2014年10月24日 星期五

Sea Garbage Shows Ocean Boundaries 海洋垃圾透露海洋邊界

Sea Garbage Shows Ocean Boundaries 海洋垃圾透露海洋邊界

Floating refuse reveals ocean currents that in turn show where the world’s oceans mix and where they stay relatively discrete.

At some point, we all had to memorize the names of Earth’s oceans. But in reality all this water is connected. So how do we know where one body begins and another ends? Just follow the trash—because the location of seafaring garbage can be used to define the oceans’ borders.

Historically speaking, the planet’s waters have been partitioned into discrete oceans for reasons that are geographical, historical, even cultural. To approach the problem from a more anatomical perspective, researchers came up with a model of how surface waters move. Which is where the rubbish comes in. Flotillas of flotsam are formed by currents that gather the garbage in large floating patches. But the currents also create barriers that minimize mixing between different ocean regions.

By modeling these currents, researchers have redefined the borders of the ocean basins based on how readily their waters mix. They find, for example, that a sliver of the Indian Ocean is really part of the south Pacific.

The work should help track ocean debris or even the spread of spilled oil. And it could change the way we see our seas.

l   float:動詞,漂浮。例句:Wood floats on water.(木頭漂浮在水面上。)
l   refuse:名詞,廢料,廢物。例如:a pile of refuse(一堆廢料)。

l   come up with:片語,想出解決問題的方法。例句:We finally came up with a solution.(我們最後終於想出一個解決的方法。)

Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate 科學家估算,伊波拉恐於10月底前抵達法國與英國

Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate

Scientists have used Ebola disease spread patterns and airline traffic data to predict a 75 percent chance the virus could be imported to France by October 24, and a 50 percent chance it could hit Britain by that date.

Those numbers are based on air traffic remaining at full capacity. Assuming an 80 percent reduction in travel to reflect that many airlines are halting flights to affected regions, France’s risk is still 25 percent, and Britain’s is 15 percent.

"It’s really a lottery," said Derek Gatherer of Britain’s Lancaster University, an expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic - the worst Ebola outbreak in history.

The deadly epidemic has killed more than 3,400 people since it began in West Africa in March and has now started to spread faster, infecting almost 7,200 people so far.

France is among countries most likely to be hit next because the worst affected countries - Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia - include French speakers and have busy travel routes back, while Britain’s Heathrow airport is one of the world’s biggest travel hubs.

"If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it’s only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe," said Gatherer.Reuters

l   lottery:名詞,彩券、摸彩、碰運氣的事。例句:Finding a job there is a lottery.(要在那兒找到工作全得碰運氣。)
l   at (full) capacity:片語,以最大(最高)程度。例句:This factory is running at capacity on bicycles.(這家工廠正全力生產腳踏車。)

l   end up:片語,結束、告終。例句:She ended up head of the firm.(她最後成了這家公司的首長。)

2014年10月17日 星期五









2014年9月29日 星期一

New name for lottery ticket sparks concern in Maine 樂透彩券的新名稱在緬因州引發關切

New name for lottery ticket sparks concern in Maine

Convenience-store owners in Maine are concerned that the state lottery wants to rebrand its scratch-off lottery tickets as "Kwikies."

"That’s going to be real uncomfortable for my girls behind the register to have guys come in and say, ’Hey, give me a Kwikie,’" David Welch, owner of Village Market in Fairfield, Me., told the Bangor Daily News after receiving a letter from the Maine State Lottery informing him of the plan.

"It’s highly inappropriate," Kaylee Constable, one of Welch’s employees, added. "[Customers] come in and joke around with me and say, ’Can I get a Kwikie?’ I’m only 19 years old, and I have 40- and 50-year-old men saying sexual remarks to me."

The newspaper provided some helpful context: "In slang terms, a quickie is a short sexual encounter."

But state lottery officials say the origin of the new name has nothing to do with sex.

"The benefit of buying this ticket is that it’s quick, easy and fun," Gerry Reid, director of the Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations, told the paper.



joke around:慣用語,開玩笑、打鬧。例句:She’s always joking around in the meeting.(她總是在會議上開玩笑。)

nothing to do with:慣用語,毫無關係。例句:This is your problem and it has nothing to do with me.(這是你的問題,跟我無關。)

Study shows Shakespeare as ruthless businessman 研究顯示,莎士比亞是冷酷商人

Study shows Shakespeare as ruthless businessman

New research depicts William Shakespeare as a grain hoarder, moneylender and tax dodger who became a wealthy businessman during a time of famine.

Academics from Aberystwyth University in Wales combed through historical archives to uncover details of the playwright’s parallel life as a merchant and property owner whose practices sometimes brought him into conflict with the law.

He was pursued by authorities for tax evasion, and in 1598 he was prosecuted for hoarding grain during a time of shortage.

The academics argue that we can’t fully understand Shakespeare unless we study his business-savvy side and the era of hunger in which he lived.

Researcher Jayne Archer said Sunday that those aspects are overlooked because many people "cannot countenance the idea of a creative genius also being motivated by self-interest."

comb through︰慣用語,徹底、仔細地搜尋。例句︰Police combed through the house, looking for the criminal evidence.(警方仔細搜查這間房子,以尋找犯罪證據。)
countenance︰動詞,贊同、支持、鼓勵。例句︰I don’t countenance corporal punishment.(我不贊成體罰。)

German flea circus hit by freeze 德國跳蚤馬戲團遭酷寒襲擊

German flea circus hit by freeze

Tragedy had struck a German flea circus. All of the circus’s 300 members was wiped out by the freezing weather – unfortunately on April Fools’ Day.

It was the first time the cold had killed a whole troupe in one go.

Circus director Robert Birk had described discovering the insects dead inside their transportation box as a ‘very difficult moment’.

"It’s hard to know when minus temperatures will be fatal for them," he said, "but the show must go on."

A university insect expert, Professor Heinz Mehlhorn, managed to provide 60 replacement fleas in time for a performance at an open-air fair.

Training began immediately for the new recruits. "I worked solidly for two days," Mr Birk told the Online Focus website, noting that the replacement team lacked a little pizzazz.

Some people had suggested the alleged deaths could be an elaborate April Fools’ Day joke but fair organiser Michael Faber is adamant this is not the case.

He added: "This is no April Fool’s. We saved the situation, otherwise there would have been no performance."


wipe out:動詞片語,徹底剷除、殲滅、消除,清除。

in one go:副詞,一口氣、一氣呵成。

例句:We have wiped out all the enemy troops in one go.(我們一舉殲滅所有敵軍。)

solidly:副詞,牢靠地、扎實地,整整地。例句:The principal lectured solidly for 30 minutes.(校長足足訓話30分鐘。)

9-year-old boy helps woman give CPR to baby 9歲男童協助一名婦女對寶寶施行心肺復甦術

9-year-old boy helps woman give CPR to baby

A 9-year-old boy and his 10-year-old friend are being hailed as heroes after helping a woman whose baby stopped breathing. One boy gave instructions on how to CPR while the other boy waited for an ambulance.

Susanna Rohm said that she was holding her 2-month-old son Isaiah in her lap when she realized something was wrong. "I noticed he looked pale and so I looked at his arm and his leg and they were limp," said Rohm. "Then I noticed that he looked like he wasn’t alive."

She jumped up and lost her cellphone in the commotion. There wasn’t a landline in the house, so she stepped outside to get help.

"I had him in my arms and still screaming over and over. Then I ran outside. I saw two boys playing across the street and I yelled, ’go ask your parents to call 911,’" said Susanna.

