2014年9月25日 星期四

Increase potassium and cut salt to reduce stroke risk 飲食增加鉀、減少鹽分可降低中風風險

Increase potassium and cut salt to reduce stroke risk

Increasing potassium in our diets as well as cutting down on salt will reduce blood pressure levels and the risk of stroke, research in the British Medical Journal suggests.

One study review found that eating an extra two to three servings of fruit or vegetables per day - which are high in potassium - was beneficial. A lower salt intake would increase the benefits further, researchers said.

While the increase of potassium in diets was found to have a positive effect on blood pressure, it was also discovered to have no adverse effects on kidney function or hormone levels, the research concluded.

As a result, the World Health Organisation has issued its first guidelines on potassium intake, recommending that adults should consume more than 4g of potassium per day.

cut down:片語,減少。例句:I’m trying to cut down on caffeine.(我正試著減少咖啡因攝取。)
serving:名詞,(食物)一份。例句:The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.(這個食譜的量夠做4份餐。)
adverse:形容詞,不利的。例句:The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.(這場比賽因為天候不佳取消。)

