2014年9月27日 星期六

NBA:In landmark for US sports, Collins says he’s gay NBA球員出櫃 美國體壇里程碑

NBA:In landmark for US sports, Collins says he’s gay
NBA球員出櫃 美國體壇里程碑

NBA center Jason Collins became the first active player in a major professional American team sport to reveal that he is gay, doing so to Sports Illustrated in a major cover story released on Monday.
美國職籃NBA中鋒傑森.柯林斯在週一出版的「運動畫刊」(Sports Illustrated)封面故事中大方出櫃,成為全美主要職業團隊運動中,首位承認自己是同性戀的現役球星。

Collins, who is now a free agent, has played in the NBA for 12 seasons with six teams, spending this past campaign with the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards. He helped the New Jersey Nets reach the 2002 and 2003 NBA Finals.

"I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black and I’m gay," began the story that Collins penned for the magazine with writer Franz Lidz.

The landmark revelation will now focus attention on Collins and any club that decides to sign him as well as the attitudes of his new teammates.

Among the messages of support Collins received for his admission were those from former US president Bill Clinton, whose daughter Chelsea was a college friend of Collins at Stanford, and NBA commissioner David Stern.
包括前總統柯林頓和NBA執行長史騰都留言對柯林斯表示支持。柯林頓的女兒雀兒喜是柯林斯的史丹佛大學同學 。

Stern praised Collins for the courage and leadership of his admission. "Jason has been a widely respected player and teammate throughout his career and we are proud he has assumed the leadership mantle on this very important issue," Stern said. (AFP)


landmark:名詞,重大事件、里程碑。例句:The vaccine is a landmark in the history of preventive medicine. (疫苗是預防醫學的里程碑。)

set out:片語,計畫或有意做什麼事。例句:She drew up a grandiose statement of what her organization should set out to achieve. (對於她的組織應該計畫做什麼事情,她擬定浮誇的宣言。)

mantle:名詞,(職業或工作的)職責或責任。例句:The second son has now assumed his father’s mantle. (次子繼承父親的衣缽。)

