2014年9月29日 星期一

9-year-old boy helps woman give CPR to baby 9歲男童協助一名婦女對寶寶施行心肺復甦術

9-year-old boy helps woman give CPR to baby

A 9-year-old boy and his 10-year-old friend are being hailed as heroes after helping a woman whose baby stopped breathing. One boy gave instructions on how to CPR while the other boy waited for an ambulance.

Susanna Rohm said that she was holding her 2-month-old son Isaiah in her lap when she realized something was wrong. "I noticed he looked pale and so I looked at his arm and his leg and they were limp," said Rohm. "Then I noticed that he looked like he wasn’t alive."

She jumped up and lost her cellphone in the commotion. There wasn’t a landline in the house, so she stepped outside to get help.

"I had him in my arms and still screaming over and over. Then I ran outside. I saw two boys playing across the street and I yelled, ’go ask your parents to call 911,’" said Susanna.

Ethan Wilson and Rocky Hurt were tossing a football in a front yard. "I was thinking we better go out there to help and actually call 911 instead of getting scared," said Wilson.

Rocky then ran over to help. "He came in and I had my hand on my baby’s chest just screaming and the little boys said, ’put two fingers on his chest,’" said Susanna. "He said, ‘press down five times,’ so I did five compressions, and then he said, ‘breathe in his mouth.’"

After a few minutes little Isaiah belted out a loud cry. An ambulance arrived moments later.


commotion︰名詞,混亂、喧鬧、騷動。例句︰They were awakened by the commotion in the street.(他們被街上的喧鬧聲吵醒。)

over and over(again)︰副詞,一再地、再三地。例句︰They played the same record over and over.(他們反覆地放同一張唱片。)

belt out︰俚語,起勁地說、演唱或演奏。例如,belt out a song(引吭高歌。)

