Engelbert Humperdinck to sing for UK at Eurovision
After years of disappointment, Britain is staking its Eurovision hopes on 75-year-old Engelbert Humperdinck, the square-jawed crooner who famously beat the Beatles to the number 1 spot in 1967.
The BBC said Humperdinck, whose last hit was more than 40 years ago, would champion Britain at the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest.
Enlisting the septuagenarian singer to compete in a pan-European talent show usually dominated by eclectic pop acts was seen as the musical equivalent of a "Hail Mary" pass in American football.
The Daily Telegraph’s rock critic Neil McCormick called it "either an act of desperation or a stroke of genius." "Clearly, the notion that our thriving national pop culture should be embodied by a 75-year-old cabaret crooner is someone’s idea of an ironic joke," McCormick added.
On the other hand, Humperdinck can perhaps draw on his massive international fan club to boost the U.K.’s voting total in the lighthearted contest that many believe is rigged by regional sympathies.
Britain has suffered years of disappointment at Eurovision. Since it last won in 1997, a selection of British boy bands, reality television contestants and bubblegum pop singers has failed to impress viewers and juries who vote for the winner.(AP)
英國多年來在歐洲歌唱大賽中表現始終令人失望。自從上一次於1997年贏得冠軍後,連串英國男孩團體、電視實境秀參賽者及泡泡糖流行樂歌手都未能讓投票選出贏家的觀眾與評審留下深刻印象。 (美聯社)
champion:動詞,指擁護、支持,替…而戰,如He has championed constitutional reform for many years.(多年來他一直努力為憲法改革奔走。)
Hail Mary pass/play:名詞,在美式足球中,萬福馬利亞傳球指的是得分希望渺茫的一記長傳,尤指在球賽快結束的關鍵時刻,球員傳球時會在心裡默禱請求聖母保佑讓球隊得分化險為夷,後被引申指背水一戰、或不得已鋌而走險的最後手段等。
stroke of genius:片語,指神來之筆,靈光一閃,如Your idea of painting the rock wall red was a stroke of genius.(你想到把石牆漆成紅色的主意簡直是神來之筆。)