2014年9月9日 星期二

Plenty find love online, where lies abound : study 研究:靠網路找對象的人多,網路謊言也多

Plenty find love online, where lies abound : study

Half of American adults know someone who found love online, and while the Internet plays a more important role than before in starting relationships it is also a forum for cheating and lies that ends them, according to a survey released on Monday.

The survey of 1,000 people found one in five said they have had a romantic or sexual relationship start online. Forty-nine percent knew someone whose relationship began that way.

Conversely, one-third of respondents surveyed knew someone whose relationship ended because of online actions, and three-quarters believed strongly sexual communications conducted online outside of a relationship constituted cheating.

Deception is a constant online risk, and two university communications professors found in their research that 80 percent of the 78 profiles they sampled from matchmaking websites strayed from the truth to some extent.

The professors identified helpful clues as to who might be stretching, or shrinking, the truth about themselves : Liars tended to avoid the first-person pronoun "I" to distance themselves from their lies, they frequently employed negation such as "not boring" rather than "exciting."

conversely:副詞,相反地。例句:Conversely, those who neglect their "inner-self" are at risk for more stress and anxiety than their meditating counterparts.(相反地,忽略「內在自我」的人恐怕比會冥想沉思的人,面臨更多壓力與焦慮。)
sample:動詞,取樣。例句:Bone marrow cells were sampled.(骨髓已經取樣。)
distance from:片語,遠離。例句:Her mother wished to distance her from the rough village children.(她母親想要她遠離粗野的村裡小孩。)

