Charity to refuse proceeds from US Navy SEAL’s book
A charity for US Navy SEALs says it will refuse any proceeds from a book by an ex-commando who took part in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, after the Pentagon threatened legal action against the author.
The former Navy SEAL who wrote "No Easy Day," Matt Bissonnette, has promised to donate a majority of his profits to charities, but one of the non-profit groups he touted -- the Navy SEAL Foundation -- has ruled out accepting his donations.
At the end of his book, the author appeals to readers to donate to charities that help veterans and their families, listing three that focus on the elite SEAL units, including the Navy SEAL Foundation based in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Bissonnette’s book has shot to the top of best-seller lists amid an avalanche of publicity, but his decision to publish his first-hand account has angered many fellow SEALs, including the commander of the elite units, who say he has betrayed the ethos of the special operators to be "quiet professionals."
The Pentagon has accused the author of revealing classified information and violating non-disclosure agreements he signed while in uniform, which it says require him to submit any manuscript to the defense officials before publication.(AFP)
proceeds︰名詞,收益、收入。例句︰They are reaping huge proceeds when the mansion is sold.(賣了豪宅,他們就可坐收鉅利。)
tout︰動詞,兜售、暗查、探聽。例句︰The candidate visited the area to tout for votes.(該候選人造訪這一帶地區來拉票。)
rule out︰片語,排除、不考慮、使…不可能。例句︰Taiwan has ruled out nuclear arms.(台灣不考慮發展核武。)