2014年9月9日 星期二

Beauty costs:French tax man targeting tummy tucks 美麗要付出代價:法國稅務人員盯上腹部整形術

Beauty costs:French tax man targeting tummy tucks

France’s wealthy could take it on the nose if the French tax man gets his way and cosmetic surgery becomes subject to the value added tax.

France’s new Socialist government has promised to tax the rich, and the tax authorities are looking at going after expensive cosmetic surgery such as tummy tucks, liposuction and breast enhancements that so far have escaped the country’s 19.6 percent VAT tax.

The tax authorities have issued a finding that operations for esthetic rather health purposes should be taxed and the finance ministry is currently studying which procedures to target.

France’s financial inspector general has calculated that the government needs to find 3.9 billion euros each year if the country is to keep its promise to bring its budget back into balance by 2017.(AFP)


get one’s way:動詞片語,隨心所欲、為所欲為地、讓他人聽從其意願行事。例句:He’s determined to get his way on this project.(他決心要這件案子照他的意思做。)

take it on the nose:動詞片語,承受或忍受衝擊、批評等。例句:No matter what happens, he will take it on the nose.(不論發生什麼事,他都會挺身面對。)

go after:動詞片語,追求、追緝、設法取得或贏得。例句:He’s going after that girl.(他正在追求那個女孩。)

