2014年5月15日 星期四

Study: Hotter temperatures lead to hotter tempers 研究:溫度越高火氣越大

Study: Hotter temperatures lead to hotter tempers

A big new study says as the world gets warmer, people are more prone to get hot under the collar. Scientists found that aggressive acts like violent crimes and wars become more likely with each added degree.

The research analyzed 60 studies of such things as the historic collapses of empires, recent wars and violent crime rates in the United States. They found a common thread: Extreme weather _ hot or dry _ means more violence.

An author of the study said that when the weather gets bad people tend to be more willing to hurt others. The team of economists even came up with a formula that predicts how much the risk of different types of violence should increase with extreme weather.

In war-torn parts of equatorial Africa, it says, every added degree Fahrenheit or so increases the chance of conflict between groups_ rebellion, war, civil unrest _ by 11 percent to 14 percent.

be prone to sth/do sth:片語,容易受…疾病所擾、易出現某些負面特性。例句:I’ve always been prone to headaches.(我容易頭痛。)
hot under the collar:片語,對某事生氣或尷尬。例句:When I suggested he was mistaken he got rather hot under the collar.(當我暗示他錯了的時候,他相當生氣。)
come up with:片語,提出某種想法或計畫。例句:She’s come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.(她提出一些讓自己收入倍增的驚人計畫。)

