered trademark "as a descriptive name for the sub sold in Subway restaurants and not intended to be a measurement of length."

Angry sandwich fans quickly took to the Internet to knock the company’s response.

"I refuse to eat at restaurants where I need to bring a measuring tape to choose my bread," said Phil Tripp.

And John Ralph made the case for the necessity of that extra inch: "An inch or two can mean a big difference ... if the Titanic had missed the iceberg by an inch or two it wouldn’t have sunk." (Reuters)


caught up in something/caught up with something:慣用語,身陷某事中/積極參與或深入某事。例句:He is caught up in his work and has little time for his family.(他埋首工作,無暇陪伴家人。)

next to someone or something:慣用語,緊鄰著某人或某物。例句:I sat next to a weird guy on the subway to office this morning.(我今天早上搭地鐵上班時坐在一個怪男旁邊。)

make(out) a case for something/doing something:慣用語,對某事為何應該這麼做提出好理由。

Argentine football club in heaven as fan becomes pope球迷變教宗,阿根廷足球隊樂不可支

Argentine football club in heaven as fan becomes pope

Fans of San Lorenzo, one of Argentina’s most popular football clubs, are in heaven: one of their own just became pope, a feather in the cap for a team founded by a priest.

"The new pope, from San Lorenzo, is more important even than Diego Maradona or (tango singer) Carlos Gardel," enthused Marcelo Ladelfa, invoking the most Argentinian of superlatives.

The 45-year-old worker admitted he was bowled over by the cardinal Jorge Bergoglio’s election as leader of the 1.2-billion-strong Catholic Church.

A longtime San Lorenzo fan who lived near the club, Bergoglio is now Pope Francis and, said Ladelfa, "the most illustrious person in the history of Argentina."

The pope is member number 88.235N of the San Lorenzo club, a first division team also known as the Cyclones or the Saints of Boedo.

He was born in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Boedo, where the club was historically headquartered and grew up in the nearby Flores neighborhood, where it later moved.

The club’s religious links go way back. It was founded in 1908 by a parish priest, Lorenzo Massa, with the aim of getting young boys off the streets and educating them through sports. To this day, San Lorenzo fans are known as "Crows," after the black cassock of the club’s founding priest. (AFP)
這支球隊與宗教的關係深遠。球隊是於1908年由教區教士羅倫佐.馬薩所創立,目的是要讓年輕男孩遠離街頭,透過運動來教育他們。直到今天,聖羅倫佐隊的球迷還是被稱為「烏鴉」,指的是球隊創始教士們所身穿的黑色長衣。 (法新社)


a feather in the cap:片語,指值得高興的成就,如A new television series will be another feather in his cap.(推出新的電視影集將會是他另一項值得自豪的成就。)

superlative:名詞,指最高級的字詞,引申為指誇張的、最高級的讚美,如The critics ran out of superlatives to describe him.(評論家已經想不出更多讚美的詞句來形容他。)

bowl over:動詞片語,指使某人大吃一驚或留下深刻印象,如She bowled over the judges with her excellent performance.(她的傑出表現讓評審大感佩服。)

Detroit named most miserable U.S. city in Forbes ranking底特律名列富比世排名全美最悲慘城市

Detroit named most miserable U.S. city in Forbes ranking

With its violent crimes, high unemployment, dwindling population and financial crisis, Detroit was named as the most miserable city in the United States.

It toppled Miami, which held the title last year, and surpassed Flint, Michigan, Rockford and Chicago in Illinois and Modesto, California, which rounded out the five most unhappy urban areas.

"Detroit’s problems are hardly news. It has been in a four-decade decline paralleling the slide in the U.S. auto industry," according to Forbes.com, which compiles the yearly ranking.

Earlier, a panel of experts said the automotive city was facing a fiscal emergency and potential bankruptcy, as well as a possible financial takeover by the state.

Flint, which is being run by an emergency manager appointed by the state governor more than a year ago, faces similar problems, according to Forbes.com.

Violent crime, high foreclosure rates and declining home prices pushed Chicago into the fourth spot, along with the high expense of living there. (Reuters)


round out something:慣用語,完成。例句:The visit to the new tower in Tokyo was the perfect thing to round out our vacation.(造訪東京的這座新塔,為我們的度假劃下完美句點。)

hardly:副詞,幾乎不,此字本身即帶有否定意味。例句:Louder, please. I can hardly hear you.(請大聲一點。我幾乎聽不見你在說什麼。)

as well as:片語,不但…而且;也。

Louvre is most visited venue of 2012 羅浮宮是2012年最多人造訪的景點

Louvre is most visited venue of 2012 

The Louvre in Paris has topped the list of the most visited art museums of 2012, according to the Art Newspaper. The publication’s annual survey found 9.7 million people visited the French institute - one million more than 2011.

New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art was the second most-visited venue, with three London museums taking the third, fourth and fifth spots.

Visitor numbers at the Louvre, which has topped the annual list of most popular venues since it began in 2007, were boosted by the museum’s new wing of Islamic art.

While the position of the top 10 venues showed little change on the previous year, British museums had an "excellent" 2012 according to the survey, boosted by increased visitors to London for the summer Olympics.


top:動詞,高居頂點。例句:The song topped the charts for five weeks.(這首歌曲高居排行榜榜首5週。)

publication:名詞,刊物、出版品。例句:Our latest publication is a magazine for health enthusiasts.(我們最新的刊物是一本為熱中健康者辦的雜誌。)

boost:動詞,推升、增加。例句:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.(這家戲院藉由調降票價設法提高觀眾人數。)

NY garage $3-bowl sells for $2.2m at auction 紐約舊貨攤3美元的碗在拍賣會以220萬美元賣出

NY garage $3-bowl sells for $2.2m at auction 

A rare Chinese bowl bought for about $3 from a yard sale in the U.S. sold for $2.2 million at an auction in New York on Tuesday.

The Ding bowl from the Northern Song Dynasty was bought for $3 in 2007.

The bowl "was bought for a few dollars from a tag sale near the consignor’s home in the summer of 2007," said Cecilia Leung of Sotheby’s. "At the time, the purchaser had no idea that they had happened upon a 1,000-year-old treasure."

The previous owner displayed the bowl in their living room for several years before they became curious about its origins and had it assessed. Sotheby’s pre-sale estimates valued the bowl, which measures just five inches in diameter, at between $200,000 to $300,000.

The bowl sparked a sales battle before being snapped up by London dealer Guiseppe Eskenazi.

The only other known bowl of the same size, form and almost identical decoration has been in the collection of the British Museum in London for over 60 years, according to Sotheby’s.


yard sale, garage sale, tag sale:名詞,私人舉辦的不定期、非正式商業拍賣二手物品活動。

snap up:動詞,搶購、搶得。例句:I snapped up some great deals at the yard sale.(我在這場舊貨拍賣活動上搶到一些好康。)

happen upon(+something, someone):動詞,意外地發現、遇到。例句:We happened upon the boy wandering in a street at night.(我們意外遇到這個半夜在街頭遊蕩的男孩。)

Swiss Kempinski ditches N.Korea "Hotel of Doom" project 瑞士凱賓斯基集團放棄北韓「厄運飯店」計畫

Swiss Kempinski ditches N.Korea "Hotel of Doom" project 

The Swiss luxury hotel chain Kempinski said on Tuesday that it was dropping plans to open a huge pyramid-shaped hotel that has stood half-built for decades in North Korea amid escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula.


