2014年10月24日 星期五

Sea Garbage Shows Ocean Boundaries 海洋垃圾透露海洋邊界

Sea Garbage Shows Ocean Boundaries 海洋垃圾透露海洋邊界

Floating refuse reveals ocean currents that in turn show where the world’s oceans mix and where they stay relatively discrete.

At some point, we all had to memorize the names of Earth’s oceans. But in reality all this water is connected. So how do we know where one body begins and another ends? Just follow the trash—because the location of seafaring garbage can be used to define the oceans’ borders.

Historically speaking, the planet’s waters have been partitioned into discrete oceans for reasons that are geographical, historical, even cultural. To approach the problem from a more anatomical perspective, researchers came up with a model of how surface waters move. Which is where the rubbish comes in. Flotillas of flotsam are formed by currents that gather the garbage in large floating patches. But the currents also create barriers that minimize mixing between different ocean regions.

By modeling these currents, researchers have redefined the borders of the ocean basins based on how readily their waters mix. They find, for example, that a sliver of the Indian Ocean is really part of the south Pacific.

The work should help track ocean debris or even the spread of spilled oil. And it could change the way we see our seas.

l   float:動詞,漂浮。例句:Wood floats on water.(木頭漂浮在水面上。)
l   refuse:名詞,廢料,廢物。例如:a pile of refuse(一堆廢料)。

l   come up with:片語,想出解決問題的方法。例句:We finally came up with a solution.(我們最後終於想出一個解決的方法。)

Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate 科學家估算,伊波拉恐於10月底前抵達法國與英國

Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate

Scientists have used Ebola disease spread patterns and airline traffic data to predict a 75 percent chance the virus could be imported to France by October 24, and a 50 percent chance it could hit Britain by that date.

Those numbers are based on air traffic remaining at full capacity. Assuming an 80 percent reduction in travel to reflect that many airlines are halting flights to affected regions, France’s risk is still 25 percent, and Britain’s is 15 percent.

"It’s really a lottery," said Derek Gatherer of Britain’s Lancaster University, an expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic - the worst Ebola outbreak in history.

The deadly epidemic has killed more than 3,400 people since it began in West Africa in March and has now started to spread faster, infecting almost 7,200 people so far.

France is among countries most likely to be hit next because the worst affected countries - Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia - include French speakers and have busy travel routes back, while Britain’s Heathrow airport is one of the world’s biggest travel hubs.

"If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it’s only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe," said Gatherer.Reuters

l   lottery:名詞,彩券、摸彩、碰運氣的事。例句:Finding a job there is a lottery.(要在那兒找到工作全得碰運氣。)
l   at (full) capacity:片語,以最大(最高)程度。例句:This factory is running at capacity on bicycles.(這家工廠正全力生產腳踏車。)

l   end up:片語,結束、告終。例句:She ended up head of the firm.(她最後成了這家公司的首長。)

2014年10月17日 星期五









2014年9月29日 星期一

New name for lottery ticket sparks concern in Maine 樂透彩券的新名稱在緬因州引發關切

New name for lottery ticket sparks concern in Maine

Convenience-store owners in Maine are concerned that the state lottery wants to rebrand its scratch-off lottery tickets as "Kwikies."

"That’s going to be real uncomfortable for my girls behind the register to have guys come in and say, ’Hey, give me a Kwikie,’" David Welch, owner of Village Market in Fairfield, Me., told the Bangor Daily News after receiving a letter from the Maine State Lottery informing him of the plan.

"It’s highly inappropriate," Kaylee Constable, one of Welch’s employees, added. "[Customers] come in and joke around with me and say, ’Can I get a Kwikie?’ I’m only 19 years old, and I have 40- and 50-year-old men saying sexual remarks to me."

The newspaper provided some helpful context: "In slang terms, a quickie is a short sexual encounter."

But state lottery officials say the origin of the new name has nothing to do with sex.

"The benefit of buying this ticket is that it’s quick, easy and fun," Gerry Reid, director of the Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations, told the paper.



joke around:慣用語,開玩笑、打鬧。例句:She’s always joking around in the meeting.(她總是在會議上開玩笑。)

nothing to do with:慣用語,毫無關係。例句:This is your problem and it has nothing to do with me.(這是你的問題,跟我無關。)

Study shows Shakespeare as ruthless businessman 研究顯示,莎士比亞是冷酷商人

Study shows Shakespeare as ruthless businessman

New research depicts William Shakespeare as a grain hoarder, moneylender and tax dodger who became a wealthy businessman during a time of famine.

