2014年9月9日 星期二

Foreigners can’t pick new German names, court rules 法庭裁示,外國人不可取新德文名字

Foreigners can’t pick new German names, court rules

A German court has refused to allow a family to shed their "foreign-sounding" names for new German ones they said would protect them from discrimination and aid integration into a country becoming attractive for immigrants.

The family, living in Germany under asylum after fleeing Azerbaijan, were given the opportunity to take on German versions of their names, some of which carry Islamic associations, the administrative court in Goettingen, in the state of Lower Saxony, said in a document.

But the family refused this offer, wanting instead to pick completely new German names with the goal of preventing any discrimination in finding work that could arise from an overly complicated spelling or connection to Islam.

"The fact that a surname is of foreign origin, or does not sound German, cannot alone be routinely presented as an important reason for a change of name," the court ruled.(REUTERS)


shed:動詞:流出,發射,擺脫。not shed a tear,形容即使非常悲傷也不流露情緒。例句:She even didn’t shed a tear at her husband’s funeral.(她甚至沒在老公的葬禮上掉淚。)

protect(someone/something)from(someone/something):片語,保護某人或某事免於某人或者某事:Is there any things I can do to protect my car from being stolen?(我能做些什麼來避免我的車子被偷?)

flee:動詞,逃走。例句:He fled to a small island with a group of followers after defeated by enemies.(他被敵人打敗後帶著一群追隨者逃往一座小島。)

