2014年9月9日 星期二

Mobiles to outnumber people next year, says UN agency 聯合國組織說,明年手機用戶數超過總人口

Mobiles to outnumber people next year, says UN agency
2013-12-26 ◎國際新聞中心

There will be more mobile subscriptions than people in the world by the end of next year, according to a UN agency report. The International Telecoms Union predicts that subscriptions will pass seven billion early in 2014.

There are currently 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions and 7.1 billion people.

The ITU World in 2013 report also found that more than a third of the global population are online.

The Commonwealth of Independent States, the alliance of countries formerly in the Soviet Union, has the highest mobile penetration with 1.7 subscriptions for every person. Africa has the least, with 63 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants.


outnumber:動詞,數量超過。例句:In our office the women outnumber the men three to one.(我們辦公室女生比男生多,比例是3比1。)

subscription:名詞,訂購,此處指手機用戶數。例句:We bought our niece an annual subscription to the tennis club.(我們為姪子繳了網球俱樂部的年費。)

penetration:名詞,穿透力,滲透。例句:The company is trying to increase its penetration of the market.(這家公司試圖提升市場穿透力。)

