2014年9月9日 星期二

Authorities urge Russians to skip anti-Putin protest 當局呼籲俄羅斯人不要參加反普廷示威

Authorities urge Russians to skip anti-Putin protest

Russian authorities sought to deter activists from turning up at a rally against Vladimir Putin’s rule, with the church calling on them to pray instead and the chief doctor urging them to stay home due to cold weather.

Tens of thousands are expected Saturday to march through Moscow to a square just over the Moscow river from the Kremlin to protest Putin’s grip on Russia, exactly one month before he stands in presidential polls on March 4.

After much haggling the Moscow city hall has allowed opposition activists to go ahead with the march and subsequent rally, the opposition movement’s third major protest since fraud-tainted December parliamentary elections.

The head of Russia’s Orthodox Church, which has been watching opposition calls to take to the streets to demand fair elections with growing unease, called on the faithful to eschew rowdy demonstrations for a peaceful prayer.

"Orthodox Christians don’t know how to take to the streets," Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill said in an address to Russians.

"But they are taking to heart what is happening today to our people, drawing in their mind clear historic parallels with the turpitude and forgetfulness of pre-revolutionary years, with disorder, chaos and the destruction of the country in the 1990s."(AFP)
「但他們正認真關注今天發生在我們人民身上的一切,並在心中將之與俄國大革命前的墮落與健忘,以及1990年代國家的失序,動亂及毀滅做出明確的歷史比較。」 (法新社)


haggle:動詞,指爭議、討價還價,例句︰It’s traditional that you haggle over/about the price of things in the market.(在市場裡就商品討價還價是一種傳統。)

take to:片語,指經常開始從事某事,例句︰He’s taken to staying out very late.(他很習慣深夜在外遊蕩。)

parallel:名詞,指平行線,或指類似的人事物、比較,例句︰It would be easy to draw (= make) a parallel between the town’s history and that of its football club.(在這個城市的歷史與其足球隊的歷史之間,很容易就能找出可類比之處。)