"Kempinski Hotels confirms that KEY International, its joint venture partner in China with Beijing Tourism Group (BTG), had initial discussions to operate a hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea," Brigitte Hohl Taylor, a spokeswoman told AFP in an email.

凱賓斯基女發言人泰勒透過電子郵件告訴法新社:「凱賓斯基酒店證實,酒店和北京首旅集團(BTG)在中國合資的夥伴KEY International,曾初步討論過在北韓首都平壤經營飯店。」

"However no agreement has been signed since market entry is not currently possible," she said, adding in a phone conversation that the discussions had been halted.


In November, the Geneva-based luxury hotel chain said it hoped to open Pyongyang’s 105-storey Ryugyong Hotel -- a monolithic concrete shell dubbed the "Hotel of Doom" by international media that has been repeatedly delayed -- in July or August this year.


But on Sunday, the South China Morning Post reported that the Swiss company had decided to ditch the project amid the increasingly bellicose rhetoric from the North Korean regime.


Former North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il reportedly ordered construction of the Ryugyong hotel in 1987, initially with skills and capital from a French company. In 2008 the project was named the "Worst Building in the History of Mankind" by US men’s lifestyle magazine Esquire. (AFP)



drop:動詞,丟棄、中斷、停止。例句:The charges against him were dropped last year.(對他的指控去年已經撤銷。)

bellicose:形容詞,好鬥的、好戰的。例句:Some people in the neighbourhood were bothered by two bellicose dogs next door.(有些鄰居受到隔壁兩隻好鬥的狗干擾。)

capital:名詞,資金、本錢。例句:The fast-food chain has enough capital to build another restaurant.(該速食連鎖業者有足夠的資金再開一家餐廳。)

US man with huge penis stopped at airport 美國男子陽具太大被機場海關 攔住

US man with huge penis stopped at airport 

A man known for his enormous penis was stopped by security at San Francisco International airport and questioned about the bulge in his pants.

Jonah Falcon, 41, has an organ which is 9.5 inches long when flaccid and 13 inches (33 centimeters) erect, according to Rolling Stone magazine. He has featured in a number of documentaries about the world’s biggest penises. He was returning to New York from San Francisco on July 9 when he was stopped, after Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents saw a bulge hanging down over his left upper thigh.

He told them it was his penis, and they checked around his crotch, although not too closely. He was delayed for five minutes. The incident was not his first.

A 2003 Rolling Stone story entitled "Mr. Big" reported that Falcon’s penis was eight inches long when he was only 10 years old. It quoted his mother as saying his organ size was genetic.(AFP)


bulge:名詞,凸起。例句:I wondered what the bulge in her coat pocket was.(我很好奇她大衣口袋是什麼東西鼓鼓的。)

a number of:片語,一些。例句:I decided not to go, for a number of reasons.(因為一些原因,我決定不去了。)

entitle:動詞,(為書、文章)題名,也當「賦予…的資格/權利」。例句:Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.(失業可享有免費醫療權利。)

Party invite on Facebook sparks melee in Dutch town 臉書邀請開趴 引發荷蘭城鎮混戰

Party invite on Facebook sparks melee in Dutch town 
臉書邀請開趴 引發荷蘭城鎮混戰

Riot police broke up crowds of youths who turned violent in a Dutch town late on Friday after several thousand people descended on the community following an invitation to a birthday party posted on Facebook, Dutch media reported.

Media reports said six people were hurt, including three seriously, after disturbances broke out in the northern Dutch town of Haren. Reports said shops were vandalized and looted, a car set on fire, and street signs and lampposts damaged before police broke up the crowds.

Up to 600 riot police were on the scene during the disturbances, according to one media report. There were at least 20 arrests, media said.

Some 30,000 people received the invitation from a girl announcing her 16th birthday party on Facebook, according to media reports. The party was intended to be a small-scale celebration, but the girl did not set her Facebook event to private and the invitation went viral.

Reports said up to 3,000 people showed up in the town of 18,000. Haren had been bracing for the event for most of the week.(Reuters)


descend(on/upon)︰動詞,襲擊、突然拜訪。例句︰The plague descended on this ill-nourished population.(瘟疫突然降臨這些營養不良的居民間。)

go viral︰動詞片語,瘋狂傳播、流行、爆紅。例句︰A YouTube video of a girl singing karaoke in a grocery store has gone viral.(一名女孩在一家雜貨店內高唱卡拉OK的YouTube影片一夕爆紅。)

brace(for/against)︰動詞,做好準備。例句︰The candidate braced for another defeat.(該名候選人做好了再度失敗的準備。)

日中若掀貿易戰 國貿局:台灣斷鏈危機大

日中若掀貿易戰 國貿局:台灣斷鏈危機大




這篇署名「華益文」、題為「中國何時對日扣動經濟扳機」的文章說 ,中國一旦被迫扣動經濟扳機 ,將會精心挑選「靶心」,擊中日本的 「七寸」 (要害),日本的製造業、金融業及特定對中國出口產品、投資企業、進口戰略物資等,都有可能成為目標。





華府智庫「戰略暨國際研究中心」(CSIS)資深研究員葛來儀(Bonnie S. Glaser)最近曾撰文「中國的脅迫性經濟外交」指出,北京近年來更開始直接利用經濟關係,迫使目標國家改變政策,這種趨勢有增無減。例如,中國最近動用經濟手段,包括停止進口菲律賓生產的香蕉,迫使馬尼拉在南海黃岩島事件中讓步,達到北京想要的結果。北京也曾在二○一○年九月停止向日本輸出稀土,以報復日本在釣魚台海域扣押中國籍船長。

德國政治學者桑特史耐德(Eberhard Sandschneider)也認為,釣魚台爭議可能引發貿易戰的風險,比武力對峙的風險更高。他在接受「明鏡」(Der Spiegel)週刊記者訪問時指出,釣魚台爭議難解,因為東京、北京和台灣的政府都面對國內壓力,涉及國家利益的問題不能讓步,因此不能排除擦槍走火的可能性。

Use of Xs in texts and emails sparks more than half of office affairs 簡訊和電子郵件中使用X挑起逾半數的辦公室偷腥

Use of Xs in texts and emails sparks more than half of office affairs 

More than half of office affairs start with flirting colleagues putting an X at the end of a text or an email, a new survey has revealed.

But in many cases the kisses used in electronic communications are misconstrued.

Both men and women wrongly assume that a message ending in an X is a come-on -- when, in fact, a work colleague is merely being friendly.

The results give a valuable insight into dating etiquette in the electronic age -- and how Xs are being used to instigate sex.

