2013年4月18日 星期四

Microbes flourish in deepest spot in world’s oceans: study 研究︰微生物在世界海洋最深處生機蓬勃

Microbes flourish in deepest spot in world’s oceans: study 

Microbes are thriving in surprising numbers at the deepest spot in the oceans, the 11,000-metre Mariana Trench in the Pacific, despite crushing pressures in sunless waters, scientists said.

Dead plants and fish were falling as food for microscopic bugs even to the little-known hadal depths, parts of the seabed deeper than 6,000 meters and named after Hades, the god of the underworld in Greek mythology, they said.

The presence of life in the trench also shows how the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide can eventually get buried in the depths in a natural process that slows climate change.

A Danish-led team of scientists, using a robot to take samples, found double the amount of bacteria and other microbes munching away on debris at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific than at a nearby site 6,000 meters deep.

"It’s surprising there was so much bacterial activity," said Ronnie Glud, of the University of Southern Denmark. "Normally life gets scarcer the deeper you go. But when you go very deep, more things start happening again," he said.

The finding backed up a theory that dead plants and fish falling onto the steep sides of the Mariana Trench often slide to the bottom to form a "hot spot" for microbes. (Reuters)


microscopic︰形容詞,只能從顯微鏡裡看到的、微觀的、微小的。例如,a microscopic parasite(只有在顯微鏡下才看到的寄生物。)


(away/at/on )︰動詞,津津有味地嚼。例句︰He munched on peanuts as he walked.(他邊走邊津津有味的嚼花生。)

back up︰動詞片語,支持、證實。例句︰Figures backed this up.(數據證明了這一點。)

