2013年4月10日 星期三

Colombian thieves rob internet cafe but forget to log out of Facebook 哥倫比亞竊賊搶網咖但忘了登出臉書

Colombian thieves rob internet cafe but forget to log out of Facebook 

Two budding burglars in Calima, Colombia, are learning the hard way that Facebook and crime don’t mix.


The two fellas walked into an internet cafe in Calima and used two computers for a while. Eventually they got up, went to the register and proceeded to whip out guns and demand money. They got all the money and proceeded to escape on a motorcycle.


It may have appeared to be the perfect crime, except one of them forgot to log out of the Facebook account he’d checked at the cafe before attempting the robbery.


After the two men left, an employee in the internet cafe called the police, who discovered that one of the suspects left his Facebook account logged in on the computer he’d used. They used the information discovered thanks to that to track down his home address, paid him a visit and took him to jail.



budding:形容詞,剛萌芽的、初露頭角的。例句:This exhibition is to showcase the 10 best budding artists.(這場展覽是要呈現10名最佳新秀藝術家的作品。)

learn the hard way:動詞片語,歷經艱難的經驗、下了苦功學到、了解到。例句:I learned the hard way that it’s not easy to make profits from investments.(我吃了苦頭學到投資要獲利不容易。)

pay someone/something a visit, pay a visit to someone/something:動詞片語,拜訪、參觀。例句:I paid a visit to an old friend in the States.(我拜訪了一個在美國的老朋友。)