The dating website WhatsYourPrice.com polled 1000 British members on the significance of Xs in emails.

It found that 55 per cent of women and 60 per cent of men who had had an affair with work admitted it had been initially sparked by Xs in messages.

Denise McCallum, 28, said men are less good at picking up these signals. ’They can often get the wrong end of the stick.’


come-on:俚語,帶有性方面意圖的勾引、誘惑。例句:Did that guy at the bar just tried to give you a come-on?(在酒吧的那傢伙剛才是想勾引你嗎?)

misconstrue:動詞,誤解、曲解。例句:You totally misconstrued my opinions.(你完全曲解我的看法。)

get the wrong end of the stick:片語,完全弄錯、誤解。例句:I got the wrong end of the stick and thought you are her boyfriend.(我誤解了,以為你是她的男朋友。)

Ham-fisted amateur botches ’restoration’ of Christ painting 笨拙的業餘畫家搞砸耶穌畫像「修復」工作

Ham-fisted amateur botches ’restoration’ of Christ painting 

An elderly woman’s catastrophic attempt to "restore" a century-old oil painting of Christ in a Spanish church has provoked popular uproar, and amusement.

The well-intentioned but ham-fisted amateur artist, in her 80s, took it upon herself to fill in the patches and paint over the original work, which depicted Christ crowned with thorns, his sorrowful gaze lifted to heaven.

Her work done, the "restored" figure looks somewhat like a monkey with fur surrounding a pale face and a child-like drawing of eyes, a cartoon-style nose and a crooked smudge for a mouth.

Titled "Ecce Homo" (Behold the Man), the original was no masterpiece, painted in two hours in 1910 by a certain Elias Garcia Martinez directly on a column in the church at Borja, northeastern Spain.

The new version has become a national joke, reminiscent of fictional film character Mr. Bean’s comic attempt to restore Whistler’s Mother after he sneezes on it and mistakenly wipes off the face.

Social networks and online news sites were deluged with comments by users, many of whom created their own versions of the restored work incorporating the faces of King Juan Carlos or Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. (AFP)


ham-fisted:形容詞,也可寫作ham-handed,指在使用雙手或與人相處時非常笨拙、不靈巧,如The actress gave a ham-fisted performance.(這位女演員的演出非常生澀。)

take it upon oneself to do sth:片語,指自告奮勇、自作主張、擅自去做某事,如She took it upon herself to find out exactly what had happened to the old lady.(她主動去查出老太太到底發生了什麼事。)

ecce homo:名詞,指頭戴著荊棘冠冕的耶穌畫像(或雕像),拉丁文原意指「你們看這個人」,是聖經中彼拉多把被判死刑的耶穌帶到指控他的人群面前時所說的話。

Mars rover flight engineer with the Mohawk becomes Internet hit 留著摩霍克髮型的火星探測車工程師轟動網路

Mars rover flight engineer with the Mohawk becomes Internet hit 

While dozens of rocket scientists packed NASA’s mission control room during a much-vaunted landing of the Mars rover Curiosity, no one made a bigger impression on viewers glued to live TV and Internet coverage of the event than spike-haired Bobak Ferdowsi.

The 32-year-old flight engineer, better known to Mars-struck fans as the NASA Mohawk Guy, became an overnight Internet sensation and helped generate online buzz for Curiosity, thanks largely to his stars-and-stripes punk-rock hairdo and his hunky good looks.

Ferdowsi, a native of Oakland, California, with a graduate degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has worn eccentric hairstyles for big missions and projects throughout his nine-year tenure at NASA, as a kind of good-luck tradition.

For the occasion of Curiosity’s landing, colleagues at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena held a vote to choose a special new look -- a Mohawk dyed red and blue and adorned with stars and stripes. The look transformed Ferdowsi into an instant aerospace rock star among legions of Mars enthusiasts.

The team’s successful landing and subsequent celebrations were streamed across the world, and since then, Ferdowsi said his sudden fame has elicited considerable good-natured ribbing from co-workers.

"I wouldn’t work here if I thought it was the stodgy NASA of yore. We’re still nerds and geeks here. There’s no doubt about it. We’re just a little more comfortable expressing ourselves," Ferdowsi said.(Reuters)



vaunted:形容詞,指誇耀的、自吹自擂的、備受吹捧的,如Their much-vaunted security procedure hadn’t worked.(他們那套大肆吹噓的安全程序並未發揮作用。),動詞為vaunt。

buzz:名詞,單數用法,指興奮的討論或關注,如 There’s been quite a buzz about the new movie. (這部新片已經引發了相當熱烈的討論。)

ribbing:名詞,非正式用語,指無傷大雅、沒有惡意的笑話,如They gave him a ribbing about his accent.(他們拿他的口音開玩笑。)

Charity to refuse proceeds from US Navy SEAL’s book 慈善組織將拒接受從有關美海軍海豹部隊書籍而來的捐款

Charity to refuse proceeds from US Navy SEAL’s book 

A charity for US Navy SEALs says it will refuse any proceeds from a book by an ex-commando who took part in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, after the Pentagon threatened legal action against the author.

The former Navy SEAL who wrote "No Easy Day," Matt Bissonnette, has promised to donate a majority of his profits to charities, but one of the non-profit groups he touted -- the Navy SEAL Foundation -- has ruled out accepting his donations.

At the end of his book, the author appeals to readers to donate to charities that help veterans and their families, listing three that focus on the elite SEAL units, including the Navy SEAL Foundation based in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Bissonnette’s book has shot to the top of best-seller lists amid an avalanche of publicity, but his decision to publish his first-hand account has angered many fellow SEALs, including the commander of the elite units, who say he has betrayed the ethos of the special operators to be "quiet professionals."

The Pentagon has accused the author of revealing classified information and violating non-disclosure agreements he signed while in uniform, which it says require him to submit any manuscript to the defense officials before publication.(AFP)


proceeds︰名詞,收益、收入。例句︰They are reaping huge proceeds when the mansion is sold.(賣了豪宅,他們就可坐收鉅利。)

tout︰動詞,兜售、暗查、探聽。例句︰The candidate visited the area to tout for votes.(該候選人造訪這一帶地區來拉票。)

rule out︰片語,排除、不考慮、使…不可能。例句︰Taiwan has ruled out nuclear arms.(台灣不考慮發展核武。)

Shift work link to increased risk of heart problems 輪班與心臟病問題風險升高有關

Shift work link to increased risk of heart problems 

Shift workers are slightly more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke than day workers, research suggests. An analysis of studies involving more than 2m workers in the British Medical Journal said shift work can disrupt the body clock and have an adverse effect on lifestyle.

The team of researchers from Canada and Norway analysed 34 studies. In total, there were 17,359 coronary events of some kind, including cardiac arrests, 6,598 heart attacks and 1,854 strokes caused by lack of blood to the brain. These events were more common in shift workers than in other people.

The BMJ study calculated that shift work was linked to a 23% increased risk of heart attack, 24% increased risk of coronary event and 5% increased risk of stroke.