Ethan Wilson and Rocky Hurt were tossing a football in a front yard. "I was thinking we better go out there to help and actually call 911 instead of getting scared," said Wilson.

Rocky then ran over to help. "He came in and I had my hand on my baby’s chest just screaming and the little boys said, ’put two fingers on his chest,’" said Susanna. "He said, ‘press down five times,’ so I did five compressions, and then he said, ‘breathe in his mouth.’"

After a few minutes little Isaiah belted out a loud cry. An ambulance arrived moments later.


commotion︰名詞,混亂、喧鬧、騷動。例句︰They were awakened by the commotion in the street.(他們被街上的喧鬧聲吵醒。)

over and over(again)︰副詞,一再地、再三地。例句︰They played the same record over and over.(他們反覆地放同一張唱片。)

belt out︰俚語,起勁地說、演唱或演奏。例如,belt out a song(引吭高歌。)

Vicars turn to karaoke because churches struggle to muster a choir and organist for Sunday services 唱詩班缺琴手 英國牧師改用卡拉OK

Vicars turn to karaoke because churches struggle to muster a choir and organist for Sunday services
唱詩班缺琴手 英國牧師改用卡拉OK

Vicars are buying karaoke-like machines to play music during their services to solve the difficulty of finding an organist.

The ’electronic hymnals’ have a vast repertoire of music and can play anything from traditional Songs Of Praise to a disco version of Amazing Grace.

Church-goers who struggle to remember the words can look up at a big screen displaying the lyrics in time with the music for help - just like real karaoke.

The hymnal is controlled from a small screen in the pulpit or lectern and vicars can pre-programme their playlist to match their services.

More adventurous parishes can add their own music from their iPods or MP3 Players to the system.

It has already proved exceptionally popular with churches around the country that have struggled to find organists.

And Martin Phelps, director of the Surrey based company Hymn Technology, said that the hymnal device is already helping churches to revive flagging congregations.

’Many of them have had the same organist for the last 60 years but when they retire, they have no one waiting in the wings to take their place.’



congregation :名詞,集合;(宗教)會眾。The congregation bowed their heads in prayer.(會眾在一起低頭禱告。)

be waiting in the wing:片語,準備就緒。其中wings原義是指「舞台上觀眾看不到的側面」。例句:For if the technocrats fail to do so, the extremists are waiting in the wings. (因為如果這些技術官僚失敗,極端主義者就會迫不及待地登上舞台。)

Groups sue over Navy sonar use, effect on whales 一些團體針對海軍聲納使用影響鯨魚而提告

Groups sue over Navy sonar use, effect on whales

Conservationists and Native American tribes are suing over the U.S. Navy’s expanded use of sonar in training exercises off the country’s west coast, saying the noise can harass and kill whales and other marine life.

In a lawsuit being filed by the environmental law firm Earthjustice, the Natural Resources Defense Council and other groups claim the National Marine Fisheries Service was wrong to approve the Navy’s plan for the expanded training.

They said regulators should have considered the effects repeated sonar use can have on those species over many years and should have restricted where the Navy could conduct sonar and other loud activities to protect orcas, humpbacks and other whales, as well as seals, sea lions and dolphins.

Instead, the Navy is required to look around and see if sea mammals are present before they conduct the training.

Kristen Boyles, an attorney with Earthjustice, said it’s the job of the fisheries service to balance the needs of the Navy with measures to protect marine life. "Nobody’s saying they shouldn’t train," she said. "But it can’t be possible that it’s no-holds-barred."


harass︰騷擾、騷亂,也有煩擾之意。例如︰be harassed by anxiety(憂心如焚)

look around︰環顧、(事前)全面考量,也有觀光、遊覽之意。例句︰We want to look around the town.(我們想在全城走走看看。)

no holds barred︰(行動或表達)完全自由、不受任何限制。例句︰This is the comedy with no holds barred, and it may offend some viewers.(這齣喜劇尺度無設限,因此可能觸怒一些觀眾。)

Western drugs were tested on East Germans: media 媒體︰西方藥廠在東德人身上禁行藥物試驗

Western drugs were tested on East Germans: media

Western drug companies tested pharmaceuticals on more than 50,000 people in the former communist East Germany, often without the knowledge of patients, several of whom died, the Spiegel news weekly reported.

Some 600 clinical trials were carried out in more than 50 hospitals until the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall, the report said, citing previously unpublished documents of the East German health ministry, pharmaceutical institute and Stasi secret police.

Many major drug companies from Germany, Switzerland and the United States took part, offering up to 800,000 West German marks (about 400,000 euros) per study, a boost for East Germany’s underfunded health care system, Spiegel said.

Records showed that two people died in East Berlin during testing of Trental, a drug that improves blood circulation developed by then West German company Hoechst, which has since merged with Sanofi, the report said.

Two more patients died in a lung clinic near the city of Magdeburg in tests of a blood pressure drug made by Sandoz, which has since been taken over by the Swiss group Novartis, according to Spiegel.

Patients were often not fully informed about the possible risks and side effects, the weekly said. Other tests involved preterm infants and a group of alcoholics suffering acute delirium who could not give informed consent. (AFP)

underfunded︰等同underfinanced,資金短缺的、財力不足的。例如︰an underfunded political party(經費不足的政黨)。
merge︰使合併、使漸消失。例句︰They sought to merge their differences.(他們試圖消除彼此間的分歧。)
informed consent︰知情同意。例句︰The most important ethical rule governing research on humans is that participants must give their informed consent before taking part in a study.(管理人體研究的最重要倫理規則是,參與者在參與研究前,必須給予其知情同意。)

Florida women frighten off intruder by chanting ’Jesus’ 佛羅里達州婦女以吟詠「耶穌」嚇跑入侵者

Florida women frighten off intruder by chanting ’Jesus’

If you ask the 15 women inside Jacquie Hagler’s house what happened, they’ll tell you it’s simple: Jesus scared a would-be thief out of the Florida woman’s home.

At first, those gathered at Hagler’s house for a jewelry party thought the intruder was part of an elaborate gag, using a "water gun" to tease the Florida women.

"It’s only a water gun," one attendee reportedly said, while brushing away the firearm allegedly brandished by Derick Lee, who allegedly entered the home wearing a ski cap and bandana across his face.

Witnesses say Lee then held the gun to the woman’s head and announced, "I’m not joking, I’m going to shoot someone, give me your money."

"When I realized what was going on, I stood up and said, ’In the name of Jesus, get out of my house now,’" Hagler told WJXT-TV. "And he said, ’I’m going to shoot someone.’ And I said it again, real boldly," Hagler continued. "Everybody started chanting, ’Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,’ and he did a quick scan of the room and ran out the door as fast as he could go."

frighten away/off:片語動詞,嚇跑。例句:The fall in share prices frightened off possible investors.(股價下跌嚇跑潛在投資人。)
brush away:片語動詞,不願接受或聽信某人所言。例句:She brushes this criticism away.(她不把批評當一回事。)

Swatch publishes annual report in Swiss-German dialect Swatch用瑞士德語公布年度財務報告

Swatch publishes annual report in Swiss-German dialect

Swatch has published a version of its annual report in the Swiss-German dialect for which there is no standard written form, the latest act of rebellion from the watchmaker which has long enjoyed provoking the Swiss business establishment.

The move to publish in dialect rather than standard German - one of Switzerland’s four official languages including French and Italian in which the report was also issued - was meant to underpin Swatch Group SA’s Swiss roots and values, Chief Executive Nick Hayek told a media conference.

