2014年9月9日 星期二

Myanmar’s Suu Kyi says she’s too busy for Facebook 緬甸的翁山蘇姬說她沒時間玩臉書

Myanmar’s Suu Kyi says she’s too busy for Facebook

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is bullish on democratic reform, but she’s not so sure about Facebook.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner--who was held under house arrest as a political prisoner for much of the past 22 years without even a telephone--was asked at the World Economic Forum on East Asia when she would join the 900-million member social network.

She said it was not an issue with adjusting to new technology, but a matter of finding the time. She said she will join when her schedule opens up.

"Mind you, you never know what will happen with the technological revolution," she said at a news conference. "Facebook may be old hat tomorrow. In that case, I won’t go on Facebook."

Under Myanmar’s previous military junta, her countrymen with Internet connections were blocked by a government firewall from accessing many sites. The reformist but still military-backed government elected last year has since eased most of those restrictions.

Suu Kyi herself had a broadband internet connection installed at her house shortly after her release. (AP)


bullish:形容詞,指樂觀的、強勢的,例句:She’s being very bullish about the firm’s future.(她對這家公司的未來非常樂觀。)

mind you:片語,指應把此語之後的某事納入考慮,多加注意,例句:He’s very untidy about the house; mind you, I’m not much better.(他在家裡常常不修邊幅,但提醒你,我也沒有好到哪裡去。)

old hat:形容詞,指過時的、老氣的、陳腐的、不再新鮮的,例句:Last year’s styles will be old hat soon.(去年的流行很快就會過時。)

