Tokyo Electric Posts $7.4 Billion Loss
The operator of the ravaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power, said Tuesday that its losses for the latest quarter amounted to ¥572 billion for the costs of cleaning up after the nuclear disaster and of compensating victims.
Analysts have said that Tokyo Electric could ultimately face trillions of yen in claims after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami wreaked havoc at the plant in northeast Japan, leading to meltdowns at three reactors. Radiation leaks have forced more than 100,000 residents to evacuate the area around the site and have affected industry and agriculture over a wide area.
The expected scale of the compensation claims has raised questions about the ability of Tokyo Electric, Japan’s largest utility, to remain a viable company. It is the sole supplier of electricity to almost 20 million homes in and around Tokyo, as well as to businesses in the metropolitan area.
The company initially suggested that compensation payments might be capped, in line with laws in Japan that can limit claims stemming from accidents caused by natural disasters. But given the public uproar over Tokyo Electric’s handling of the accident, the government has promised that no payout limits will be set. Tokyo Electric has promised to raise at least ¥600 billion by cutting costs and selling assets.
wreak havoc:片語,傷害、破壞、摧毀。例句:Heavy rain and flooding is continuing to wreak havoc in China’s Sichuan Province. (豪雨和水患持續肆虐中國四川省。)
compensation:名詞,補償、賠償、報償(通常是金錢方面);亦可作為形容詞使用,如:compensation claim(索賠、賠償要求)。例句:The Riot Act of 1886 allows insurers, or those who do not have insurance coverage, to claim compensation from the police in the event of riots. (1886年制定的暴動法,允許保險公司或未參加保險之人,在遭遇暴動事件時向警方索賠。)
cap:動詞,原是覆蓋之意,例句︰The mountains were capped with snow.(山峰被雪覆蓋。)也可用於為事物(通常是經費、支出)設定限制。例句:The budgets of the City Council budgets will be capped.(市議會的預算將會遭到限制)。