It results in a succession of spelling changes, such as geschaeftsjahr or results year becoming gschaeftsjohr and ausblick or outlook becoming usblick, giving approximations of the language familiar to inhabitants of Swiss-German parts of the country.

Explaining the move, Swatch Chairwoman Nayla Hayek said in her letter to shareholders: "This act of true Swissness was done partly to shake up our compatriots who - in their fondness for what is safe - sometimes allow themselves to follow a rather conventional, prudent and comfortable path."

The move highlights an increased awareness among Swiss companies of the cachet attached to Swiss-made products, while also being intended by the company to cement its reputation as a corporate "enfant terrible" in Switzerland, where a sober or staid tone dominates most parts of business and finance. (Reuters)


approximation:名詞,指接近、近似值,如The astronauts train in a room that provides an approximation of conditions in space. (太空人在一間條件類似太空環境的房間裡接受訓練。)

cachet:名詞,指獨特的特徵或品質等,常指受人尊崇的成就或威望,如He is a movie director with great artistic cachet.(他是一位藝術成就崇高的電影導演。)

enfant terrible:名詞,原文為法語,指舉止驚世駭俗、常造成他人尷尬或難堪者,如The radical painter was the enfant terrible of the art establishment.(這位激進派畫家是藝術圈的頑童。)複數為enfants terribles。

Ogooglebar! Sweden’s spat with Google inspires ’ungoogleable’ fun 網路搜尋不到!瑞典與Google的爭吵引發「網路搜尋不到的」樂趣

Ogooglebar! Sweden’s spat with Google inspires ’ungoogleable’ fun

Objections from Google have forced the removal of the word "ungoogleable" from a list of new Swedish words, the Language Council of Sweden says.

The language watchdog defines "ungoogleable", or "ogooglebar" in Swedish, as something that cannot be found with any search engine. But Google wanted the meaning to relate only to Google searches.
這個語言監督單位將 "ungoogleable"、或瑞典文中的"ogooglebar"定義為用任何搜尋引擎都無法找到資訊。但Google想要將這個字的定義限制為僅指使用Google搜尋。

The council, worried at the prospect of a lengthy legal battle and balking at the idea of changing the word’s definition, removed it from the list.

But news of the disagreement nevertheless created what the Swedish call a Bloggbävning – in English: a blogquake, or "the process by which a topic explodes in the blogosphere and is then picked up by more mainstream media outlets," according to The Atlantic.

Many search engine users are ’googling the ungoogleable’ following the lexical skirmish.

Swedish author and historian Peter Englund argued that Google has shot itself in the foot.

"There is no large company that owns the Swedish language, it is owned only by the users, and it is created by users," he stated in Swedish.


spat:動詞、名詞(口語),小爭吵、鬥嘴。例句:We spat constantly over petty affairs.(我們時常為一些小事爭吵。)

balk:動詞,阻止、挫折,拒絕做某事。例句:The commander has balked the idea of surrender.(指揮官已拒絕投降的想法。)

shoot oneself in the foot:動詞片語,自找麻煩、搬石頭砸自己的腳。例句:You just shot yourself in the foot by saying too much to the police.(你向警察說太多只是自找麻煩。)

Nepal traffic police herd Kathmandu’s holy cows 尼泊爾交通警察驅趕加德滿都聖牛

Nepal traffic police herd Kathmandu’s holy cows

Police in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu have launched a campaign to round up cows roaming the streets, blaming the sacred animals for car accidents and traffic jams.

"The stray cows and oxen have been a big nuisance in Kathmandu streets. They not only cause accidents, but also make the streets untidy," Pawan Giri, spokesman for the Kathmandu Metropolitan Traffic Police, told AFP.
加德滿都都會區交通警察局發言人吉里對法新社表示:「走失的母牛和公牛造成很大麻煩。不僅會造成意外,也弄髒街道 。」

"We see traffic jams because the drivers who try to avoid the cows often crash into other vehicles."

He said the captured animals would be detained until their owners paid a fine of approximately $60 for their release.

Cows are a regular sight in the smog-choked capital and are often found eating from piles of garbage on the roadside.

Regarded as an incarnation of the Hindu Goddess of prosperity Laxmi, the beasts are treated as sacred in Nepal, where the majority of the population is Hindu.

During the annual Tihar festival in the autumn, Hindus spend a day worshipping them by offering food and gifts.

Cow slaughter remains illegal in Nepal and can carry a prison sentence of up to 12 years. (AFP)


round up:片語,圍捕。例句:The police rounded up a few suspects of the murder case. (警方圍捕謀殺案的幾個嫌疑犯。)

nuisance:名詞,討厭的人(或事物); 麻煩事。例句:My ex-boyfriend keeps bugging me. He’s such a nuisance.(前男友老是煩我,討厭死了。)

incarnation: 名詞,典型、化身。 Rama was Vishnu’s incarnation on earth. (羅摩是毗濕奴在塵世的化身。)

Obesity bad for brain by hastening cognitive decline 過胖加速認知退化 對大腦不好

Obesity bad for brain by hastening cognitive decline
過胖加速認知退化 對大腦不好

Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance.

Experts are not sure why this might be, but say metabolic changes such as high blood sugar and raised cholesterol are likely to be involved.

The work, published in Neurology, tracked the health of more than 6,000 British people. The participants, who were aged between 35 and 55, took tests on memory and other cognitive skills three times over a 10-year period.

People who were both obese and who had unhealthy metabolic changes showed a much faster decline on their cognitive test scores compared to others in the study.


hasten:動詞,加快。例句:There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.(醫療不佳無疑加速她的死亡。)

declining:形容詞,衰退的,來自動詞decline,衰退、下跌。例句:The party’s popularity has declined in the opinion polls.(這個政黨的人氣在民調中下滑。)

raised:形容詞,升高的,來自動詞raise,增加、調高。例句:The government is planning to raise taxes.(政府計畫增稅。)

Waitress asks patron for ID, gets own stolen driver’s license in return 女服務生要求顧客出示身分證件,反而拿到自己的遭竊駕照

Waitress asks patron for ID, gets own stolen driver’s license in return

A restaurant server was confronted with the woman accused of stealing her identity.

Brianna Priddy’s wallet was stolen on Feb. 13 during a night out with friends.

On Feb. 25, a customer came to the Applebee’s in Lakewood where Priddy works as a server.

At first, they looked like any other customers but Priddy soon learned who they really were.

"Four people come in, walk in, sit down. They start ordering drinks. This girl hands me my ID as a fake ID," Priddy said.

It had been a rough couple of weeks for Priddy. "My wallet was stolen. It was a pain in the butt," she said.

Someone was using her identity, writing hundreds of dollars in bad checks. Now that someone, was sitting in Priddy’s section.

"But I didn’t say anything. I handed it back to her.... [I] went straight to the phone, called the cops," Priddy said.

"Dumb criminal! That’s the first [word] that comes to mind," police spokesman Steve Davis said, "we found some narcotics in this woman’s possession, so she’s in quite a bit of hot water."


rough:形容詞,在本文意思為辛苦的、受苦的。例句:The new country had a rough time during the civil war.(這個新國家在內戰時期備受苦難。)

a pain in the butt:俚語,非常惱人的事或人。例句:My brother keeps asking me for money. He is really a pain in the butt.(我弟一直伸手向我要錢。他真是討厭鬼。)

be in hot water:片語,遭遇或陷入困境、麻煩。例句:You will be in hot water if the project failed.(若這個案子失敗,你就慘了。)

2014年9月27日 星期六

Amputee dog gets four prosthetic legs 截肢狗獲4義肢

Amputee dog gets four prosthetic legs

A mixed-breed puppy had a tough start to live after losing all four of his paws and the tip of his tail to frostbite.

