Hackers, IT units focusing on smartphone security
Mobile phones, long seen as safe amid rising threats to computer security, have become a key target for hackers and an increasing worry for corporate IT departments.
While the first mobile virus dates back to June 2004, risks from hackers remained limited because of the relatively small size of the market.
But this has changed recently with the surge in the smartphone segment, which this year outgrew the PC market, and the new dominance of Google’s Android software.
The emergence of mobile payments, which allows shoppers simply to swipe their phones at a cash register, is whetting the interest of hackers and data thieves.
"Mobile security has become a major concern since smartphone transactions are now of much higher value, including corporate data access, managing personal finances and online purchases," said Steven Nathasingh, chief of U.S. research firm Vaxa Inc.
「由於企業資料存取、個人財務管理及線上購物等智慧型手機交易涉及的金額如今高出許多,手機安全已成為一大顧慮」,美國市場研究公司Vaxa Inc主管史帝文‧納塔辛說。
Most consumers have not protected their smartphones. Fewer than 5 percent of smartphones and tablets are installed with security software, according to Juniper Research.
大多數消費者沒有保護他們的智慧型手機。僅有不到5%的智慧型手機和平板電腦安裝了安全軟體,據市場調查機構 Juniper Research指出。
The research firm expects to see a surge in demand with the total annual market for mobile security software growing to $3.6 billion by 2016.
outgrow︰動詞,成長到使~不再適用,或長得比~快。例句:Our family has outgrown our house.(我家的人口已讓我們的房子不夠住。)
het︰動詞,刺激、促進、增強。例句︰The episode has whetted their interest.(這一插曲提高了他們的興趣。)
transaction:名詞,指交易、業務。例句:This card enables you to perform all the ATM transactions.(這張卡能讓你進行所有的自動櫃員機交易。)