2014年9月29日 星期一

Nepal traffic police herd Kathmandu’s holy cows 尼泊爾交通警察驅趕加德滿都聖牛

Nepal traffic police herd Kathmandu’s holy cows

Police in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu have launched a campaign to round up cows roaming the streets, blaming the sacred animals for car accidents and traffic jams.

"The stray cows and oxen have been a big nuisance in Kathmandu streets. They not only cause accidents, but also make the streets untidy," Pawan Giri, spokesman for the Kathmandu Metropolitan Traffic Police, told AFP.
加德滿都都會區交通警察局發言人吉里對法新社表示:「走失的母牛和公牛造成很大麻煩。不僅會造成意外,也弄髒街道 。」

"We see traffic jams because the drivers who try to avoid the cows often crash into other vehicles."

He said the captured animals would be detained until their owners paid a fine of approximately $60 for their release.

Cows are a regular sight in the smog-choked capital and are often found eating from piles of garbage on the roadside.

Regarded as an incarnation of the Hindu Goddess of prosperity Laxmi, the beasts are treated as sacred in Nepal, where the majority of the population is Hindu.

During the annual Tihar festival in the autumn, Hindus spend a day worshipping them by offering food and gifts.

Cow slaughter remains illegal in Nepal and can carry a prison sentence of up to 12 years. (AFP)


round up:片語,圍捕。例句:The police rounded up a few suspects of the murder case. (警方圍捕謀殺案的幾個嫌疑犯。)

nuisance:名詞,討厭的人(或事物); 麻煩事。例句:My ex-boyfriend keeps bugging me. He’s such a nuisance.(前男友老是煩我,討厭死了。)

incarnation: 名詞,典型、化身。 Rama was Vishnu’s incarnation on earth. (羅摩是毗濕奴在塵世的化身。)