The researchers took the socioeconomics status of the workers, their diet and general health into account in their findings. Dan Hackam, associate professor at Western University, London, Ontario in Canada, said shift workers were more prone to sleeping and eating badly.


shift:名詞,輪班。例句:Are you on the night shift or the day shift?(你是晚班還是早班?)

adverse:形容詞,有害的,不利的。例句:The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.(比賽因為天候狀況不佳取消。)

prone to:片語,傾向…,容易…。例句:I’ve always been prone to headaches.(我總是容易頭痛。)

MP3 teeth jewellery plays music MP3牙齒首飾可以播放音樂

MP3 teeth jewellery plays music 

A design student has created a way of using the bling mouthpiece to hear songs via "bone conduction" through your skull, the Daily Mail reported.

Aisen Chacin, of Parsons New School for Design in New York, attached a vibrating motor to a digital music player and connected it to a mold of her upper teeth.

She also installed controls on the bottom so users can change songs or volume by pushing the buttons with their tongue.

When the music starts, the vibration is strong enough for the music to be heard clearly -- eliminating the need for headphones.

If the sound being played is loud enough, even others might be able to hear it coming out of your teeth.

Grillz were made popular by the song by rapper Nelly even though dentists have made dire warnings against them.

They say bling materials like gold or diamonds can wear down the enamel on your teeth and that grillz should not be worn.


via:介系詞,經由;憑、藉(=by means of)。via air mail以航空郵寄。


wear down:片語,磨耗、削弱。例句:Months of illness wore her down.(病了幾個月,削弱了她的體力。)

NZ medallists rewarded with ’black gold’ 紐西蘭奪牌選手獲得「黑金」獎賞

NZ medallists rewarded with ’black gold’ 

New Zealand competitors who win medals at the London Olympics have been offered an unusual reward - food parcels containing jars of Marmite.

The spread has been in short supply since March, after the manufacturer was forced to close its only factory because of earthquake damage.

The shortage of Marmite has been dubbed "Marmageddon" by the media.

Since the shortage began, New Zealand media has been filled with stories of newly discovered Marmite stashes in corners of supermarket storerooms.

Rather than selling its remaining supplies, executives at the Pak’nSave supermarket chain decided to give their stash to customers they felt were deserving of a treat.

Members of the eventing team, who won the country’s first medal, were the first to collect their Marmite.

"Who could be more deserving than our Olympic medallists," said Steve Anderson of the supermarket’s parent company Foodstuffs New Zealand.

"To come to London and prove to the world that they are the best in their discipline is no mean feat. And we thought that a few home comforts after all their hard work wouldn’t go astray."


stash:動詞,存放、儲藏在秘密地點;名詞,儲藏物。例句:He stashed large amounts of stolen money away in that warehouse.(他把大筆偷來的錢藏在那間倉庫裡。)

no mean feat:名詞片語,不容易的事,很大的成就。例句:It was no mean feat for the gymnast to perform such a difficult act.(這名體操選手要做出如此困難的動作並非易事。)

Intruders cut cables, stop Maldivian TV broadcast 入侵者切斷纜線 馬爾地夫電視台播放中斷

Intruders cut cables, stop Maldivian TV broadcast 
入侵者切斷纜線 馬爾地夫電視台播放中斷

Intruders cut cables and stopped broadcasts at a private television station in Maldives on Tuesday, and the station chairman said he suspected government involvement.

Rajje TV has aired reports critical of the government, and international media rights groups have reported declining freedom in the Indian Ocean island nation since a disputed power transfer earlier this year.

Station chairman Akram Kamaludeen said he suspected parties in the coalition government organized the break-in. Police too have been hostile to the station after it reported police malpractice, Kamaludeen said. They have refused to give protection to journalists representing Rajje TV, he said.

Then-Vice President Mohammed Waheed Hassan became president in February when Mohamed Nasheed resigned after weeks of public protests and loss of support from the military and police.

Nasheed quickly insisted he was ousted in a coup, and his supporters have protested since then. Nasheed, a former political prisoner, was elected in Maldives’ first multiparty elections in 2008 following 30 years of autocratic rule. (AP)


break-in:名詞,非法侵入。例句:Police are investigating a break-in at a house.(警察正在調查非法入侵住家的案子。)

malpractice:名詞,不法行為;怠忽職守;營私舞弊。例句:The police are conducting investigations into malpractices and abuses of power.(警方正針對不法行為及濫權展開調查。)

oust:動詞,驅逐,攆走。例句:The reformists were ousted from power.(改革份子被趕下台。)

French bid ’adieu’ to Minitel, the France-Wide Web 法國人向法國的網路先驅Minitel道別

French bid ’adieu’ to Minitel, the France-Wide Web 

France recently pulled the plug on the Minitel, a home-grown precursor of the Internet which brought on-line banking, travel reservations and even sex chats to millions a decade before the World Wide Web.

In a country where resistance to all things "Anglo-Saxon" runs deep, the Minitel evokes both pride at French technological prowess and regret that the country failed to capitalise on the commercial online network, launched in 1982.

By its peak in the late 1990s, some 25 million people in France were using Minitel’s 26,000 services, ranging from checking the weather to buying clothes and booking train tickets.

Originally designed by France Telecom as an online directory to save paper, the Minitel was a drab, box-like terminal with a keyboard that used ordinary telephone lines to transmit information.

But like France’s national pop icon Johnny Hallyday - once dubbed "the greatest rock star no-one has ever heard of" - the Minitel never caught on outside the country.

For the mushroom-coloured box, however, this is not the end of the road. Some 90 percent of the terminals will be recycled in southwest France, with their plastic casing turned into car bumpers and metals reclaimed from the electronic components.


capitalize on sth:動詞片語,指善加利用情勢以從中得利,如She capitalized on her knowledge and experience to get a new and better paid job.(她憑藉著知識與經驗,獲得薪水更高的新工作。)

catch on:動詞片語,指變得流行、受歡迎,如I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?(我想知道這種遊戲到底會不會在年輕人間流行起來?)

the end of the road/line:片語,指某事發展已到達盡頭,無法再繼續下去,如A loss in the primary elections will mean the end of the road for his campaign.(輸掉初選表示他的競選之路將到此為止。)

Anti-Japan protests erupt in China cities over islands row 釣魚台紛爭引發中國城市反日抗議

Anti-Japan protests erupt in China cities over islands row 

Thousands of Chinese besieged the Japanese embassy in Beijing on Saturday, hurling rocks, eggs and bottles as protests broke out in other major cities in China amid growing tension between Asia’s two biggest economies over a group of disputed islands.

Paramilitary police with shields and batons barricaded the embassy, holding back and occasionally fighting with slogan-chanting, flag-waving protesters who at times appeared to be trying to storm the building.

"Return our islands! Japanese devils get out!" some shouted. One of them held up a sign reading:"For the respect of the motherland, we must go to war with Japan."

Protester Liu Gang said:"We hate Japan. We’ve always hated Japan. Japan invaded China and killed a lot of Chinese. We will never forget."

