2014年9月9日 星期二

Britain plans to raise motorways’ speed limit 英國擬提高公路速限

Britain plans to raise motorways’ speed limit

The government said on Thursday it was looking to raise the speed limit on the country’s motorways to 80 mph and that it intended to bring in the measure in 2013 if it got the backing of the public and campaigners.

Transport Secretary Philip Hammond said they would launch a consultation later this year on whether to raise the limit from the current 70 mph level. "Now it is time to put Britain back in the fast lane of global economies and look again at the motorway speed limit which is nearly 50 years old, and out of date thanks to huge advances in safety and motoring technology," Hammond said.

"Increasing the motorway speed limit to 80 mph would generate economic benefits of hundreds of millions of pounds through shorter journey times. So we will consult later this year on raising the limit to get Britain moving."

Initial work by the Department of Transport indicated that raising the limit to 80 mph provided the best balance between cost and benefits, and would bring it into line with many other EU countries.


backing:名詞,支持。例句:If I go ahead with the plan, can I count on your backing?(如果我繼續這項計畫,我可以仰仗你的支持嗎?)

bring in:片語,引進,實施。例句:New safety regulations have been brought in.(新的安全規定已經實施。)

bring sth into line(with sth):片語,使…與…一致。例句:He’d like to bring the pay of an Army private into line with that of a police constable.(他想將陸軍二等兵的薪資調到與警員一致。)

