2014年9月9日 星期二

’Sunday blues’ start at 4.13pm, survey finds 調查發現「週日憂鬱」在下午4點13分發作

’Sunday blues’ start at 4.13pm, survey finds

Anxiety about the working week officially starts at 4.13pm on a Sunday, a poll of 2000 adults has found.

The onset of the ’Sunday blues’--which is characterised by a mild sense of depression about the week ahead--begins half way through the afternoon and continues into the evening.

Four out of ten adults--41 per cent--admit that their Sunday nights are full of dread and anxiety, according to the poll by Premier Inn.

The hotel chain found that Britons spend Monday to Friday looking forward to the weekend but on average start worrying about going back to work almost eight hours before the weekend technically ends.

For one in ten people the sense of dread is even worse. Premier found that for 10 per cent of people the Sunday blues begin at 10am on a Sunday.

Research in 2010 by Mind, the mental health charity, found that the recession has increased the sense of fear about returning to work.

Psychologists have said that the ways to counter the Sunday blues include having a busy schedule, doing exercise and being around other people.


onset:名詞,開始、發作、攻擊。例句:He has taken the drug from the onset of the fever.(他一發燒就服用這種藥。)

dread:動詞、名詞、形容詞。擔心、不安。例句:Many housewives dread the thought of holiday’s coming.(很多家庭主婦一想到即將來臨的假期就感到害怕。)

characterize:動詞,以…為特點,表現特色。例句:The city is characterized by its vibrant multicultural society.(這個城市以其充滿活力的多元文化社會為特色。)

