2014年9月27日 星期六

Man shoots tree, tree fires back 男子射樹,樹反擊

Man shoots tree, tree fires back

Using a tree for target practice sounds harmless enough, right? That wasn’t the case for an Iowa man who is recovering at a hospital after the tree he aimed his gun at fired back.

The Iowa man is expected to survive but will have one heck of a story to tell after he fired his pistol at a tree only to have the shot ricochet and impact upon himself.

27-year-old Logan Bunn transported himself to a nearby hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office says the incident happened at about 4:30am on Sunday morning.

In the ongoing war between man and nature, many more trees have fallen at the feet of their human counterparts. But there have been notable exceptions. Last month, an Illinois man was killed when a tree he was attempting to cut down fell upon him.

And on Christmas Day 2012, a Houston man was killed when he was attempting to clear a fallen tree from the street outside his home. During the removal effort, a second tree fell on him, causing the fatality.


fire (something) back (at someone or something):慣用語,開槍回擊。例句:The soldiers in the fort did not fire back at the enemies.(要塞內的士兵並未開槍回擊敵人。)

it is the case/it is not the case:慣用語,就是這樣/並不是這樣。

counterpart:名詞,對應人或物。例句:Chinese President Xi Jinping held telephone conversation with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama on the expansion of cooperation and mutual respect between the two countries.(中國國家主席習近平與美國總統歐巴馬通電話,論及拓展兩國合作與相互尊重。)

