2014年9月27日 星期六

Michelin for the masses: Japan’s standing restaurants head for New York 普羅大眾都能享受的米其林料理 日本立食餐廳進軍紐約

Michelin for the masses: Japan’s standing restaurants head for New York
普羅大眾都能享受的米其林料理 日本立食餐廳進軍紐約

Japan’s popular standing restaurants, where patrons eat food by former Michelin restaurant chefs for a fraction of the cost at a seated-restaurant, are about to hit New York.

Michio Yasuda, an executive director at ORENO Corporation, which owns and runs 18 restaurants in Tokyo, hopes New Yorkers who are happy to drink while standing at bars will also be happy to eat while standing.

In Tokyo’s standing restaurants, which include French and Italian establishments in the posh Ginza district, diners can enjoy dishes like tender beef tournedos with foie gras, with an average meal costing about 4,000 yen , around the cost of drinks and snacks at a simple Japanese-style pub.

Now, ORENO Corporation plans to open a standing, gourmet Japanese restaurant in New York, taking aim at diners who yearn for sushi without the bill climbing into three figures or more.
現在,ORENO公司計畫在紐約開設一間日式立食美饌餐廳 ,目標客群是渴望能品嘗壽司,又不希望帳單高達3位數的食客。

"Japanese food at a top-rated place in New York is so expensive. We want to completely change that," said Hiroshi Shimada, a chef who set up a gourmet standing Japanese restaurant in the Ginza after leaving the Michelin three-starred Japanese restaurant Azabu Yukimura.

Shimada said some modifications may be made to the food to suit American tastes."For example, we might add just a tiny bit of butter to our ’dashi’ soup stock. Or take Japanese simmered dishes like ’niku jaga’ - meat with potatoes - and serve them with bread, like a stew," he added. (Reuters)

posh:形容詞,奢侈的、漂亮的、優雅的、第一流的。例句:We stayed in a posh hotel in San Francisco.(我們住在舊金山一家豪華的飯店裡。)
yearn for:片語,盼望。例句:She yearned for a glimpse of him.(她渴望可以看到他一眼。)
top-rated:形容詞,最高級、最受歡迎的。例句:His novel is one of the top-rated books of the year.(他的小說是今年最受歡迎的書之一。)

