2014年9月9日 星期二

Paris Louvre shuts as staff strike over pickpockets 職員因扒手罷工 巴黎羅浮宮休館

Paris Louvre shuts as staff strike over pickpockets
職員因扒手罷工 巴黎羅浮宮休館
2013-04-18◎ 國際新聞中心

One of the world’s most visited museums, the Louvre in Paris, did not open on Wednesday because of a protest by staff over pickpockets.

Staff at the museum said thieves, some of them children, were targeting both employees and tourists. Two hundred workers took part in a strike organised by the SUD union, according to AFP news agency.

The museum’s management said it had already asked for more assistance from police to deal with the problem.

Christelle Guyader of SUD told AFP that staff were coming to work "afraid". "They find themselves confronted with organised groups of pickpockets who are increasingly aggressive and who include children."

pickpocket:名詞,扒手,也可當動詞用。例句:Pickpocketing is one of the oldest and most widespread crimes in the world. (扒竊是世界上最古老也最普遍的犯罪行為之一。)
deal with:片語,處理、應付。例句:How do you intend to deal with this problem?(你想怎麼處理這個問題?)
confront:動詞,面對。例句:It’s an issue we’ll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.(這是我們某個時間點必須面對的問題,不管這個問題有多麼讓人不悅。)

