2014年5月9日 星期五

Russian group backs Putin for Nobel peace prize over Syria 俄羅斯團體支持普廷以敘利亞問題角逐諾貝爾和平獎

Russian group backs Putin for Nobel peace prize over Syria

A patriotic Russian group on Tuesday called for President Vladimir Putin to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his Syria diplomacy, claiming he was more deserving of the award than laureate US President Barack Obama.

A group that lists senior Russian officials among its members announced at a news conference that it had written to the Nobel prize committee backing Putin for the prize awarded to Obama in 2009.

The group says Putin deserves the honour for his efforts in brokering an agreement for Syria to hand over its chemical weapons under international control, a plan the group says helped avert a "new world war."

Ruling party lawmaker Iosif Kobzon, who is also a famous pop star, said that Putin was more deserving of the Nobel than Obama.

"Our president, who is trying to stop the war and suggest a political solution, is more worthy of such a title," Kobzon said.

He slammed Obama as "the person who initiated and approved such aggressive acts as Iraq and Afghanistan and who is preparing for intervention in Syria."

Putin in August called for Obama to remember his Nobel status and not intervene in Syria to avoid casualties.(AFP)

laureate:名詞,得獎者。形容詞,享殊榮的。例句:He was appointed the Poet Laureate.(他被封為桂冠詩人。)
award:動詞,授予。名詞,獎、獎學金。例句:Award a decoration.(授予勳章)
slam:動詞,抨擊、猛擊。例句:The car slammed into a truck.(汽車猛烈撞上一輛卡車。)