Academics from Aberystwyth University in Wales combed through historical archives to uncover details of the playwright’s parallel life as a merchant and property owner whose practices sometimes brought him into conflict with the law.

He was pursued by authorities for tax evasion, and in 1598 he was prosecuted for hoarding grain during a time of shortage.

The academics argue that we can’t fully understand Shakespeare unless we study his business-savvy side and the era of hunger in which he lived.

Researcher Jayne Archer said Sunday that those aspects are overlooked because many people "cannot countenance the idea of a creative genius also being motivated by self-interest."

comb through︰慣用語,徹底、仔細地搜尋。例句︰Police combed through the house, looking for the criminal evidence.(警方仔細搜查這間房子,以尋找犯罪證據。)
countenance︰動詞,贊同、支持、鼓勵。例句︰I don’t countenance corporal punishment.(我不贊成體罰。)

German flea circus hit by freeze 德國跳蚤馬戲團遭酷寒襲擊

German flea circus hit by freeze

Tragedy had struck a German flea circus. All of the circus’s 300 members was wiped out by the freezing weather – unfortunately on April Fools’ Day.

It was the first time the cold had killed a whole troupe in one go.

Circus director Robert Birk had described discovering the insects dead inside their transportation box as a ‘very difficult moment’.

"It’s hard to know when minus temperatures will be fatal for them," he said, "but the show must go on."

A university insect expert, Professor Heinz Mehlhorn, managed to provide 60 replacement fleas in time for a performance at an open-air fair.

Training began immediately for the new recruits. "I worked solidly for two days," Mr Birk told the Online Focus website, noting that the replacement team lacked a little pizzazz.

Some people had suggested the alleged deaths could be an elaborate April Fools’ Day joke but fair organiser Michael Faber is adamant this is not the case.

He added: "This is no April Fool’s. We saved the situation, otherwise there would have been no performance."


wipe out:動詞片語,徹底剷除、殲滅、消除,清除。

in one go:副詞,一口氣、一氣呵成。

例句:We have wiped out all the enemy troops in one go.(我們一舉殲滅所有敵軍。)

solidly:副詞,牢靠地、扎實地,整整地。例句:The principal lectured solidly for 30 minutes.(校長足足訓話30分鐘。)

9-year-old boy helps woman give CPR to baby 9歲男童協助一名婦女對寶寶施行心肺復甦術

9-year-old boy helps woman give CPR to baby

A 9-year-old boy and his 10-year-old friend are being hailed as heroes after helping a woman whose baby stopped breathing. One boy gave instructions on how to CPR while the other boy waited for an ambulance.

Susanna Rohm said that she was holding her 2-month-old son Isaiah in her lap when she realized something was wrong. "I noticed he looked pale and so I looked at his arm and his leg and they were limp," said Rohm. "Then I noticed that he looked like he wasn’t alive."

She jumped up and lost her cellphone in the commotion. There wasn’t a landline in the house, so she stepped outside to get help.

"I had him in my arms and still screaming over and over. Then I ran outside. I saw two boys playing across the street and I yelled, ’go ask your parents to call 911,’" said Susanna.

Ethan Wilson and Rocky Hurt were tossing a football in a front yard. "I was thinking we better go out there to help and actually call 911 instead of getting scared," said Wilson.

Rocky then ran over to help. "He came in and I had my hand on my baby’s chest just screaming and the little boys said, ’put two fingers on his chest,’" said Susanna. "He said, ‘press down five times,’ so I did five compressions, and then he said, ‘breathe in his mouth.’"

After a few minutes little Isaiah belted out a loud cry. An ambulance arrived moments later.


commotion︰名詞,混亂、喧鬧、騷動。例句︰They were awakened by the commotion in the street.(他們被街上的喧鬧聲吵醒。)

over and over(again)︰副詞,一再地、再三地。例句︰They played the same record over and over.(他們反覆地放同一張唱片。)

belt out︰俚語,起勁地說、演唱或演奏。例如,belt out a song(引吭高歌。)

Vicars turn to karaoke because churches struggle to muster a choir and organist for Sunday services 唱詩班缺琴手 英國牧師改用卡拉OK

Vicars turn to karaoke because churches struggle to muster a choir and organist for Sunday services
唱詩班缺琴手 英國牧師改用卡拉OK

Vicars are buying karaoke-like machines to play music during their services to solve the difficulty of finding an organist.

