2014年9月9日 星期二

Bones in Bulgaria may be of John the Baptist:study 研究︰保加利亞出土的遺骨可能屬施洗者約翰

Bones in Bulgaria may be of John the Baptist:study
2012-07-25◎ 魏國金

Scientists have found new evidence they say supports the theory that a knuckle bone and other human remains found under a church floor in Bulgaria may be of John the Baptist.

The relics found in a small marble sarcophagus two years ago on a Bulgarian island called Sveti Ivan, which translates as Saint John, also included a human tooth, part of a skull and three animal bones.
2年前在稱為Sveti Ivan的保加利亞小島,其譯名為聖約翰島的一個大理石小石棺內被發現的聖骨,也包括一枚人齒、部分頭骨與3個動物骨骼。

A research team from Oxford University dated the right-handed knuckle bone to the first century AD, when John is believed to have lived until his beheading ordered by king Herod, the university said in a statement.

And scientists from the University of Copenhagen analysed the DNA of the bones, finding they came from a single individual, probably a man, from a family in the modern-day Middle East, where John would have lived.

While these findings do not definitively prove anything, they also don’t refute the theory first proffered by the Bulgarian archaeologists who found the remains while excavating under an ancient church on the island.

Bulgarian archaeologists had found a small box made of hardened volcanic ash close to the sarcophagus. The box bore inscriptions in ancient Greek that referred to John the Baptist and the date that Christians celebrate his birth, June 24. The prophet allegedly baptized Jesus in the River Jordan.(AFP)


date︰動詞,確定…年代、追溯,也有過時之意。例句︰This fashion is beginning to date.(這款式樣開始退流行了。)

morden-day︰形容詞,現代的、當代的、今日的。例句︰He’s a modern-day Robin Hood.(他是現代羅賓漢。)

baptize︰動詞,給…施浸禮。例句︰She was baptized a Catholic.(她受洗成為天主教徒。)

