2014年8月20日 星期三

Astronauts face radiation threat on long Mars trip 太空人在長程火星之旅中面臨輻射威脅

Astronauts face radiation threat on long Mars trip

Astronauts traveling to and from Mars would be bombarded with as much radiation as they’d get from a full-body CT scan about once a week for a year, researchers reported.

That dose would, in some cases, exceed NASA’s standards and is enough to raise an astronaut’s cancer risk by 3 percent.

As plans for deep space exploration ramp up, radiation is a big concern — from high-energy galactic cosmic rays spewed by distant supernova explosions to sporadic bursts of charged particles hurled by the sun. Earth’s magnetic field helps to deflect much of that harmful radiation.

NASA aims to send a crew to orbit the red planet by the mid-2030s. Private outfits like Inspiration Mars are seeking volunteers for a Mars flight.

There have been previous efforts to gauge the radiation risk for future Mars travelers, but the best estimate is coming from NASA’s Curiosity mission. Tucked inside the rover when it launched in 2011 was a radiation sensor that took readings during the 8 1/2-month cruise to Mars.

From those figures, scientists calculated a spacefarer’s radiation exposure for a quicker six-month voyage in a similarly shielded spacecraft. Roundtrip: about 662 millisieverts.

The estimate is just for zipping there and back; it doesn’t include time spent on the Martian surface, which would add to an astronaut’s exposure. (AP)


outfit︰(口語)公司、機構。例句︰Some big outfits are working on the kind of products.(一些大公司正致力研製這類產品。)

round trip︰名詞,來回之行,形容詞,round-trip(來回的)。例句︰It will cost you $1500, round trip.(來回票費用是1500美元。)

zip︰動詞,迅速行動、以尖嘯聲行進。例句︰We zipped the homework, and then went to a movie.(我們迅速寫完作業,然後去看電影。)

