2014年9月29日 星期一

Vicars turn to karaoke because churches struggle to muster a choir and organist for Sunday services 唱詩班缺琴手 英國牧師改用卡拉OK

Vicars turn to karaoke because churches struggle to muster a choir and organist for Sunday services
唱詩班缺琴手 英國牧師改用卡拉OK

Vicars are buying karaoke-like machines to play music during their services to solve the difficulty of finding an organist.

The ’electronic hymnals’ have a vast repertoire of music and can play anything from traditional Songs Of Praise to a disco version of Amazing Grace.

Church-goers who struggle to remember the words can look up at a big screen displaying the lyrics in time with the music for help - just like real karaoke.

The hymnal is controlled from a small screen in the pulpit or lectern and vicars can pre-programme their playlist to match their services.

More adventurous parishes can add their own music from their iPods or MP3 Players to the system.

It has already proved exceptionally popular with churches around the country that have struggled to find organists.

And Martin Phelps, director of the Surrey based company Hymn Technology, said that the hymnal device is already helping churches to revive flagging congregations.

’Many of them have had the same organist for the last 60 years but when they retire, they have no one waiting in the wings to take their place.’



congregation :名詞,集合;(宗教)會眾。The congregation bowed their heads in prayer.(會眾在一起低頭禱告。)

be waiting in the wing:片語,準備就緒。其中wings原義是指「舞台上觀眾看不到的側面」。例句:For if the technocrats fail to do so, the extremists are waiting in the wings. (因為如果這些技術官僚失敗,極端主義者就會迫不及待地登上舞台。)