Naki’o was left abandoned at a foreclosed Nebraska home when he was a young and was found alone, frozen into a puddle of icy water in the cellar.

He was taken to an animal rescue center and under their care his paws healed to rounded stumps.

It was a tough existence for Naki’o, he couldn’t walk and play with other dogs due to the pain it caused him and instead had to crawl along on his belly.

Fortunately for Naki’o he meet veterinarian assistant Christie Pace. She adopted Naki’o when he was 8-weeks-old and then set about organizing a fundraiser to pay for him to have his two back legs fitted with prosthetics.

He took to these so enthusiastically, that the company who fitted them decided to complete the process free of charge.

’When we saw how good he was doing with his back leg prosthetics and how he was struggling to use his front legs it was very simple to say, "He could do much better with all four prosthetics on."’ said Martin Kaufmann, owner of Orthopets, a Denver company that specializes in pet prosthetics.

Naki’o is the first dog to be fitted with a complete set of bionic paws that work naturally to allow him to run, jump and even swim.


set about︰開始、著手。例句︰After breakfast, she set about her household duties.(早餐後,她開始做家務。)

take to︰開始從事、形成…習慣、適應。例句︰He took to studying English with great zeal.(他開始以極大的熱情學習英文。)

free of charge︰免費。例句︰If the material is found faulty, we shall replace it free of charge.(如果材料發現有缺點,我們將免費更換。)

NBA:In landmark for US sports, Collins says he’s gay NBA球員出櫃 美國體壇里程碑

NBA:In landmark for US sports, Collins says he’s gay
NBA球員出櫃 美國體壇里程碑

NBA center Jason Collins became the first active player in a major professional American team sport to reveal that he is gay, doing so to Sports Illustrated in a major cover story released on Monday.
美國職籃NBA中鋒傑森.柯林斯在週一出版的「運動畫刊」(Sports Illustrated)封面故事中大方出櫃,成為全美主要職業團隊運動中,首位承認自己是同性戀的現役球星。

Collins, who is now a free agent, has played in the NBA for 12 seasons with six teams, spending this past campaign with the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards. He helped the New Jersey Nets reach the 2002 and 2003 NBA Finals.

"I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black and I’m gay," began the story that Collins penned for the magazine with writer Franz Lidz.

The landmark revelation will now focus attention on Collins and any club that decides to sign him as well as the attitudes of his new teammates.

Among the messages of support Collins received for his admission were those from former US president Bill Clinton, whose daughter Chelsea was a college friend of Collins at Stanford, and NBA commissioner David Stern.
包括前總統柯林頓和NBA執行長史騰都留言對柯林斯表示支持。柯林頓的女兒雀兒喜是柯林斯的史丹佛大學同學 。

Stern praised Collins for the courage and leadership of his admission. "Jason has been a widely respected player and teammate throughout his career and we are proud he has assumed the leadership mantle on this very important issue," Stern said. (AFP)


landmark:名詞,重大事件、里程碑。例句:The vaccine is a landmark in the history of preventive medicine. (疫苗是預防醫學的里程碑。)

set out:片語,計畫或有意做什麼事。例句:She drew up a grandiose statement of what her organization should set out to achieve. (對於她的組織應該計畫做什麼事情,她擬定浮誇的宣言。)

mantle:名詞,(職業或工作的)職責或責任。例句:The second son has now assumed his father’s mantle. (次子繼承父親的衣缽。)

Being good looking can earn you 20 percent more - but only if you’re a man 帥哥多賺兩成薪 美女無優勢

Being good looking can earn you 20 percent more - but only if you’re a man
帥哥多賺兩成薪 美女無優勢

A handsome man can earn a fifth more than a plainer colleague but a beautiful woman is not paid a penny more than her average-looking colleague, new research has shown.

The study by senior economists found that being good-looking meant male workers could earn 22 percent more than average-looking colleagues.

Researchers said good looks did not give women a similar advantage.

Andrew Leigh, the former economics professor at the Australian National University who co-authored the report, said: "Beauty can be a double-edged sword for women.

"Some people still believe good looks and intelligence are incompatible in women so a good-looking woman can’t be that productive, but there’s no dumb-blonde syndrome affecting men’s pay."

The research found that handsome men in all jobs, from manual labour to highly-paid professional careers, can earn 22 percent more than their colleagues doing an identical role.

Men with below-average looks face an uphill battle in the office, with ugliness reducing a man’s earnings by 26 percent compared to an average-looking worker.


double-edged:形容詞,雙刃的;兩可的;意義雙關的。例句:Workplace friendships are like a double-edged sword.(職場友誼就像一把雙面刃。)

identical︰形容詞,完全相同的、完全相似的。例句:The two words are identical in meaning.(這兩個字的字義完全一樣。)

an uphill battle/fight/struggle:片語,苦戰。uphill,形容詞,上坡的,艱困的。

City of Pied Piper faces rat problem again 魔笛手城市再度面臨鼠患

City of Pied Piper faces rat problem again

The German city of Hamelin may be in need of another Pied Piper -- it seems the rats are back.

City officials say a popular fountain has been put out of service after the rodents gnawed through a power cable, according to the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

The Lower Saxony city is where, legend has it, the Pied Piper led all the rats out in 1284 with his magic pipe into the Weser River, where they drowned.

But more than 700 years later, city officials say such drastic measures may not be necessary. The fountain was due to be permanently closed anyway because of the high upkeep costs.

And the solution in the fictitious Piper story isn’t practical anyway:rats are actually pretty good swimmers.(AP)


in need(of something):慣用語,某人需要(某物)。例句:We are in need of a new leader.(我們需要一名新領導人。)

out of service:慣用語,暫停使用,暫停服務;相反詞,in service,使用中,運行中。例句:All elevators in the office building had been put out of service, so I had to use the stairs.(辦公大樓內的所有電梯都暫停服務,我只好爬樓梯。)


Man shoots tree, tree fires back 男子射樹,樹反擊

Man shoots tree, tree fires back

Using a tree for target practice sounds harmless enough, right? That wasn’t the case for an Iowa man who is recovering at a hospital after the tree he aimed his gun at fired back.

The Iowa man is expected to survive but will have one heck of a story to tell after he fired his pistol at a tree only to have the shot ricochet and impact upon himself.

27-year-old Logan Bunn transported himself to a nearby hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office says the incident happened at about 4:30am on Sunday morning.

In the ongoing war between man and nature, many more trees have fallen at the feet of their human counterparts. But there have been notable exceptions. Last month, an Illinois man was killed when a tree he was attempting to cut down fell upon him.

And on Christmas Day 2012, a Houston man was killed when he was attempting to clear a fallen tree from the street outside his home. During the removal effort, a second tree fell on him, causing the fatality.


fire (something) back (at someone or something):慣用語,開槍回擊。例句:The soldiers in the fort did not fire back at the enemies.(要塞內的士兵並未開槍回擊敵人。)

it is the case/it is not the case:慣用語,就是這樣/並不是這樣。

counterpart:名詞,對應人或物。例句:Chinese President Xi Jinping held telephone conversation with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama on the expansion of cooperation and mutual respect between the two countries.(中國國家主席習近平與美國總統歐巴馬通電話,論及拓展兩國合作與相互尊重。)

Images of tiger abuse at China zoos upset public 中國動物園虐虎影像引發眾怒

Images of tiger abuse at China zoos upset public

A video and photos of tigers being abused in a pair of incidents during China’s May Day holiday have caused public condemnation, prompting apologies and promises that such incidents would not recur.

