2014年9月9日 星期二

NKorea expels SKoreans from joint mountain resort 北韓將南韓人趕出兩韓合營的山區觀光勝地

NKorea expels SKoreans from joint mountain resort

North Korea expelled all remaining South Korean workers Tuesday from a stalled joint tourism resort in the North, putting what was once a symbol of inter-Korean cooperation in danger of collapse.

The two Koreas launched joint tours at the scenic Diamond Mountain in 1998 as part of reconciliation efforts. But the tours, which were a rare legitimate source of hard currency for the impoverished North, were suspended in 2008 after a North Korean guard fatally shot a South Korean tourist.

North Korea has called for the tours’ resumption, but South Korea demands that Pyongyang apologize for the shooting death and allow a joint investigation. An angry North Korea responded by vowing to open the resort to international investors. This week, the country ordered all South Koreans to leave the resort within 72 hours and announced it would scrap all South Korean assets there.

Ties between the two Koreas plunged to one of their lowest points last year as the North shelled a South Korean island and allegedly torpedoed a South Korean warship. The two Koreas are still technically at war because their conflict in the 1950s ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty.


expel: 動詞,驅逐。例句:He was expelled from his native country.(他遭到國家驅逐出境。)

hard currency:強勢貨幣。例句:North Korea had secretly been selling art abroad to earn much-needed hard currey. (北韓秘密將藝術品賣到國外,以賺取需求急切的強勢貨幣。)

scrap:動詞,拆除、報廢。例句:The school has scrapped the oldest building on campus. (學校報廢掉最老的那棟建築物。)

