2014年9月9日 星期二

A pear-shape figure can add 10 years to your life 梨形身材能增加你10年壽命

A pear-shape figure can add 10 years to your life

At last, here’s something for women with bigger bottoms to smile about. Research shows they live longer.

A study has found that pear-shaped women, typified by the small waists and shapely bottom of the likes of Kate Winslet and Christina Hendricks, have a longer life expectancy than the apple shapes who store fat around their middle.

What is more, the figures are far from trivial. A 30-year-old woman who is a perfect pear is expected to live up to nine-and-a-half years longer than one whose waistline wobbles.

The projections for men are even more stark, with a 30-year-old with a huge beer belly forecast to die almost 17 years before a chap with a washboard stomach, the European Congress on Obesity in Liverpool heard.

Margaret Ashwell, who carried out the analysis, said the real killer is not just fat but the flab found around the middle.

Doctors generally use body mass index, or BMI, a mathematical formula based on a person’s weight and height to work out whether they are in good shape.

Dr Ashwell advocates looking at waist measurement in comparison to height. As a rule of thumb, she says, we should aim to keep our waist circumference measurement to under half that of our height – or have a waist to height ratio of 0.5 or less.


shapely:形容詞,女性身材或身體某部位比例勻稱、好看的。例句:She has shapely legs.(她擁有勻稱的雙腿。)

trivial:形容詞,瑣碎的,沒什麼重要性或價值的。例句:Don’t bother him with those trivial details.(別拿那些細微末節的事煩他。)

rule of thumb:名詞片語,憑經驗發展出來的基本原則。例句:It’s just a rule of thumb for estimating house refurbishment costs.(這只是估計房屋翻修費用的基本原則。)