In the video, two uniformed men are shown slapping and shaking the head of a lethargic tiger and energetically jumping on its back.

The state-run China News Service said late Monday that the men were employees of a performance troupe that staged tiger shows at Wenling Zoo in eastern China’s Zhejiang province during the May Day holiday. It said the men abused the tiger after a show featuring the animal.

In a separate incident, a tiger tethered with a rope was offered as a prop to photo-taking tourists during the holiday at a tiger park in northeastern Jilin province. One photo showed a person straddling the tiger’s back.

Wang Haijun, a park official, told China News that a tiger tamer made the unauthorized decision to allow tourists to take photographs with the animal and that the park management immediately halted the act after hearing about it.

Mistreatment of captive or tamed wild animals is an issue in China. Earlier this year, visitors to the city zoo of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province were caught pelting two lions with snowballs.(AP)


recur:動詞,再發生、復發。例句:When the symptoms recurred, the doctor diagnosed something different. (症狀復發時,醫生做出不同的診斷。)

lethargic:形容詞,不活潑的、無生氣的。例句:I felt tired and a little lethargic. (我覺得累累的,有點沒精神。)

straddle:動詞,跨坐。例句:He turned the chair round and straddled it. (他把椅子轉過來,跨坐上去。)

Beer-glass shape alters people’s drinking speed - study 研究:啤酒杯形狀改變喝酒速度

Beer-glass shape alters people’s drinking speed - study

The shape of your glass is probably the last thing on your mind when you are down the pub. However, researchers at the University of Bristol believe the shape of beer glasses affects the speed people drink.

Their study suggests people drink more quickly out of curved glasses than straight ones. They argue that the curvy glassware makes pacing yourself a much greater challenge.

A group of 159 men and women were filmed drinking either soft drinks or beer as part of the study. The glasses all contained around half a pint of liquid, but some of the glasses were straight while others were very curved.

There was no difference in the drinking time for soft drinks. People drinking from both straight and curved glasses finished after around seven minutes. However, for the beer drinkers there was a large difference between the two groups. While it took around seven minutes for people drinking from a curved glass to polish off their half pint, it took 11 minutes for those drinking from a straight glass.


alter:動詞,改變。例句:We’ve had to alter some of our plans.(我們必須變更一些計畫。)

down:介系詞,向下,往下方,沿著。在英國的非標準用法時,指「去」。例句:I went down the pub with my mates.(我跟兄弟們去酒吧。)

pace oneself:片語,放慢步伐,慢慢來。例句:No more soup, thank you. I’m pacing myself so that I have room for a dessert.(不要再給我湯了,謝謝。我要慢慢吃,這樣才有肚子吃甜點。)

Playing Tetris video game ’fixes lazy eye’, doctors say 醫師說,玩俄羅斯方塊電玩「矯正懶惰眼」

Playing Tetris video game ’fixes lazy eye’, doctors say

Canadian doctors say they have found an inventive way to treat lazy eye - playing the Tetris video game.

An estimated one in 50 children has lazy eye, known medically as amblyopia.

Normally, the treatment is to cover the good eye with a patch to make the weak one work harder.

Dr Robert Hess of the McGill University set out to investigate whether a different approach might work.

Armed with a special pair of video goggles they set up an experiment that would make both eyes work as a team.

Nine volunteers with amblyopia were asked to wear the goggles for an hour a day over the two weeks while playing Tetris, the falling building block video game.

The goggles allowed one eye to see only the falling objects, while the other eye could see only the blocks that accumulate on the ground in the game.

Another group of nine volunteers with amblyopia wore similar goggles but had their good eye covered, and watched the whole game through only their lazy eye.

At the end of the two weeks, the group who used both eyes had more improvement in their vision than the patched group.

The researchers then let the patched group have a go at using the goggles with both eyes uncovered. Their vision then improved significantly.


set out to:動詞片語,著手、展開做某事。例句:They set out to prove their theory.(他們著手證明他們的理論。)

fix:動詞,整理、修理,吸引注意,賄賂(口語)。例句:That old woman crying for help fixed our attention.(那名哭求幫助的老婦吸引我們注意。)

have a go:動詞,嘗試、企圖做。例句:Why not let him have a go. He will do better this time.(何不讓他放手一試。他這次會表現得更好。)

Online sharing, how much is too much? 網路分享,多少是太多?

Online sharing, how much is too much?

Whether it is photos, personal status or unwanted comments, most Americans think people ’overshare’ personal information online and a third admit not everything they post is true.

A survey for Intel Corporation on mobile etiquette and digital sharing showed that 90 percent of Americans think too much is being divulged, and nearly half feel overwhelmed by all the data that is out there.

One in five of the 2,008 people questioned by Ipsos Observer for Intel admitted that some of what they post is false.

For many, sharing online with smartphones, laptops and tablets is easier than in person. A third of people admitted they were more comfortable with digital sharing than face to face, and a quarter said they had a different personality online.

The wealth of digital information can also be annoying.

Most US adults said they are vexed by people who complain constantly and similar numbers found posting inappropriate or explicit photos and private information bothersome.(Reuters)


divulge:動詞,洩漏;透露。例句:The soldier was shot for divulging the plans to the enemy.(這個士兵因向敵人洩漏計畫而被槍斃。)

in person:片語, 親自;親自出現地。例句:You should come here in person tomorrow. (明天你必須親自來。)

vex:動詞,使生氣;使痛苦。例句:His longevity vexed his heirs.(他的長命讓繼承人們感到惱火。)

Obama balks when asked if presidency is out of juice 被問到總統是否已經失勢,歐巴馬語塞

Obama balks when asked if presidency is out of juice

"Golly." That was Barack Obama, flabbergasted at a variant of a question all US presidents get sooner or later -- are you still relevant?

Obama appeared taken aback when asked at a White House news conference whether he still had the "juice" to get his agenda through clogged up Congress.

"Maybe I should just pack up and go home. Golly," said Obama, probably thinking the question impertinent, since he is only three months into his second term.

Yet Obama can barely contain his contempt for Congress, which blocks him at every turn and threatens his hopes for a robust second-term. "My charm offensive has helped me learn some interesting things about what’s going on in Congress -- it turns out, absolutely nothing," said Obama.

The president’s joke, at the White House Correspondents dinner, betrayed frustration at banging his head against a congressional brick wall.

"You seem to suggest that somehow these folks over there have no responsibilities and that my job is to somehow get them to behave," Obama told reporters, in a snipe at lawmakers.


juice:名詞,指精力、活力,或者電力、汽油等,亦可引申為指政治實力或影響力,尤指在政界或商界的影響力,如My cousin Gianni’s got all the juice in this neighborhood.(我表哥吉安尼在這個社區很有影響力。)

flabbergast:動詞,常用被動式,指使某人大吃一驚,如He was flabbergasted when we told him how cheap it was.(當我們告訴他這個東西有多便宜時,他非常驚訝。)

bang one’s head against a brick wall:片語,指徒勞無功、白費力氣,如You’re banging your head against a brick wall trying to get that dog to behave properly.(你想讓那隻狗乖乖聽話,根本就是白費工夫。)

Michelin for the masses: Japan’s standing restaurants head for New York 普羅大眾都能享受的米其林料理 日本立食餐廳進軍紐約

Michelin for the masses: Japan’s standing restaurants head for New York
普羅大眾都能享受的米其林料理 日本立食餐廳進軍紐約

Japan’s popular standing restaurants, where patrons eat food by former Michelin restaurant chefs for a fraction of the cost at a seated-restaurant, are about to hit New York.

