2014年9月29日 星期一

Western drugs were tested on East Germans: media 媒體︰西方藥廠在東德人身上禁行藥物試驗

Western drugs were tested on East Germans: media

Western drug companies tested pharmaceuticals on more than 50,000 people in the former communist East Germany, often without the knowledge of patients, several of whom died, the Spiegel news weekly reported.

Some 600 clinical trials were carried out in more than 50 hospitals until the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall, the report said, citing previously unpublished documents of the East German health ministry, pharmaceutical institute and Stasi secret police.

Many major drug companies from Germany, Switzerland and the United States took part, offering up to 800,000 West German marks (about 400,000 euros) per study, a boost for East Germany’s underfunded health care system, Spiegel said.

Records showed that two people died in East Berlin during testing of Trental, a drug that improves blood circulation developed by then West German company Hoechst, which has since merged with Sanofi, the report said.

Two more patients died in a lung clinic near the city of Magdeburg in tests of a blood pressure drug made by Sandoz, which has since been taken over by the Swiss group Novartis, according to Spiegel.

Patients were often not fully informed about the possible risks and side effects, the weekly said. Other tests involved preterm infants and a group of alcoholics suffering acute delirium who could not give informed consent. (AFP)

underfunded︰等同underfinanced,資金短缺的、財力不足的。例如︰an underfunded political party(經費不足的政黨)。
merge︰使合併、使漸消失。例句︰They sought to merge their differences.(他們試圖消除彼此間的分歧。)
informed consent︰知情同意。例句︰The most important ethical rule governing research on humans is that participants must give their informed consent before taking part in a study.(管理人體研究的最重要倫理規則是,參與者在參與研究前,必須給予其知情同意。)

