2014年9月29日 星期一

Swatch publishes annual report in Swiss-German dialect Swatch用瑞士德語公布年度財務報告

Swatch publishes annual report in Swiss-German dialect

Swatch has published a version of its annual report in the Swiss-German dialect for which there is no standard written form, the latest act of rebellion from the watchmaker which has long enjoyed provoking the Swiss business establishment.

The move to publish in dialect rather than standard German - one of Switzerland’s four official languages including French and Italian in which the report was also issued - was meant to underpin Swatch Group SA’s Swiss roots and values, Chief Executive Nick Hayek told a media conference.

It results in a succession of spelling changes, such as geschaeftsjahr or results year becoming gschaeftsjohr and ausblick or outlook becoming usblick, giving approximations of the language familiar to inhabitants of Swiss-German parts of the country.

Explaining the move, Swatch Chairwoman Nayla Hayek said in her letter to shareholders: "This act of true Swissness was done partly to shake up our compatriots who - in their fondness for what is safe - sometimes allow themselves to follow a rather conventional, prudent and comfortable path."

The move highlights an increased awareness among Swiss companies of the cachet attached to Swiss-made products, while also being intended by the company to cement its reputation as a corporate "enfant terrible" in Switzerland, where a sober or staid tone dominates most parts of business and finance. (Reuters)


approximation:名詞,指接近、近似值,如The astronauts train in a room that provides an approximation of conditions in space. (太空人在一間條件類似太空環境的房間裡接受訓練。)

cachet:名詞,指獨特的特徵或品質等,常指受人尊崇的成就或威望,如He is a movie director with great artistic cachet.(他是一位藝術成就崇高的電影導演。)

enfant terrible:名詞,原文為法語,指舉止驚世駭俗、常造成他人尷尬或難堪者,如The radical painter was the enfant terrible of the art establishment.(這位激進派畫家是藝術圈的頑童。)複數為enfants terribles。