Michio Yasuda, an executive director at ORENO Corporation, which owns and runs 18 restaurants in Tokyo, hopes New Yorkers who are happy to drink while standing at bars will also be happy to eat while standing.

In Tokyo’s standing restaurants, which include French and Italian establishments in the posh Ginza district, diners can enjoy dishes like tender beef tournedos with foie gras, with an average meal costing about 4,000 yen , around the cost of drinks and snacks at a simple Japanese-style pub.

Now, ORENO Corporation plans to open a standing, gourmet Japanese restaurant in New York, taking aim at diners who yearn for sushi without the bill climbing into three figures or more.
現在,ORENO公司計畫在紐約開設一間日式立食美饌餐廳 ,目標客群是渴望能品嘗壽司,又不希望帳單高達3位數的食客。

"Japanese food at a top-rated place in New York is so expensive. We want to completely change that," said Hiroshi Shimada, a chef who set up a gourmet standing Japanese restaurant in the Ginza after leaving the Michelin three-starred Japanese restaurant Azabu Yukimura.

Shimada said some modifications may be made to the food to suit American tastes."For example, we might add just a tiny bit of butter to our ’dashi’ soup stock. Or take Japanese simmered dishes like ’niku jaga’ - meat with potatoes - and serve them with bread, like a stew," he added. (Reuters)

posh:形容詞,奢侈的、漂亮的、優雅的、第一流的。例句:We stayed in a posh hotel in San Francisco.(我們住在舊金山一家豪華的飯店裡。)
yearn for:片語,盼望。例句:She yearned for a glimpse of him.(她渴望可以看到他一眼。)
top-rated:形容詞,最高級、最受歡迎的。例句:His novel is one of the top-rated books of the year.(他的小說是今年最受歡迎的書之一。)

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Superman’s 75th puts spotlight on Cleveland roots 超人75週年生日,克里夫蘭根源受矚目

Superman’s 75th puts spotlight on Cleveland roots

The tough, blue-collar roots of Superman’s creators are getting a fresh look on the superhero’s 75th anniversary.

Creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster lived just a few blocks apart in the Cleveland neighborhood that shaped their teenage lives, their dreams and the imagery of the Man of Steel.

In the city’s Glenville neighborhood, still in the throttling grip of the Great Depression, Siegel and Shuster labored on their creation for years before finally selling Superman to a publisher.

The Man of Steel became a Depression-era bootstrap strategy for the Siegel/Shuster team, according to Brad Ricca, a professor at nearby Case Western Reserve University who uses Superman in his classes. "They really just saw it as a way out," he said.

But it wasn’t just hardscrabble circumstances that tempered the Man of Steel, Siegel’s daughter said. Laura Siegel Larson said Cleveland’s public library, comic pages and high school mentors all nurtured her father’s creativity.

"The encouragement that he received from his English teachers and the editors at the Glenville High School newspaper and the literary magazine gave my dad a real confidence in his talents," she said.(AP)


throttle:作名詞時指節流閥、油門,作動詞則指掐住某人的脖子、使窒息或扼殺、壓制,如International sanctions were then throttling the country’s economy.(國際制裁使得該國當時的經濟發展受阻。)

bootstrap:名詞,原指(長統靴的)拔靴帶,引申為指幾乎不靠他人協助,自立自強,常用於片語by one’s own bootstraps,如Despite many obstacles, she has pulled herself up by her own bootstraps.(儘管面臨重重險阻,她仍然靠自己闖出一片天。)

hardscrabble:形容詞,指農地或土壤很貧瘠,或指很貧困的,如He lived a hardscrabble life.(他一生困頓。)

Increase potassium and cut salt to reduce stroke risk 飲食增加鉀、減少鹽分可降低中風風險

Increase potassium and cut salt to reduce stroke risk

Increasing potassium in our diets as well as cutting down on salt will reduce blood pressure levels and the risk of stroke, research in the British Medical Journal suggests.

One study review found that eating an extra two to three servings of fruit or vegetables per day - which are high in potassium - was beneficial. A lower salt intake would increase the benefits further, researchers said.

While the increase of potassium in diets was found to have a positive effect on blood pressure, it was also discovered to have no adverse effects on kidney function or hormone levels, the research concluded.

As a result, the World Health Organisation has issued its first guidelines on potassium intake, recommending that adults should consume more than 4g of potassium per day.

cut down:片語,減少。例句:I’m trying to cut down on caffeine.(我正試著減少咖啡因攝取。)
serving:名詞,(食物)一份。例句:The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.(這個食譜的量夠做4份餐。)
adverse:形容詞,不利的。例句:The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.(這場比賽因為天候不佳取消。)

Hapless attempt at parallel parking in Belfast is internet hit 貝爾法斯特不幸的路邊停車嘗試成網路熱門影片

Hapless attempt at parallel parking in Belfast is internet hit

A video of an unfortunate woman trying to park her car in a Belfast street has become an internet sensation.

It shows a female driver taking about 30 minutes and several attempts to reverse her car into a space between two vehicles.

The hapless attempt at parallel parking was captured on a mobile phone, after a group of students from a nearby house saw the scene unfold.

A blow-by-blow commentary was given by Ciaran Doherty and Ciaran Shannon and their friends, which undoubtedly helped the footage go viral.

Ciaran told the BBC: "One of the boys in the house was looking out the window having a wee bit of fresh air and saw it."

"We were looking at it for a good 15 minutes before we started videoing it. I offered to park the car for her. I can’t believe she couldn’t get it in. It could easily have fitted a big people carrier in that space."

They cheer when the woman appears to be mastering the task in hand. But then the students fall about laughing as she appears to be carrying out a three-point turn instead of parking.

After 30 minutes, when the car is finally parked, the watching students whoop with delight and give the poor woman a round of applause.


blow-by-blow:形容詞,詳細的。例句:The witness gave a blow-by-blow account of the accident.(目擊者詳細說明這起意外。)

a wee bit:形容詞、副詞,一點點、非常少的。例句:I’m just a wee bit worried about her.(我只是有一點擔心她。)

fall about laughing:動詞片語,大笑不止。例句:They fell about laughing when I told them the news.(當我告訴他們這個消息時,他們都忍不住大笑。)

Has blabbermouth Harry given the game away? 長舌哈利洩漏了秘密嗎?

Has blabbermouth Harry given the game away?

Prince Harry has been telling friends that Kate and William are expecting a boy, it was reported.

He is so happy about becoming an uncle he couldn’t keep the secret of the baby’s sex to himself.

A source close to the Prince said:’Harry has been telling everyone Wills and Kate are having a boy and how thrilled he is at the prospect of having a little nephew.’

’The close inner circle all know that it’s a boy and they’re busily buying gifts with a boy theme.’

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have kept mum about the sex of their new arrival. But seven-months-pregnant Kate has dropped a couple of hints.

In March she appeared to suggest a girl was on the way when she given a teddy by a well-wisher.

She said:’I will take that for my d..’ —and then stopped herself. A nearby listener said:’You were going to say daughter, weren’t you? Kate replied:’No, we don’t know.’



give the game away:動詞片語,無意地說出秘密。例句:You blabbermouth! You just gave the game away.(你這個大嘴巴!把秘密給說出去了。)

mum:形容詞,沉默,尤指為了保守秘密。例句:You have to keep mum about our new product plan. (關於我們的新產品計畫,你的口風得緊一點。)

Afghan interpreters win right to new life in Britain 阿富汗口譯員贏得在英國展開新生活的權利

Afghan interpreters win right to new life in Britain

Up to 600 Afghan interpreters who served with British forces in Afghanistan will be offered the chance of a new life in Britain after a government U-turn, it was revealed on Wednesday.

