Perry makes light of blunder on US comedy show
Texas governor and 2012 US presidential candidate Rick Perry made light of a cringe-worthy debate blunder during an appearance on a popular late-night US comedy show recently.
Perry -- fresh from a televised Republican debate in which he vowed to eliminate three federal departments but suffered a brain freeze and was only able to name two of them -- appeared on "The Late Show with David Letterman."
The conservative governor read the "Top Ten List," a satirical nightly feature on the long-running CBS comedy show, which on that night was entitled "Top Ten Rick Perry Excuses."
Already dogged by poor reviews of past debate performances, Perry appeared to put the final nail in his campaign’s coffin recently when he forgot a crucial part of his stump speech and stammered for an agonizing 53 seconds.
The states’ rights champion named the US departments of commerce and education as targets for elimination if he were in the White House but could not come up with the third, the Energy Department. "The third one, I can’t, I’m sorry, I can’t. Oops," he concluded.
make light of something:片語,輕描淡寫、表示對某事毫不在意,如I don’t mean to make light of the fact that this was a horrible crime.(我無意輕描淡寫地一語帶過這項可怕罪行。)
brain freeze:片語,俚語用法,指腦袋突然打結、一片空白,如I had a brain freeze when the registrar asked me to sign my middle name -- I couldn’t remember it at all.(戶籍人員要求我填上中間名時,我腦筋突然一片空白,我完全想不起來。)
the final nail in the coffin:名詞,指加速或造成某人死亡、失敗的事件等,如I think that argument was the final nail in the coffin of our friendship.(我想那個論點正是造成我們友誼破裂的最後關鍵。)