The long-standing territorial dispute escalated dramatically on Friday when China sent six surveillance ships to a group of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea, raising tension between the two countries to its highest level since 2010.

Relations between the two countries, whose business and trade ties have blossomed in recent years, chilled in 2010, after Japan arrested a Chinese trawler captain whose boat collided with Japanese Coast Guard vessels near the islands.(Reuters)


besiege:動詞,圍攻。例句:The troops besieged the fort.(部隊圍攻堡壘。)

break out:動詞片語,爆發。例句:He was 29 when war broke out.(戰爭爆發時他29歲。)

storm:動詞,襲擊、猛攻。例句:Government buildings have been stormed and looted.(政府大樓遭到襲擊與掠奪。)

left at Missouri rest area, waits for 2 days 忘在密蘇里州休息區的狗等了2天

Dog, left at Missouri rest area, waits for 2 days 

A 9-month-old Yorkie wasn’t about to leave a Missouri rest stop without his master. Mistakenly left behind by an Arkansas truck driver, Rambo waited there for two days until his owner was able to track him down.

Rambo jumped out of Michael Siau’s rig when Siau stopped at a rest area near Hannibal on Friday, the Hannibal Courier-Post reported.

"Didn’t even cross my mind that he might jump out. He never has before," Siau said.

Siau made it all the way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 170 miles to the north, before he realized Rambo was gone.

Siau began calling authorities. By Sunday morning, he had learned Hannibal had jurisdiction over the rest area. Hannibal animal control officer Tim Ledbetter was sent to the site.

Sure enough, little Rambo was there, sitting patiently. (AP)


leave someone or something behind:慣用語,忘了帶上某人或某事。例句: Oh no, I left my money behind.(糟糕,我忘記帶錢了。)

track someone or something down:慣用語,追索找出某人或某事。例句:I’m trying to track down one of my old classmates from college.(我試圖找出我的一位大學同學。)

cross(one’s)mind:片語,腦中想到、閃過的念頭。例句:Getting caught cheating never crossed my mind.(我從沒想過會被抓包。)

France’s proposed tax hikes spark ’exodus’ of wealthy 法國提議增稅 富豪大出逃

France’s proposed tax hikes spark ’exodus’ of wealthy
法國提議增稅 富豪大出逃

Looming tax hikes by France’s new socialist government have triggered an exodus of the Gallic super-rich to ’wealth-friendly’ nations like Britain and Switzerland.

The latest estate agency figures have shown large numbers of France’s most well-heeled families selling up and moving to neighbouring countries. Many are fleeing a proposed new higher tax rate of 75 per cent on all earnings over one million euros.

Sotheby’s Realty said its French offices sold more than 100 properties over 1.7 million euros between April and June this year - a marked increase on the same period in 2011.

Alexander Kraft, head of Sotheby’s Realty, France, said:"The result of the presidential election has had a real impact on our sales. Now a large number of wealthy French families are leaving the country as a direct result of the proposals of the new government. These properties are then bought up by foreign investors looking for a stable real estate market like France to invest in."

Gilles Martin, a Swiss tax consultant, reported the same trend. "Since the socialists came to power in France, I have been deluged with inquiries from rich French people who would rather pay their tax in Switzerland."

Prime minister David Cameron angered the French last month when he said he would "roll out the red carpet" to wealthy French citizens and firms who wanted move out and pay their taxes in Britain.


trigger:動詞,觸發、引起。例句:An allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork.(壓力或工作過度可能引發過敏。)

well-heeled:形容詞,富有的。例句:Some well-heeled investors have built huge positions in gold.(部分富有的投資人持有大量黃金。)

deluge:動詞,蜂擁而至;壓倒。例句:He has been deluged with offers of work.(工作邀約讓他應接不暇。)

North Korean lifts 3 times body weight 北韓選手舉出3倍其體重佳績

North Korean lifts 3 times body weight 

North Korea’s Om Yun Chol on Sunday joined an exclusive group of weightlifters who have lifted three times their body weight in the clean and jerk.

According to Om, it was all thanks to the "Great Leader.’’ Om, who stands just 1.52 meters tall, also set an Olympic record when he cleared 168 kilograms in the clean and jerk in the men’s 56-kilogram category--and immediately gave all the credit to late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.

Om’s achievement was even more impressive considering he was competing in the "B’’ group with lower-ranked lifters. Medal contenders generally compete in the "A’’ group.

Om’s record lift was also surprising because he was ranked just 11th in the world in 2011 and the best clean and jerk he registered last year was 156 kilograms.

Om cleared 160 and 165 kilograms on his first two attempts and got the crowd even more riled up when it was announced he would go for the Olympic mark. Om then confidently squatted to grab the bar and, after securing it at his shoulders on the clean, executed a powerful and steady jerk above his head.

Only a handful of lifters have cleared three times their body weight before, including Halil Mutlu and Naim Suleymanoglu of Turkey.(AP)


clean and jerk︰指舉重「挺舉」項目;抓舉為「snatch」。clean在此指「高翻」,jerk則指「猛力一推」。

credit︰名詞,功勞、讚揚。例句︰The doctor took entire credit for his patient’s recovery.(醫生把病患的康復完全看作自己的功勞。)

go for︰片語,試圖得到、爭取。例句︰I’ll go for the position if I were you.(如果我是你,我將極力爭取該職位。)

Why caffeine affects morning people more than night owls 咖啡因對早起鳥的影響為何比夜貓子大

Why caffeine affects morning people more than night owls 

Caffeine will get you going during the day but could leave you tossing and turning at night – unless you’re a "night owl" to begin with, a new study suggests.

In the study, "morning people" who consumed caffeine during the day appeared more likely than late risers to awaken in the middle of their nighttime sleep.

Fifty college students were asked to record their caffeine consumption and their sleeping and waking times for a week.

As college students, they tended to be so sleep-deprived that, for most, "it didn’t matter how much caffeine they had" – they slept well whenever they finally hit the sack, said study researcher Jamie Zeitzer.

However, for the early risers, the more caffeine in their bodies, the more time they spent awake during the night after initially falling asleep. This was not seen in the night owls.


toss and turn:片語,輾轉反側。例句: I was tossing and turning all night.(我整晚翻來覆去睡不著。)

rise:動詞,起床。例句:My grandfather rises at 5 every morning to do his exercises.(我祖父每天上午5點起床運動。)

hit the sack:片語,上床睡覺。例句:I’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so I think I’ll hit the sack.(我明天會很忙,所以我想我要睡了。)

Why a man can never be just friends with a woman... attraction gets in the way 為什麼男人和女人不能只是朋友…因為吸引力作祟

Why a man can never be just friends with a woman... attraction gets in the way 

It turns out that Harry was right when he told Sally that men can’t be ’just friends’ with women.

Researchers have found that men’s friendships with the opposite sex are driven by sexual attraction, regardless of whether they are single. Women, however, are more likely to consider their friendships with men as platonic.

The findings mirror the plot of 1989 film When Harry Met Sally, in which Harry tells Sally:’Men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.’