Prime Minister David Cameron had initially decided to discourage the interpreters from settling in Britain for fear of the message it would send out about the stability of Afghanistan as foreign forces pull out.

Many of the Afghans say their lives are in danger from the Taliban due to their work with British forces in the restive southern Helmand Province.

Although details of the new plan have yet to be released, interpreters who served on the frontline for at least one year will be allowed to move to Britain with close family members on a five-year visa.

They will reportedly be able to choose between cash payments if they stay in Afghanistan or settle in a country nearby, and the right to move to Britain.

Those who wish to remain in Afghanistan will be paid their salary for five years if they train or study, or be paid for 18 months if they do not.

The Downing Street source said Cameron "has been very clear that we should not turn our backs on those who have trod the same path as our soldiers in Helmand, consistently putting their lives at risk to help our troops achieve their mission".

discourage:動詞,以表達不贊同或製造困難的方式阻止。例句:The plan is designed to discourage smoking in public places.(這項計畫意在阻止於公共場所吸菸。)
restive:形容詞,不安寧。例句:The crowd had been waiting for hours and many were becoming restive. (群眾已經等了好幾個小時,許多人已開始騷動。)
turn back on:片語,拒絕或拋棄。例句:She turned her back on her career to devote her life to animals. (她放棄事業,將人生奉獻給動物。)

Two cuppas a day boost your chances of having a baby... but steer clear of fizzy drinks 每天兩杯茶可提高懷寶寶的機率…但要避免氣泡飲料

Two cuppas a day boost your chances of having a baby... but steer clear of fizzy drinks

Two cups of tea a day may help boost a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant, according to a study. It found women were 27 per cent more likely to become pregnant if they regularly drank tea compared with those who did not.

However, the same research found consuming two cola-style fizzy drinks daily seems to reduce a woman’s prospects of conceiving – and it makes no difference if the cola is a diet or sugary version. Women who drank these soft drinks at least twice a day reduced their chances of becoming pregnant by 20 per cent. There was no effect on the chances of pregnancy for women who preferred to drink coffee.

The findings were based on a group of 3,600 women who were actively trying to have a baby. The study’s author, Professor Elizabeth Hatch, of Boston University in the United States, wanted to determine if caffeine intake had any effect on women trying for a baby.

Prof Hatch said: "We found that women who drank tea two or three times a day did have a 27 per cent increased chance of becoming pregnant. We don’t know how they took the tea or if they added milk or lemon, but they had this increased chance of getting pregnant over women who did not drink tea at all."


cuppa:名詞,(英式英語)一杯茶。例句:Make us a cuppa, will you, love?(親愛的,幫我們泡杯茶好嗎?)

steer clear of :片語,避免,遠離。例句:His parents warned him to steer clear of trouble.(他的父母警告他要避免麻煩。)

conceive:動詞,懷孕。例句:The baby was conceived in March, so will be born in December.(寶寶是3月懷的,所以應該12月會生。)

Mary! Your message in a bottle has arrived...28 years later 瑪莉!你的瓶中信…遲了28年後,來了

Mary! Your message in a bottle has arrived...28 years later

A Canadian man’s message in a bottle honoring his promise to write to a woman named Mary has finally washed ashore 28 years later in Croatia.

Surfers cleaning the debris from a beach at the mouth of the Neretva river in the southern Adriatic came across a half-broken bottle with a paper inside, Croatian newspaper Dubrovack Vjesnik said on its website.
克羅埃西亞報紙Dubrovack Vjesnik網站報導,在亞得里亞海南部內雷特瓦河口的沙灘上清理垃圾的衝浪客,無意中發現一個半破裂、裡面塞了一張紙的瓶子。

A 23-year-old local surfer, who gave her name as Matea, nearly threw it away when she spotted a wet paper inside, which contained a message from Jonathon in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, which lies on Canada’s eastern coast.

"Mary, you really are a great person. I hope we can keep in correspondence. I said I would write. Your friend always, Jonathon, Nova Scotia, 1985," said the message.

honor one’s promise/words:慣用語,實踐承諾。honor,動詞,實踐、落實。例句:He never honored his promise.(他這人向來說話不算話。)
come across:慣用語,偶然碰見或發現。例句:I came across my old college roommate in town today.(我今天在鎮上巧遇我大學時代的室友。)

2014年9月9日 星期二

French president’s ’Mr. Normal’ image hit by tweet 推文打擊法國總統的「平凡先生」形象

French president’s ’Mr. Normal’ image hit by tweet

A feud involving the French president’s live-in girlfriend, his former partner and his eldest son may have tarnished the new leader’s carefully cultivated image as "Mr. Normal’’.

Francois Hollande agreed to take a question about the family feud that has riveted the media during a television interview on tradition-steeped Bastille Day. The reporters asked for his reaction to "tweetgate’’ as the feud is known.

It began with a tweet sent out by his companion Valerie Trierweiler during last month’s legislative elections. The tweet expressed support for the political opponent of his ex-partner Segolene Royal, the mother of the president’s four children, who was defeated in her bid for a parliamentary seat.

The tweet has set the French political establishment aflame, and turned the president’s image on its head. Widely criticized as a vindictive move, the tweet went viral and dominated news shows.

"He campaigned for a clean break with Sarkozy, but it was a big mistake for Valerie, as it put his private life into public view,’’ political communications expert Arnaud Mercier said in a telephone interview. (AP)


turn something on its head:動詞片語,徹底改變某事。例句:The incident has turned the history on its head.(這次事件徹底改變了歷史。)

vindictive:形容詞,惡意的、報復性的。例句:Those vindictive thoughts have occupied her mind.(她滿腦子都是報復的想法。)

break with:動詞片語,與…斷絕關係,摒棄,革除。例句:The father has broken with his son.(這名父親已經斷絕和他兒子的關係。)

South Korean road wirelessly recharges OLEV buses 南韓道路無線充電OLEV(線上電動車)巴士

South Korean road wirelessly recharges OLEV buses

South Korea has switched on a road which can recharge electric vehicles as they drive over it. The project’s developer says the 12km (7.5 miles) route is the first of its kind in the world.

It means vehicles fitted with compatible equipment do not need to stop to recharge and can also be fitted with smaller than normal batteries. Two public buses are already using the technology and there are plans to add 10 more by 2015.

A device fitted to the bottom of the buses receives power from the road using a technology called Shaped Magnetic Field In Resonance.

However, another transportation expert warned that the costs involved in installing the equipment meant it was less practical than other schemes which involved vehicles wirelessly charging at specific locations or using overhead cables.


compatible:形容詞,相容的。例句:This software may not be compatible with older operating systems.(這套軟體可能與舊版作業系統不相容。)

practical:形容詞,實用的。例句:The service offers young people practical advice on finding a job.(這項服務提供年輕人找工作的實用經驗。)

overhead:形容詞/副詞,頭頂的。例句:Planes flew overhead constantly.(飛機不斷從頭頂飛過。)

Patient takes wheel of ambulance to save driver 病患開救護車救駕駛員一命

Patient takes wheel of ambulance to save driver

A late-stage cancer patient has saved the life of an ambulance driver who suffered a heart attack, by taking the wheel of his vehicle and driving him to hospital, French medical officials said.

Christian Nayet, a 60-year-old cancer sufferer from the northern town of Berck-sur-mer, rescued the driver on April 11 by taking him to a hospital in Lens, hospital emergency room manager Frederic Allienne told AFP on Wednesday.