The ’electronic hymnals’ have a vast repertoire of music and can play anything from traditional Songs Of Praise to a disco version of Amazing Grace.

Church-goers who struggle to remember the words can look up at a big screen displaying the lyrics in time with the music for help - just like real karaoke.

The hymnal is controlled from a small screen in the pulpit or lectern and vicars can pre-programme their playlist to match their services.

More adventurous parishes can add their own music from their iPods or MP3 Players to the system.

It has already proved exceptionally popular with churches around the country that have struggled to find organists.

And Martin Phelps, director of the Surrey based company Hymn Technology, said that the hymnal device is already helping churches to revive flagging congregations.

’Many of them have had the same organist for the last 60 years but when they retire, they have no one waiting in the wings to take their place.’



congregation :名詞,集合;(宗教)會眾。The congregation bowed their heads in prayer.(會眾在一起低頭禱告。)

be waiting in the wing:片語,準備就緒。其中wings原義是指「舞台上觀眾看不到的側面」。例句:For if the technocrats fail to do so, the extremists are waiting in the wings. (因為如果這些技術官僚失敗,極端主義者就會迫不及待地登上舞台。)

Groups sue over Navy sonar use, effect on whales 一些團體針對海軍聲納使用影響鯨魚而提告

Groups sue over Navy sonar use, effect on whales

Conservationists and Native American tribes are suing over the U.S. Navy’s expanded use of sonar in training exercises off the country’s west coast, saying the noise can harass and kill whales and other marine life.

In a lawsuit being filed by the environmental law firm Earthjustice, the Natural Resources Defense Council and other groups claim the National Marine Fisheries Service was wrong to approve the Navy’s plan for the expanded training.

They said regulators should have considered the effects repeated sonar use can have on those species over many years and should have restricted where the Navy could conduct sonar and other loud activities to protect orcas, humpbacks and other whales, as well as seals, sea lions and dolphins.

Instead, the Navy is required to look around and see if sea mammals are present before they conduct the training.

Kristen Boyles, an attorney with Earthjustice, said it’s the job of the fisheries service to balance the needs of the Navy with measures to protect marine life. "Nobody’s saying they shouldn’t train," she said. "But it can’t be possible that it’s no-holds-barred."


harass︰騷擾、騷亂,也有煩擾之意。例如︰be harassed by anxiety(憂心如焚)

look around︰環顧、(事前)全面考量,也有觀光、遊覽之意。例句︰We want to look around the town.(我們想在全城走走看看。)

no holds barred︰(行動或表達)完全自由、不受任何限制。例句︰This is the comedy with no holds barred, and it may offend some viewers.(這齣喜劇尺度無設限,因此可能觸怒一些觀眾。)

Western drugs were tested on East Germans: media 媒體︰西方藥廠在東德人身上禁行藥物試驗

Western drugs were tested on East Germans: media

Western drug companies tested pharmaceuticals on more than 50,000 people in the former communist East Germany, often without the knowledge of patients, several of whom died, the Spiegel news weekly reported.

Some 600 clinical trials were carried out in more than 50 hospitals until the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall, the report said, citing previously unpublished documents of the East German health ministry, pharmaceutical institute and Stasi secret police.

Many major drug companies from Germany, Switzerland and the United States took part, offering up to 800,000 West German marks (about 400,000 euros) per study, a boost for East Germany’s underfunded health care system, Spiegel said.

Records showed that two people died in East Berlin during testing of Trental, a drug that improves blood circulation developed by then West German company Hoechst, which has since merged with Sanofi, the report said.

Two more patients died in a lung clinic near the city of Magdeburg in tests of a blood pressure drug made by Sandoz, which has since been taken over by the Swiss group Novartis, according to Spiegel.

Patients were often not fully informed about the possible risks and side effects, the weekly said. Other tests involved preterm infants and a group of alcoholics suffering acute delirium who could not give informed consent. (AFP)

underfunded︰等同underfinanced,資金短缺的、財力不足的。例如︰an underfunded political party(經費不足的政黨)。
merge︰使合併、使漸消失。例句︰They sought to merge their differences.(他們試圖消除彼此間的分歧。)
informed consent︰知情同意。例句︰The most important ethical rule governing research on humans is that participants must give their informed consent before taking part in a study.(管理人體研究的最重要倫理規則是,參與者在參與研究前,必須給予其知情同意。)