2014年9月9日 星期二

Climate change to wipe out rarest cat 氣候變遷將滅絕最珍稀的貓科動物

Climate change to wipe out rarest cat

Within 50 years, climate change will probably wipe out the world’s most endangered feline, the Iberian lynx, even if the world meets its target for curbing carbon emissions, biologists said.

The gloomy forecast, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, says that without a dramatic shift in conservative strategy, the charismatic little wildcat seems doomed.

The lynx grows to about a meter in length, weighs up to 15 kilos, and is characterized by its spotted beige fur, pale yellow eyes and tufted ears and cheeks.

Only around 250 of the animals live in the wild, holed up in two regions in southern Spain, the Sierra Morena and the Donana National Park, according to estimates published last year.

In just half a century, its range has shrunk from 40,600 square kilometers to 1,200 sq. km., driven by efforts to wipe out the rabbit, its main food, as well as poaching and fragmentation of its grassland-and-forest mixed habitat.

The new study models the impact of rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns on habitat, rabbits and lynxes. On current trends, the changes will occur too fast for the lynx to adapt, it suggests.(AFP)


wipe out︰動詞片語,徹底摧毀、消滅。例句︰The mass killing of dogs is not the way to wipe out rabies.(大量撲殺狗不是消滅狂犬病的方法。)

doomed︰形容詞,注定失敗的、天數已盡的。例句︰The regime is doomed.(該政權注定垮台。)

hole up︰動詞片語,蟄居、躲藏、留宿。例句︰I can hole up with my friend for a couple of days.(我可以暫住朋友那兒2到3天。)

