2014年9月9日 星期二

Couch potato pill may also prevent heatstroke 沙發馬鈴薯藥丸或也能預防中暑

Couch potato pill may also prevent heatstroke

A drug discovered nearly four years ago that builds muscles in lazy mice may also prevent heatstroke, according to lab research reported. If further tests work out, the compound could help athletes or soldiers who are so sensitive to heat that they could die from exertion on a hot day, its authors say.

In 2008, a drug known as AICAR became dubbed the "couch potato pill" after it was found to develop muscles and boost endurance among completely inactive laboratory rodents.

In a paper published by the journal Nature Medicine, researchers in the United States said they discovered by chance that AICAR also protects mice against a disorder called malignant hyperthermia. This deadly condition is linked to a basket of flaws in a gene called RYR1.

Tests on mice genetically engineered to have the RYR1 mutation found that AICAR worked perfectly in preventing malignant hypothermia, says the study.

The finding may lead one day to a drug that would be used preventatively for heat-sensitive young athletes or soldiers in the desert who must wear heavy gear. (AFP)


dub:動詞,被封為…。例句:She was dubbed by the newspapers ’The Angel of Death’.(她被報章封為「死亡天使」。)

by chance:片語,僥倖,偶然。例句: I got this job completely by chance.(我得到這工作完全是僥倖。)

disorder:疾病。例句:The family have a history of mental disorder.(這家族有精神病史。)

