2014年9月9日 星期二

Mubarak court appearance stuns Egyptians 穆巴拉克出庭樣貌令埃及人震驚

Mubarak court appearance stuns Egyptians

After months of rumours that Egypt ex-president Hosni Mubarak was at death’s door, footage of the toppled leader looking strong and defiant in court stunned many who had cared little about his fate.

The 84-year-old Mubarak who is being held at a military hospital in Cairo, has been treated for a heart condition, fractured ribs, fluid in the lungs, depression and high blood pressure, according to lawyers and official accounts. At one point last year he was even declared clinically dead as he slipped into a coma.

But on Saturday he was in the dock, sitting upright and looking strong. Wearing sunglasses, he waved and smiled at supporters, chatting casually with his two sons Alaa and Gamal who face corruption charges.

"I expected to see a sick old man and I expected to feel sorry for him," said Cairo resident Heba Radwan. "But the pictures of him smiling and waving, they were so provocative."

His demeanour was in stark contrast to the pictures of a pale and ailing Mubarak at the start of his trial in August 2011.

"Mubarak in top form" read the headline of the state-owned Al-Akhbar.(AFP)


defiant:形容詞,大膽的;目空一切的。例句:The players are in a defiant mood before the game.(在賽前,選手態度挑釁。)

stark:形容詞,明顯的、突出的。例句:Her actions were in stark contrast to her words.(她的言行明顯不符。)

in top form:片語,形容人身體健康狀況非常好。例句:The runners are all in top form.(跑者狀態相當好。)

