2014年9月9日 星期二

Singles looking for special experience on Valentine’s Day 情人節到了 單身貴族尋找特別體驗

Singles looking for special experience on Valentine’s Day
情人節到了 單身貴族尋找特別體驗

Forget cards, flowers and chocolates, most singles want a special experience rather than a gift for Valentine’s Day and although the economy is stagnating, most romantics will spend as much, or more, on the day this year than last.

Nearly half of single and divorced people questioned in a new poll said they view the day as an opportunity to show someone how much they care but a similar number without a significant other don’t feel any pressure to celebrate Cupid’s big day .

Unlike material gifts, an experience, whether it is an outing, a vacation or a special meal, is something unique to the couple.

But not everyone questioned in the poll of 730 singles is making a fuss about Valentine’s Day. About a third of men and women think the holiday is just too commercial.

Although Valentine’s Day is eagerly anticipated by many, some singles dread the day while others remain optimistic. Seventy percent of singles said they would even go out on a first or blind date on Valentine’s Day. (Reuters)

significant other:片語,配偶或長期的同居人。例句:Valentine’s Day is approaching, and many may feel so pressured to find their "significant other" they turn to online dating.(情人節快到了,許多急著想找到另一半的人會轉向網路交友。)
make a fuss:片語,大驚小怪,小題大作。例句:I don’t want to make a fuss about trifles.(我不想為了雞毛蒜皮的小事大驚