In a survey, 88 pairs of young male and female friends were asked to rate their attraction to each other in a confidential questionnaire.

Men -- whether attached or single -- were more likely to be attracted to their female friends and want to go on a date with them than the other way around.

They also assumed their female friends were more romantically interested in them than they actually were.

Single and attached women showed the same level of attraction to their male friend. But attached women tended only to want something to come of that attraction if their relationship was in trouble.


get in the way:動詞片語,妨礙、擋路。例句:Some stumbles didn’t get in the way of her pursuing Olympic gold.(幾個失誤並未阻礙她追求奧運金牌。)

the other way around:副詞,相反(情況、方向)。例句:Allison said Ben ditched her, but the fact is the other way around.(艾莉森說班拋棄了她,但其實是她拋棄他。)

attached:形容詞,已婚、已訂婚、已有固定感情對象的;附屬的。例句:Forget about her! She is attached.(忘了她吧!她已經有對象了。)

Topless speeder in US fled police in car chase 美國上空女超速 飛車躲警

Topless speeder in US fled police in car chase 
美國上空女超速 飛車躲警

A woman set off a high-speed police chase worthy of a Hollywood action movie when she refused to stop after police caught her speeding because she was topless, police said Tuesday. The driver told police "she was topless to surprise her boyfriend."

According to the police report, the incident occurred Saturday when Mandy Ramsey was spotted by a patrol car zooming well above the speed limit on a county road. The officer set off behind her, intending to pull her over in a routine traffic stop. But Ramsey, far from stopping, hit the gas and tried to ditch her police tail with several abrupt changes of route.

Several other patrol cars joined the chase and, when the dark-colored pickup truck dipped out of sight, so did a police helicopter.

The helicopter quickly located the truck at a house where Ramsey had finally stopped. Though the vehicle was registered to someone else -- boyfriend, James Woodard -- Ramsey admitted to police she had been driving, saying she hadn’t wanted to stop while partially nude.

The 35-year-old was "charged with fleeing and eluding law enforcement," police said, adding that she spent two nights in jail before being released Monday on $5,000 bond.


car chase:片語,飛車追逐。例句:Justin Bieber got a speeding ticket during a car chase with paparazzi.(小賈斯汀因為與狗仔隊飛車追逐拿到一張罰單。)

ditch:動詞,拋棄,丟棄。例句:It crossed her mind to ditch her shoes and run.(她想到要丟掉鞋子逃跑。)

elude:動詞,(巧妙地)逃避,躲避。例句:He managed to elude his pursuers by escaping into an alley.(他逃入小巷中,設法逃過追捕者追逐。)

Monday blues are a myth, say academics 學者說星期一憂鬱是迷思

Monday blues are a myth, say academics 

It is a myth that we are at our most miserable at the beginning of the week, according to academics. People’s moods on Mondays are actually no worse than on any other week day barring Friday, a survey found.

The popular fixation on the idea of "Blue Monday" should be given the status of a "cultural myth", the team behind the new findings wrote in the Journal of Positive Psychology.

"Despite our global beliefs about lousy Mondays, we conclude that this belief should be abandoned," said lead researcher Prof Arthur Stone, of Stony Brook University in New York state.

Prof Stone and colleagues analysed data collected by Gallup from more than 340,000 American citizens in telephone interviews.

The respondents were asked whether or not they had felt enjoyment, happiness, worry, sadness, stress and anger during much of the previous day.

Not surprisingly, the results showed that people reported far more positive feelings and fewer negative feelings on Saturdays and Sundays compared with week days.

"The perception of Blue Mondays is likely prevalent due to the extreme contrast in mood from Sunday to Monday, even though there is no real difference in mood with Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday", said Stone.


bar/barring:介系詞,除非、除…之外。例句:Barring any unexpected development, we should be able to finish the project on time.(除非有意外狀況,我們應能如期完成這件案子。)

lousy:形容詞,糟糕的,卑鄙的,(俚語)充分的。例句:We had a lousy weekend.(我們過了一個很糟糕的週末。)

prevalent:形容詞,普遍的、盛行的。例句:The unknown disease is prevalent in some countries.(這種不明疾病在一些國家流行。)

Japan, S.Korea play hot potato with protest note 日本與南韓互丟燙手山芋抗議信

Japan, S.Korea play hot potato with protest note 

Japan recently refused to take back a letter sent by its own prime minister after Seoul said it would not accept delivery of the note, as a row over islands threatened to descend into diplomatic farce.

South Korea said earlier it would return the protest from Yoshihiko Noda without answering it, for fear any move to acknowledge the missive would bolster Tokyo’s claim to islands that both sides say they own.

The letter to South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak has not even made it to Seoul, having been kept at the South’s embassy in Tokyo, foreign ministry spokesman Cho Tai-Young said, announcing the intention to hand the note back.

But in what was beginning to look like a real live game of hot potato, the Japanese foreign ministry turned away a South Korean diplomat, believed to have been carrying Noda’s letter, at the gate of the ministry building. The letter was subsequently put in the post, registered delivery, a spokesman at the foreign ministry in Seoul said.

The relationship between the two countries has sharply worsened since Lee paid a surprise visit to the Seoul-controlled islands, known as Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japan. Tokyo, caught on the hop by the island visit, recalled its ambassador to Seoul, cancelled a planned visit by its finance minister and said it would review a foreign exchange swap agreement.(AFP)


hot potato:名詞,指棘手的問題、難題,例句:The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States.(墮胎議題在美國是政治的燙手山芋。)

tit for tat:名詞,指以牙還牙、一報還一報,例句:He answered their insults tit for tat.(他對他們的侮辱還以顏色。)形容詞為tit-for-tat,例句:Recent months have seen a pattern of tit-for-tat killings between the two sides.(近月來雙方陣營間出現了以牙還牙的殺戮模式。)

catch sb on the hop:片語,非正式用法,指讓人措手不及、來不及反應,例句:If we attack at the very start of the game, we may just catch their defenders on the hop.(假如我們在比賽一開始就發動攻擊,很可能把對方守備者殺個措手不及。)

N. Korea takes ’Gangnam Style’ shot at South politician 北韓用「江南Style」攻擊南韓政治人物

N. Korea takes ’Gangnam Style’ shot at South politician 

North Korea has made a parody of the South Korean music video phenomenon "Gangnam Style" to attack the South’s ruling conservative party presidential candidate Park Geun-Hye.

The parody, posted on the official government website Uriminzokkiri, shows a crudely photo-shopped image of Park doing the "horse-riding dance" created by South Korean rapper Psy on the original "Gangnam Style" video.

The North Korean version mocks Park as a devoted admirer of the "Yushin" system of autocratic rule set up by her father, Park Chung-Hee, after he seized power in South Korea in a 1961 military coup.

"I’m Yushin style!," read a subtitle under the image of the dancing Park.The implied message is a sensitive one, with Park under pressure to denounce the excesses of her father’s 18-year rule, which laid the foundations for the country’s economic rise but was marked by systematic human rights abuses.

