2014年9月9日 星期二

US bishop dresses as homeless man to teach lesson 美國主教裝扮成遊民(給教友)上了一課

US bishop dresses as homeless man to teach lesson

Members of a Mormon congregation in the U.S. encountered someone they thought was a homeless man at church on Sunday.

What they did not know was the man was a bishop for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

At least five people asked David Musselman to leave the church property in the Salt Lake City suburb, some gave him money and most were indifferent.

He said he disguised himself as a homeless man to teach his congregation a lesson about compassion.

He even asked a makeup expert to transform his face to that of a stranger not even his family recognized.

’’ I’d approach them and say, ’Happy Thanksgiving.’ ’’ Musselman walked to the pulpit during the service and revealed his identity, taking off his wig, fake beard and glasses.

’’ The main thing I was trying to get across was, we don’t need to be so quick to judge, ’’ Musselman told TV station.

indifferent:形容詞,漠不關心的、不在乎的。例句:He was coldly indifferent to other people.(他對別人冷若冰霜。)
get across:片語,傳遞、理解。例句:Did your speech get across to the crowd ?(你的演講聽眾理解了嗎?)
pulpit:名詞,教堂講壇、神職人員。例句:He vituperated from the pulpit the vices of the court。(他在教堂講壇上痛斥法庭的罪惡。)

