New Israeli law bans underweight models in ads
A new Israeli law bans showing overly thin models from local advertising in an attempt to fight the spread of eating disorders. It also requires publications to disclose when they use altered images of models to make the women and men appear even thinner than they really are.
The law appears to be the first attempt by a government to use legislation to take on a fashion industry accused of abetting eating disorders by idealizing extreme thinness. It could become an example for other countries grappling with the spread of anorexia and bulimia.
In Israel, about 2 percent of all girls between 14 and 18 have severe eating disorders, a rate similar to other developed countries.
Any advertisement published for the Israeli market must also have a clearly written notice disclosing if the model shown in it was digitally altered to make her, or him, look thinner. The law will not apply to foreign publications sold in Israel.
Other governments have taken steps to prevent "size zero" medical problems but have shied away from legislation. Critics said the legislation should have focused on health, not weight, saying many models were naturally very thin. (AP)
abet:動詞,煽動、唆使、鼓勵(通常用於不好的行為)。例句:He was not guilty of murder, but guilty of aiding and abetting others.(他並未犯下謀殺罪,但因幫助與教唆他人被判有罪。)
grapple with:片語,盡力處理或克服(困難或挑戰)。例句:Other towns are still grappling with the problem.(其他鄉鎮還在努力克服這個問題。)
shy away:片語,躲避、迴避。例句:Don’t shy away from saying what you think.(不要逃避說出你想說的話。)