2014年9月9日 星期二

Made in Israel? Not a simple question 以色列製造?問題沒這麼簡單

Made in Israel? Not a simple question

For decades, Israel has marketed an array of cosmetics and food products manufactured in the occupied West Bank as "Made in Israel," blurring their true origins in Jewish settlements opposed by virtually the entire international community.

Now that practice is being challenged with demands that products made in the settlements be labeled accordingly.

Recent criticism, coming most prominently from South Africa, is putting Israel in a bind over the muddle it has created in the West Bank:Despite 45 years of control and a massive and costly effort to settle it with Jews, Israel has never annexed the territory – and the Palestinians claim it for a future state.

Several weeks ago, South Africa issued a notice saying it wants to require merchants "not to incorrectly label products that originate from the Occupied Palestinian Territory as products of Israel." It said consumers should not be "misled" that the products originated in Israel.

The notice did not specify what the label should say, saying "the burden for proving where the products originate will lie with traders."

South Africa is not a major market for Israel. Nonetheless, the voice of the South African government could be a symbolic boost to the Palestinians, given the country’s history of overcoming apartheid and its leading role in the developing world.(AP)


settlement:名詞,指殖民、定居,或殖民地、新拓居地等,如Many Native Americans were killed during the settlement of the American West by Europeans in the nineteenth century.(歐洲人於十九世紀前往美國西部拓荒期間,有許多美洲原住民遭到殺害。)

in a bind:片語,指陷入困境或尷尬處境,如Borrowing money may put you in a real bind.(借錢可能讓你陷入困境。)

lie with:動詞片語,指由某人或某事決定、負責,如Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.(這場災難的責任最終必須由政府來擔負。)