Nayet told newspaper Voix du Nord the driver had suffered a heart attack while taking him to a hospital in Lille for a regular scan.

"I told him: ’Give me the keys, trust me! My life is not in danger, but yours is!’" Nayet said. " I couldn’t find the siren, but I managed to turn the lights on and told him to put his arm out the window to signal to the cars to let us pass."

They drove into the area reserved for ambulances, Allienne said, and the ambulance driver was immediately admitted to the emergency room. During the drive, Nayet had also administered a blood anticoagulant to the driver.

Without his assistance, the driver "could have died," Allienne said. Nayet was then taken to another hospital for his scheduled tests.(AFP)

take the wheel︰開車、掌控(方向盤)。例句︰Would you like me to take the wheel for a while?(你要我開一會兒車嗎?)
administer︰動詞,給予、派給、投藥。例句︰The doctor administered drugs to the patient.(醫生開藥給病患。)
scheduled︰形容詞,預先安排的、預定的、定期的。例如︰scheduled flight(定期航班)。

George H.W. Bush shaves head in support of boy with leukemia 老布希剃光頭支持血癌男童

George H.W. Bush shaves head in support of boy with leukemia

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush shaved his salt and pepper comb-over locks in solidarity with a 2-year-old boy who lost his hair from leukemia treatments, his office said in a statement.

Bush, 89, and members of his security detail, shaved their heads to support Patrick, the son of one of Bush’s security detail.

Photos released by Bush’s office show 26 other security staff posing with Bush and Patrick, all of whom have only a light dust of peach fuzz atop their heads. The last name of the boy was withheld at the request of his family.

Bush, who served as president from 1989 to 1993, and his wife Barbara, lost a 4-year-old daughter, Robin, to leukemia 60 years ago this October. (Reuters)

in support of:慣用語,贊同,擁護,支持。例句:More Americans were in support of Barack Obama in 2008 than John McCain.(2008年總統大選時,支持歐巴馬的美國人多於支持麥肯。)
salt and pepper (hair):俚語,黑灰相間的頭髮或有這樣的頭髮的人,通常指男性。例句:George Clooney has salt and pepper hair.(喬治.克隆尼有一頭黑灰相間的頭髮)。
comb-over:俚語,指把唯一剩下的一撮頭髮整個往另外一邊梳過去,好蓋住地中海禿頭。例句:That guy should just shave his head bald and stop using that obvious comb-over.(那傢伙乾脆剃光頭算了,不要再梳這種欲蓋彌彰的髮型。)

Mobiles to outnumber people next year, says UN agency 聯合國組織說,明年手機用戶數超過總人口

Mobiles to outnumber people next year, says UN agency
2013-12-26 ◎國際新聞中心

There will be more mobile subscriptions than people in the world by the end of next year, according to a UN agency report. The International Telecoms Union predicts that subscriptions will pass seven billion early in 2014.

There are currently 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions and 7.1 billion people.

The ITU World in 2013 report also found that more than a third of the global population are online.

The Commonwealth of Independent States, the alliance of countries formerly in the Soviet Union, has the highest mobile penetration with 1.7 subscriptions for every person. Africa has the least, with 63 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants.


outnumber:動詞,數量超過。例句:In our office the women outnumber the men three to one.(我們辦公室女生比男生多,比例是3比1。)

subscription:名詞,訂購,此處指手機用戶數。例句:We bought our niece an annual subscription to the tennis club.(我們為姪子繳了網球俱樂部的年費。)

penetration:名詞,穿透力,滲透。例句:The company is trying to increase its penetration of the market.(這家公司試圖提升市場穿透力。)

Great apes may have mid-life crisis, a study suggests 研究顯示,大型猿猴可能也有中年危機

Great apes may have mid-life crisis, a study suggests

Chimpanzees and orangutans may experience a "mid-life crisis" like humans, a study suggests.

An international team of researchers assessed the well-being and happiness of the great apes. They found well-being was high in youth, fell to a low in midlife and rose again in old age, similar to the "U-shape curve" of happiness in humans.

The sample subjects included 508 chimpanzees and orangutans of varying ages, from zoos, sanctuaries and research centres. They were assessed by zoo keepers, volunteers, researchers and caretakers who had worked with the primate subject for at least two years and knew its behaviour.

The animals were numerically scored for well-being and happiness on a short questionnaire, which was based on a human well-being model but modified for use in non-human primates.


varying:形容詞,不同的,多樣的。動詞為vary。例句:My taste in classical music varies greatly, but I usually prefer Mozart or Brahms.(我對古典音樂的喜好非常多樣,但我通常偏好莫札特或布拉姆斯。)

numerically:副詞,用數字表示地,形容詞為numerical。例句:Keep your files in numerical order.(用數字順序保管你的檔案。)

modify:動詞,修改。例句:Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.(這個系統並非單純懲罰違規者,而是鼓勵他們改變行為。)

Paris Louvre shuts as staff strike over pickpockets 職員因扒手罷工 巴黎羅浮宮休館

Paris Louvre shuts as staff strike over pickpockets
職員因扒手罷工 巴黎羅浮宮休館
2013-04-18◎ 國際新聞中心

One of the world’s most visited museums, the Louvre in Paris, did not open on Wednesday because of a protest by staff over pickpockets.

Staff at the museum said thieves, some of them children, were targeting both employees and tourists. Two hundred workers took part in a strike organised by the SUD union, according to AFP news agency.

The museum’s management said it had already asked for more assistance from police to deal with the problem.

Christelle Guyader of SUD told AFP that staff were coming to work "afraid". "They find themselves confronted with organised groups of pickpockets who are increasingly aggressive and who include children."

pickpocket:名詞,扒手,也可當動詞用。例句:Pickpocketing is one of the oldest and most widespread crimes in the world. (扒竊是世界上最古老也最普遍的犯罪行為之一。)
deal with:片語,處理、應付。例句:How do you intend to deal with this problem?(你想怎麼處理這個問題?)
confront:動詞,面對。例句:It’s an issue we’ll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.(這是我們某個時間點必須面對的問題,不管這個問題有多麼讓人不悅。)

Singles looking for special experience on Valentine’s Day 情人節到了 單身貴族尋找特別體驗

Singles looking for special experience on Valentine’s Day
情人節到了 單身貴族尋找特別體驗

Forget cards, flowers and chocolates, most singles want a special experience rather than a gift for Valentine’s Day and although the economy is stagnating, most romantics will spend as much, or more, on the day this year than last.

Nearly half of single and divorced people questioned in a new poll said they view the day as an opportunity to show someone how much they care but a similar number without a significant other don’t feel any pressure to celebrate Cupid’s big day .

Unlike material gifts, an experience, whether it is an outing, a vacation or a special meal, is something unique to the couple.

But not everyone questioned in the poll of 730 singles is making a fuss about Valentine’s Day. About a third of men and women think the holiday is just too commercial.

Although Valentine’s Day is eagerly anticipated by many, some singles dread the day while others remain optimistic. Seventy percent of singles said they would even go out on a first or blind date on Valentine’s Day. (Reuters)

significant other:片語,配偶或長期的同居人。例句:Valentine’s Day is approaching, and many may feel so pressured to find their "significant other" they turn to online dating.(情人節快到了,許多急著想找到另一半的人會轉向網路交友。)
make a fuss:片語,大驚小怪,小題大作。例句:I don’t want to make a fuss about trifles.(我不想為了雞毛蒜皮的小事大驚