Psy’s "Gangnam Style" video went viral soon after being posted on YouTube in mid-July and has since racked up more than 200 million views, sending the song to the top of the US iTunes Chart.(AFP)


crudely:副詞,粗糙地。形容詞為crude。例句:The woman figure is cruedely carved.(那個女性人像雕刻得很粗糙。)

mock:動詞,嘲笑、奚落。例句:She mocked him as a country boy.(她嘲笑他是鄉下來的。)

go viral:片語,在網路上爆紅。例句:The video went viral and was seen by millions.(該影片在網路上爆紅,有上百萬人看過。)

France’s richest man and LVMH boss denies tax exile bid 法國首富、LVMH老闆否認企圖避稅出逃

France’s richest man and LVMH boss denies tax exile bid 

France’s richest man and LVMH boss Bernard Arnault said Sunday he was not becoming a tax exile despite seeking Belgian nationality as Paris moves to impose a 75-percent wealth tax.

"I am and will remain a tax resident in France and in this regard I will like all French people fulfill my fiscal obligations," the world’s fourth-richest man told AFP.

"Our country must count on everyone to do their bit to face a deep economic crisis amid strict budgetary constraints," he said, adding that the bid for dual nationality was "linked to personal reasons" and began some months ago.

Arnault’s application comes amid a debate on one of the main pledges that France’s President Francois Hollande, a Socialist, made during the election campaign earlier this year -- to impose a 75-percent tax on incomes above one million euros.

The head of luxury goods giant LVMH, whose fortune is estimated to stand at $41 billion by Forbes magazine, was close to France’s former right-wing president Nicolas Sarkozy.

Following the election of previous Socialist president Francois Mitterrand in 1981, Arnault lived in the United States for three years, returning to France after the Socialists switched to a more conservative economic course. (AFP)


count on︰片語,依靠、指望。例句︰You cannot count on your parents for everything in the future.(你將來的一切不能全靠你的父母。)

in this regard︰就此方面、就此而言。例句︰I agree with you in this regard.(就這方面,我同意你的看法。)

do one’s bit︰片語,盡本分。例句︰No one can say she didn’t do her bit.(沒有人可以說她不盡責。)

2013年4月15日 星期一

巴金森症致動作障礙 打太極可改善

巴金森症致動作障礙 打太極可改善

優活健康網優活健康網 – 2013年4月11日 下午5:00






Commuters left fearing vicious ’Farringdon mice’ after prank sign warned them to tuck their trousers in 惡搞公告警告民眾把褲子塞好 兇殘的「法靈頓之鼠」讓通勤族膽寒

Commuters left fearing vicious ’Farringdon mice’ after prank sign warned them to tuck their trousers in
惡搞公告警告民眾把褲子塞好 兇殘的「法靈頓之鼠」讓通勤族膽寒

A gang of rampaging mice appear to be striking fear into the hearts of London commuters, after being reported to be nibbling their toes.

Just this weekend, the residents of Essex feared for their lives after a lion was reported to be on the loose in a field. Now, passengers at Farringdon station were left puzzled after an official-looking sign warned the mice had been "attacking" customers.

The handwritten notice advised:"Please place the bottom of your trousers into your socks to avoid being a victim of the Farringdon mice". The sign, which was immediately photographed by baffled passengers and placed on social networking site Twitter, has now been viewed by thousands of people.

Despite the excitement, the sign was quickly revealed to be little more than a harmless prank, with TfL denying all knowledge of a mouse problem. A spokeswoman confirmed:"The writing on the whiteboard at the station is not an official TfL message and has since been removed. We do not believe it was written by a member of station staff and we’re not aware of any problems with mice."


prank:名詞,胡鬧、惡作劇。例句:She enjoys playing pranks on people.(她很愛惡作劇戲弄人家。)

nibble:動詞,細咬,一點一點的咬。例句:He nibbled a biscuit.(他小口小口啃著餅乾。)

on the loose:片語,不受約束的,自由的。例句:A second suspect is still on the loose.(第二名嫌犯仍逍遙法外。)

S.African residents asked to look out for renegade hippo 南非居民被要求注意脫隊河馬

S.African residents asked to look out for renegade hippo 

Residents in South Africa’s city of Cape Town have been asked to keep a look-out for a renagade young hippopotamus which is popping up in gardens and roads after moving into a suburban lake.

City officials are hoping the two-year-old calf will return back to its pod after appearing in an unfenced reserve following the theft of part of the boundary fence in the neighbouring water body where it lives.

"The night before last he was in peoples’ gardens," Julia Wood, manager of Biodiversity Management told AFP. "And then last night somebody picked him up on one of the roads."

"The public is advised to be particularly cautious, as hippos are known to be extremely dangerous wild animals," the city said in a statement, urging residents not to approach the animal or stop it.

"This could lead to dangerous encounters and may potentially prolong the capture operation by influencing the animal’s behaviour. Motorists in the area of Zeekoevlei should be cautious."

The animal is believed to have followed a female hippo who gave birth. The mother and baby returned to their usual ground but the young hippo, whose sex is unknown, remained behind. (AFP)


look out:片語,小心、注意。例句:Look out! There’s car coming.(小心!車子來了。)

renegade:形容詞,叛逃、脫離。例句:She’s sent on a mission to retrieve a renegade mage.(她被派去執行任務,尋找叛逃的法師。)

pop up:片語,突然出現。例句:These memories can pop up from time to time.(這些回憶不時驀然出現。)

Dental health linked to dementia risk︰study 研究:牙齒健康與失智風險相關

Dental health linked to dementia risk︰study 

People who keep their teeth and gums healthy with regular brushing may have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life, according to a U.S. study.

Researchers at the University of California who followed nearly 5,500 elderly people over an 18-year-period found that those who reported brushing their teeth less than once a day were up to 65 percent more likely to develop dementia than those who brushed daily.

"Not only does the state of your mind predict what kind of oral health habits you practice, it may be that your oral health habits influence whether or not you get dementia," said Annlia Paganini-Hill, who led the study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Inflammation stoked by gum disease-related bacteria is implicated in a host of conditions including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Some studies have also found that people with Alzheimer’s disease, have more gum disease-related bacteria in their brains than a person without Alzheimer’s, Paganini-Hill said. (Reuters)



stoke:動詞,助長。例句:Rumours of an emergency meeting of the finance ministers stoked the atmosphere of crisis.(謠傳金融首長召開緊急會議,助長了危機氣氛。)

a host of:片語,很多。例句:There’s a whole host of reasons why he didn’t get the job.(他沒拿到這份工作有很多原因。)

conditions:名詞,疾病。例:to suffer from a heart condition (罹患心臟疾病)

Late night TV/computer sessions linked to depression 深夜看電視、用電腦與憂鬱有關係

Late night TV/computer sessions linked to depression

Sitting in front of a computer or TV screen late into the night or leaving it on when you fall asleep could increase your chances of becoming depressed, according to a study by U.S. scientists.

The study, by a team of neuroscientists at Ohio State University Medical Center, will give screen-addicted night owls pause for thought.

