2014年9月29日 星期一

Waitress asks patron for ID, gets own stolen driver’s license in return 女服務生要求顧客出示身分證件,反而拿到自己的遭竊駕照

Waitress asks patron for ID, gets own stolen driver’s license in return

A restaurant server was confronted with the woman accused of stealing her identity.

Brianna Priddy’s wallet was stolen on Feb. 13 during a night out with friends.

On Feb. 25, a customer came to the Applebee’s in Lakewood where Priddy works as a server.

At first, they looked like any other customers but Priddy soon learned who they really were.

"Four people come in, walk in, sit down. They start ordering drinks. This girl hands me my ID as a fake ID," Priddy said.

It had been a rough couple of weeks for Priddy. "My wallet was stolen. It was a pain in the butt," she said.

Someone was using her identity, writing hundreds of dollars in bad checks. Now that someone, was sitting in Priddy’s section.

"But I didn’t say anything. I handed it back to her.... [I] went straight to the phone, called the cops," Priddy said.

"Dumb criminal! That’s the first [word] that comes to mind," police spokesman Steve Davis said, "we found some narcotics in this woman’s possession, so she’s in quite a bit of hot water."


rough:形容詞,在本文意思為辛苦的、受苦的。例句:The new country had a rough time during the civil war.(這個新國家在內戰時期備受苦難。)

a pain in the butt:俚語,非常惱人的事或人。例句:My brother keeps asking me for money. He is really a pain in the butt.(我弟一直伸手向我要錢。他真是討厭鬼。)

be in hot water:片語,遭遇或陷入困境、麻煩。例句:You will be in hot water if the project failed.(若這個案子失敗,你就慘了。)

