Raising funds for Miyagi, 1 bounce at a time
A young basketball fan is currently bouncing his way from Tokyo to disaster-stricken Miyagi Prefecture to raise money for quake-hit regions.
Hiroshi Morioka, 27, will dribble a basketball some 300 kilometers on his journey, weather permitting.
"I want to dribble with a smile on my face and deliver some positive energy," said Morioka, who is set to work for a U.S. minor-league baseball team this spring.
Morioka left Tokyo’s Shibuya district at 7 a.m. on Jan. 18, sent off by about 10 friends.
This is not Morioka’s first attempt at long-distance dribbling. While he was a student at Ritsumeikan University, Morioka dribbled a basketball from Kyoto to Okayama in 2006 and from Kyoto to Tokyo in 2007.
He aims to walk through Utsunomiya, Shirakawa of Fukushima Prefecture, and other cities along the way, and will finish his tour on Jan. 29 at Sendai City Gymnasium.
one at a time:副詞,一次一個,逐一。例句:The students came out one at a time.(學生一個接著一個出來。)
bounce:動詞,彈跳、(支票)跳票。例句:The check you gave me bounced.(你給我的支票跳票了。)
send someone off (to something):片語,送行,送人去某處。例句:We sent both kids off to the camp this summer and had peace in the house for the first time in years.(我們今夏把孩子們送去夏令營,得以在家享受睽違多年的平靜。)