Police save words of blind author who wrote 26 pages after pen ran out
A blind woman who did not realise the novel she was writing was blank after her pen ran out has been saved after a police force used forensic techniques to recover the words.
Forensics experts agreed to use a special scientific process to recover what Trish Vickers had written by examining the dents she had made in the pages.
Mrs Vickers, 59, was left devastated when she learned that her pen had run out and there was nothing on the first 26 pages of the book. She lost her sight seven years ago through diabetes and decided to write a novel to pass the time and keep her mind active.
She quickly penned the opening chapters. She waited for her son Simon to visit so he could read it back to her. But when he arrived he had to tell her that the pages were blank.
Incredibly, however, the manuscript was recovered after the family took it to their local police HQ and asked for help.
Forensic experts worked in their spare time to read the indentations left on the A4 pages using a system of lights. It took five months of painstaking work, but the forensic team was able to recover the whole text.
run out︰片語,被用完、被耗盡。例句︰My patience has run out.(我已經失去耐性了。)
pass the time:片語,消磨時間、打發時間。例句︰While she was home with a broken leg, she passed the time reading and listening to music.(當她因一條腿骨折而待在家裡時,她以閱讀、聽音樂來消磨時間。)
painstaking︰形容詞,勤勉的、煞費苦心的。例句︰She is not very clever but she is painstaking.(她不是非常聰明,但她肯下苦功。)