The researchers -- who exposed hamsters to dim light at night and picked up changes in behaviour and the brain that bore striking similarities to symptoms in depressed people -- said a surge in exposure to artificial light at night in the last 50 years had coincided with rising rates of depression, particularly among women, who are twice as prone as men.

The hamsters involved in the experiment were exposed for four weeks to dim light at night -- equivalent to a television screen in a darkened room -- and the results compared to a control group exposed to a normal light-dark cycle.

The results showed they were less active and had a lower than usual interest in drinking sugar water -- both symptoms are comparable to signs of depression in people. (Reuters)


pick up:動詞片語,(偶然或輕鬆地)學到,發現;搭訕;恢復精神或健康;接、取(人或物)。例句:His father has picked up a lot after the surgery.(他父親在手術後已經好多了。)

striking:形容詞,驚人的、顯著的、不尋常的。例句:He has a striking good memory.(他的記憶力非常好。)

prone:形容詞,傾向於、易於。例句:She is prone to be moody.(她很容易情緒化。)

Antibacterial soap may hinder muscle function:study 研究︰抗菌皂可能阻礙肌肉功能

Antibacterial soap may hinder muscle function:study 

A chemical found in soap, toothpaste, clothes and toys may cause muscle problems and should be used with caution, experts have said.

Researchers found an antibacterial agent, called triclosan, hampers muscle function in animals and fish and may have implications for human health.

After testing the substance on mice and fish they found muscle strength was reduced, including heart function and fish were unable to swim as well. The findings were published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Isaac Pessah, professor and chair of the Department of Molecular Biosciences in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and principal investigator of the study, said:"Triclosan is found in virtually everyone’s home and is pervasive in the environment."

In experiments the researchers exposed animals and fish to levels of triclosan equivalent to that which people may receive daily. The team also found that triclosan impairs heart and skeletal muscle contractility in living animals.

Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, professor of cardiovascular medicine at UC Davis and a study co-author, said:"Although triclosan is not regulated as a drug, this compound acts like a potent cardiac depressant in our models."


hamper︰動詞,妨礙、阻礙。例句︰They tried to hamper her from getting elected by blackening her name.(他們抹黑她的名譽,試圖阻礙她當選。)

impair︰動詞,損害、損傷。例句︰The accident impaired her vision.(該事故損傷了她的視力。)

potent︰形容詞,強有力的。例句︰He has been a potent force in musical history.(他在音樂史上一直有舉足輕重的影響力。)

Dutch firm creates ’Divorce Hotel’ service 荷蘭公司打造「離婚旅館」服務

Dutch firm creates ’Divorce Hotel’ service 

A Dutch entrepreneur has offered couples the chance of a weekend away with a difference--by staying in a hotel where he will help them finalise their divorce.

Jim Halfens’ ’Divorce Hotel’ allows pairs intent on breaking up to get quick divorces by staying for two days in their accommodation and coming out as two all-but-separated people.

The Netherlands-based firm aim to talk couples through alimony, splitting assets, visitation rights for children and any other outstanding marital issues to help finalise a divorce.

Their two-day process of drawing together documentation by having the two parties, lawyers, and mediators all in the same hotel for a weekend aims to quicken a process which can normally be drawn out for weeks or months.

Once the divorcing couple leave the hotel at the end of their stay, the only thing left to do is show the agreement to a judge, as required in Dutch law, which can take a couple of weeks.

Mr Halfens is also looking to expand into other countries, suggesting that the USA and Germany could be next on the list.


intent on:片語,專心於;抱定決心要實行。例句:He is intent on his writing.(他一心一意地寫作。)

alimony:名詞,贍養費。例句:Are my alimony payments deductable?(我支付的贍養費可抵稅嗎?)

outstanding:形容詞,未解決的;未完成的;未償付的。例句:The outstanding debts must be paid by the end of the month.(未了的債務須在月底前償還。)

McDonald’s to open first vegetarian outlet 麥當勞將開第一家素食門市

McDonald’s to open first vegetarian outlet 

US fast food giant McDonald’s, famed for its beef-based Big Mac burgers, on Tuesday said it will open its first ever vegetarian-only restaurant in the world in India next year.

The world’s second-biggest restaurant chain after Subway already tailors its menus to suit local tastes -- which in India means no beef to avoid offending Hindus and no pork to cater for Muslim requirements.

It will open its first vegetarian outlet in the middle of next year near the Golden Temple in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar in northern India, where religious authorities forbid consumption of meat at the shrine.

After the opening in Amritsar, the US chain plans to launch another vegetarian outlet at Katra near the Vaishno Devi cave shrine in Indian Kashmir -- a revered Hindu pilgrimage site that draws hundreds of thousands of worshippers a year.

McDonald’s in India already has a menu that is 50 percent vegetarian. The chain serves half a million customers a day in India, out of 50 million people it serves daily in over 100 countries.

Hindus, who account for 80 percent of India’s population, regard cows as sacred. For Muslims, the consumption of pork is prohibited in the Koran.
佔印度人口8成的印度教徒,認為牛是神聖的。對穆斯林來說,可蘭經禁止教徒吃豬肉 。

But growing consumption of food high in fat is spurring concern that India is importing the Western disease of obesity, creating a ticking public health timebomb.


tailor:動詞,使…適合、調整。例句:We can tailor our design to meet your request. (我們可依您的需求調整設計。)

revere:動詞,崇敬。例句:Cézanne’s still lifes were revered by his contemporaries.(塞尚的靜物畫受到同時期的人崇敬。)

spur:動詞,刺激。例句:Governments cut interest rates to spur demand.(各國政府降息來刺激需求。)

t all cheating women never get caught by partners 幾乎所有偷情的女人從來沒被另一半抓到

Almost all cheating women never get caught by partners 

Almost 100 per cent of women who cheat on their partners never get found out, but men are not as good at covering their tracks with 17 percent admitting to getting caught, a new survey has found.

The research carried out by a dating website for married people found that 95 percent of women and 83 percent of men claim to have successfully conducted illicit encounters without their spouses finding out.

UndercoverLovers.com asked 3000 women and the same number of men if their partners knew about their cheating and found that the overall percentage of straying spouses that never get found out is 89 percent.

Emily Pope of Undercover Lovers, which has more than 650,000 members, also said that women are better liars as compared the opposite sex.

"Many of our members, both male and female, have been philandering for years without being caught," she said.

"Studies have shown that women are actually better liars than men, so it’s not surprising that female adulterers are better at getting away with it than their male counterparts," Pope added.


illicit:形容詞,非法的,不正當的,不被允許的。例句:The soccer player was suspended for using illicit drugs.(這名足球選手因使用禁藥遭禁賽。)

stray:動詞,迷失,偏離(正途、主題等),流浪,外遇。例句:The debate on this environmental issue has strayed into politics.(這項環保議題的爭論已偏離主題,扯上政治。)

philander:動詞,玩弄感情、逢場作戲。例句:It was not his first time of philandering. He just can’t be faithful to his wife.(這不是他第一次拈花惹草。他就是不能忠於他的妻子。)