The £60 mobile with a battery that lasts for 15 year
60英鎊的手機 一顆電池撐15年
The SpareOne mobile phone is absolutely unique - running on one AA battery, it keeps its charge for up to 15 years.
It has no camera, web browser or other hi-tech extras such as touchscreens. It’s designed simply to work as a phone - and built to last.
The phone goes on sale on March 15, priced at £60 in the UK and $70 in the US.
The phone is designed as a ’backup’ phone you can keep in the glove compartment for emergencies.
The idea is that you can keep it there without worrying if it’s charged or not. Many modern mobiles will lose their charge over time, even if switched off.
Its makers say that SpareOne is ideal to leave in the car for emergencies, or to pack in travel luggage – especially if you or your loved ones plan to go off the beaten track(or off-piste).
That single battery offers a talk time of up to 10 hours.
The SpareOne’s is also able to automatically transmit its location via its mobile ID, plus has a built-in torch.
glove compartment:指汽車儀表板上放雜物的凹處;手套箱。
(go)off the beaten track:片語,(去)人煙罕至的地方。直接字面上翻譯,就是「不走已經被踏過的路」。例句:If you want to experience the wild-life advanture, you should go to the nature which is off the beaten track. (要是你想體驗野生動物的冒險活動,你應該去人煙罕至的大自然地區。)
off-piste:形容詞,在滑雪道外。例句:Off-piste skiing is more fun than skiing on the crowded piste. (在滑雪道外滑雪比在擁擠的滑雪道上滑雪有趣。)