Ham-fisted amateur botches ’restoration’ of Christ painting
An elderly woman’s catastrophic attempt to "restore" a century-old oil painting of Christ in a Spanish church has provoked popular uproar, and amusement.
The well-intentioned but ham-fisted amateur artist, in her 80s, took it upon herself to fill in the patches and paint over the original work, which depicted Christ crowned with thorns, his sorrowful gaze lifted to heaven.
Her work done, the "restored" figure looks somewhat like a monkey with fur surrounding a pale face and a child-like drawing of eyes, a cartoon-style nose and a crooked smudge for a mouth.
Titled "Ecce Homo" (Behold the Man), the original was no masterpiece, painted in two hours in 1910 by a certain Elias Garcia Martinez directly on a column in the church at Borja, northeastern Spain.
The new version has become a national joke, reminiscent of fictional film character Mr. Bean’s comic attempt to restore Whistler’s Mother after he sneezes on it and mistakenly wipes off the face.
Social networks and online news sites were deluged with comments by users, many of whom created their own versions of the restored work incorporating the faces of King Juan Carlos or Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. (AFP)
ham-fisted:形容詞,也可寫作ham-handed,指在使用雙手或與人相處時非常笨拙、不靈巧,如The actress gave a ham-fisted performance.(這位女演員的演出非常生澀。)
take it upon oneself to do sth:片語,指自告奮勇、自作主張、擅自去做某事,如She took it upon herself to find out exactly what had happened to the old lady.(她主動去查出老太太到底發生了什麼事。)
ecce homo:名詞,指頭戴著荊棘冠冕的耶穌畫像(或雕像),拉丁文原意指「你們看這個人」,是聖經中彼拉多把被判死刑的耶穌帶到指控他的人群面前時所說的話。